Examples of the the word, lynch , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lynch ), is the 5889 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Escape. As Everett scuffles with Pete, the group stumbles upon a Ku Klux Klan, lynch ,mob, who have caught Tommy and are about to hang him. The three disguise
  2. Peace ", Riel learned that Canadian militia elements in the expedition meant to, lynch ,him, and he fled as the expedition approached the Red River. The arrival of the
  3. some Klansmen (including Big Dan) causing chaos among the ranks of the, lynch ,mob. Everett convinces Pete, Delmar,and Tommy to help him win his wife back.
  4. Police raided lodging houses with black occupants, accompanied by an" enraged, lynch ,mob ". Charles Wotton, a young black seaman who had not been involved in the
  5. Whites assembled outside the courthouse appeared to have the makings of a, lynch ,mob. Willard M. McCullough, the newly appointed sheriff of Tulsa County, was
  6. Deputy Charles Webb draws his gun provoking a gunfight that ends Webb’s life. A, lynch ,mob is formed, but Hardin and his family are put into protective custody. The
  7. Of the authorizing legislation was so blatant that a Georgia mob attempted to, lynch ,the corrupt members of the legislature. Following elections, the legislature
  8. Also see Butter Tragedy in Punjab. West Bank and Gaza Strip Palestinian, lynch ,mobs have murdered Palestinians suspected of collaborating with Israel.
  9. When thousands of ethnic whites marched from South Omaha to the courthouse to, lynch ,a black worker, Willy Brown, a suspect in an alleged rape of a white woman. The
  10. English, not their Government; for if they were not blind cowards, they would, lynch ,Chamberlain and Halifax and all the other traitors ". At the outbreak of war
  11. Killing of an estimated 50 African Americans Jim Crow Period: 1890 - 1914: A, lynch ,mob storms a local jail and hangs several Italians following the acquittal of
  12. 50,000 and 150,000 Harris and their dependents were killed by the FLN or by, lynch ,mobs in Algeria. Algeria's first president was the FLN leader Ahmed Ben Bella.
  13. Storm off England's south coast sinks 14 ships. * March 14 – In New Orleans,a, lynch ,mob storms the Old Parish Prison and lynch es 11 Italians arrested but found
  14. In large part due to his influence in arresting all those responsible for the, lynch ,mob murder of Willie Earle. Though none of the men were found guilty by the
  15. 11, 1919,IWC member and army veteran Wesley Everest was turned over to the, lynch ,mob by jail guards, had his teeth smashed with a rifle butt, was castrated
  16. Lawman will so offend the townspeople that they will either abandon the town or, lynch ,the new sheriff. With his quick wits and the assistance of drunken gunslinger
  17. Line. " The militia was called in, but then withdrawn to give free rein to a, lynch ,mob in Thibaut. The mob killed between 20 and 300 people. A black newspaper
  18. Hose, an African American worker who was brutally tortured and executed by a, lynch ,mob in COMETA County, Georgia on April 23, 1899. * Drew Hill, played for the
  19. David Hennessy. 10,000 white people storm the local courthouse to beat and, lynch ,COE, who was alleged to have raped a white child.: Two groups of Irish and
  20. Was seen stepping in to attack and terrorize wife beaters, profiteers,a, lynch ,mob and gangsters, with rather rough edges and a looser moral code than
  21. Only one thing he can do to save Lennie from the painful death that Curley's, lynch ,mob intends to deliver. George meets Lennie at the designated place, the same
  22. A few examples of these are my, by,try, sky,why, wry,fry, gym,hymn, lynx, lynch , myth, pygmy,as the longest, though it is not in the Oxford English Dictionary
  23. From other white citizens. He is also alone when he faces a group intending to, lynch ,Tom Robinson and once more in the courthouse during Tom's trial. Lee even uses
  24. Lynching in Monticello On January 14, 1915 residents of Monticello formed a, lynch ,mob and lynch ed a black family of four, including two women. Dan Barber, Jesse
  25. Bob Steele),the ranch owner's son, while trying to stroke her hair. A, lynch ,mob led by Curley gathers. George, realizing he is doomed to a life of
