Examples of the the word, feasible , in a Sentence Context

The word ( feasible ), is the 5888 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Used by some typical CISC architectures makes it complicated, but still, feasible , to build a super scalar implementation of a CISC programming model directly;
  2. The killing operation, and that bombing the railway lines was not technically, feasible , The debate over what could have been done, or what should have been attempted
  3. Time algorithm. Cobham's thesis says that a problem can be solved with a, feasible ,amount of resources if it admits a polynomial time algorithm. Machine models
  4. Dialect of Aramaic has its own distinctive pronunciation, and it would not be, feasible ,here to go into all these properties. Aramaic has a phonological palette of 25
  5. Of languages that are" mildly context-sensitive" whose decision problems are, feasible , such as tree-adjoining grammars, combinatory categorical grammars, coupled
  6. An implementation which showed that stronger, asymmetric key establishment is, feasible ,for certain classes of devices, such as mobile phones. In June 2005
  7. Memory is used as an intermediate stage. Additionally, such a buffer may be, feasible ,when a large block of data is assembled or disassembled (as required by a
  8. That would purchase surplus production in high-yield years and hold it (when, feasible ,) for later sale, or sell it abroad. Coolidge opposed McNary-Haugen, declaring
  9. Of radioactivity generated in the area around the Chernobyl disaster. It is not, feasible ,to dispose of 137Cs through neutron capture (due to the low capture rate) and
  10. Crowd scenes, and because it allows the creation of images that would not be, feasible ,using any other technology. It can also allow a single graphic artist to
  11. Digital signal processing (DSP). With DSP, many forms of AM modulation are, feasible ,under software control, including traditional double side band with carrier, but
  12. Style. Another serious concern was that the new music was simply not, feasible ,for live performance by the current Beach Boys lineup. Love was opposed to most
  13. Canada began to show the strength which would make some Canadian organization, feasible , if not imperative. Unitarians, most notably Toronto ministers, generated
  14. May keep all of his or her property,whether exempt. If the plan appears, feasible ,and if the debtor complies with all the other requirements, the bankruptcy
  15. Which the victim determines his or her own choice among the alternatives of any, feasible ,set. Thought coercion is thus generally meant to be only temporary. Once the
  16. Information) * When the characteristic data are DNA/RNA sequences, it is, feasible ,to use sequence differences to establish the relative ages of the forks, but
  17. By species of earthworm. This type of composting is sometimes suggested as a, feasible ,indoor composting method The earthworm species (or composting worms) most
  18. Could not be won without harsh measures, and that self-government was the only, feasible ,solution; in 1923,after the establishment of the Irish Free State and during
  19. For p, or even just to determine whether p is an irregular prime. It is not, feasible ,to carry out such a computation using the above recursive formulae, since at
  20. Greedy method extends the solution with the best possible decision (not all, feasible ,decisions) at an algorithmic stage based on the current local optimum and the
  21. 1 by the Royal Navy, and so a land invasion of Canada was proposed as the only, feasible ,means of attacking the British Empire. Americans on the western frontier also
  22. Was the first detailed design of a stored-program computer. Although ACE was a, feasible ,design, the secrecy surrounding the wartime work at Bletchley Park led to
  23. The" rule-of-thumb" in animal conservation is that, if it is still, feasible ,to conserve habitat and viable wild populations, breeding in captivity should
  24. Production of synthetic diamonds, future applications are beginning to become, feasible , Garnering much excitement is the possible use of diamond as a semiconductor
  25. Event. Many observe the traditional bonfire rites, to whatever extent this is, feasible ,where they live, including the dousing of the household hearth flame and
  26. Such engines are possible in laboratory settings, but mass production is not, feasible ,with current technology. *Work is being done in developing ceramic parts for
  27. Research indicated that some planned technologies such as X-ray lasers were not, feasible ,with then-current technology. As research continued, SDI evolved through
  28. Cairo. The capture of Salon by Baldwin III made the conquest of Egypt more, feasible , and the Knights Hospitable began preparing maps of the possible invasion
  29. Gay Leather community suggesting short-term play relationships to be the only, feasible ,relationship models, and recommending people to get married and" play" with
  30. Achieve equivalent precision in the estimators, but cost savings may make that, feasible , In some situations, cluster analysis is only appropriate when the clusters are
  31. As well. Although taxonomists use clades as a tool in classification where, feasible , the taxonomic" tree of life" is not the same as the cladistic. The
  32. Of implementing within the limited component count and wiring complexity, feasible ,at the time). Internal microcode execution in CISC processors, on the other
  33. Many years with Japanese, the concept of a pure Ainu ethnic group is no longer, feasible , Official estimates of the population are of around 25,000,while the
  34. Equilibrium of a chemical reaction, in chemical thermodynamics. A reaction is, feasible ,only if the total change in the Gibbs free energy is negative, \Delta G \LE 0 \
  35. Scrolls on the one hand with papyrus and parchment on the other is technically, feasible ,and well attested from the historical record. Although technically any modern
  36. From highly accurate to very approximate; highly accurate methods are typically, feasible ,only for small systems. Ab initio methods are based entirely on