  26. Did Lafitte identify himself to them. Many of the smugglers wanted to, lynch ,the British men, but Lafitte intervened, even placing guards outside his home
  27. Together. Instead, however,they are captured by the townspeople, who form a, lynch ,mob; they are saved only by the interference of" Big" Sam (Chaney),a man
  28. Confessed. He was first taken to the jail in Gainesville, but when a potential, lynch ,mob began gathering in Gainesville, Knox was moved to a jail in Atlanta. Crow
  29. Abolitionist movement or other people opposing slavery were often targets of, lynch ,mob violence before the American Civil War. Numerous known abolitionists lived
  30. Convicted of murder * Sam, Louie - wrongfully accused of murder and hanged by, lynch ,mob in Whatcom County, Washington * Prescott, Steven (1945-) - wrongfully
  31. Had supported a French Algeria (Harris). Post-war infighting, armed chaos and, lynch ,trials of supposed traitors contributed to tens of thousands of deaths after
  32. Him to the jail at Centreville for processing and trial, but was waylaid by a, lynch ,mob. The mob took Richardson from Riley and shot the suspect. Chief Deputy
  33. Their employees from owning cattle and by lynch ing (or threatening to, lynch ,) suspected rustlers. Property and use rights were usually respected among big
  34. Wild. Stokes, on the other hand, recognizes them as the group who disgraced his, lynch ,mob and shouts for the music to stop, angering the crowd. After he reveals his
  35. Characters have been interpreted variously as being a Greek chorus, a jury or a, lynch ,mob, all standing in silent judgment of the Billings and representing the
  36. In 1891,when eleven Italians were violently murdered in the streets by a large, lynch ,mob. In the 1890s a total of twenty Italians were lynch ed in the South. Riots
  37. Yancey's right to a fair trial, want to take the law into their own hands and, lynch ,him right then and there. In the end, Hatton succeeds in both overwhelming and
  38. And 150,000 Harris and members of their families were killed by the FLN or by, lynch ,mobs in Algeria, often in atrocious circumstances or after torture, a climax
  39. Drink. Dun son by now is broke and cannot buy more supplies. When he attempts to, lynch ,two men who had deserted the drive and taken some flour with them, Matt rebels.
  40. Edwards, Ed Collins, and Russia Daniel. Ignoring the potential of provoking a, lynch ,mob, they were detained in the Cumming jail. A mob soon gathered and stormed
  41. About being the hero, Skip replies," Who ever dreams about being part of the, lynch ,mob? " When they return to the dorm, students are cleaning up and getting ready
  42. To apprehend and punish the perpetrators ... and to halt the rising tide of, lynch ,law. In September of that year, Robeson spoke at a large rally against lynch ing
  43. Etymology In the United States, the origin of the terms lynch ing and, lynch ,law is traditionally attributed to a Virginia Quaker named Charles Lynch. *
  44. Destroys the crane. The crowd thinks this is an act of violence, and forms a, lynch ,mob. Scott hops onto a train and runs away. Wandering Scott encounters Jack O '
  45. Kind of linkage. At about six in the evening, the farmhouse of La Have Saint, lynch ,pin of the Allied front, was finally taken. Wellington redrew the remnants of
  46. Negro Tonight ", was said to have reported whites assembling that evening to, lynch ,the teenage Rowland. The paper was known at the time to have a" sensationalist
  47. Protests against the city's black residents. A black man was killed by a, lynch ,mob in the city that year. In the 1960s Liverpool was the center of the "
  48. Charles Webb drew his gun, provoking a gunfight that ended Webb’s life. A, lynch ,mob was formed, but Hardin and his family were put into protective custody. The
  49. Maker with whom she gave birth to 10 children. Odds had been forced by a, lynch ,mob to leave Hazlehurst following a dispute with white landowners. Julia
  50. Steeler, Luis Moreno, and Lawrence Johnson – were simultaneously hanged by a, lynch ,mob from a railroad tie suspended from two adjacent trees. The four men were

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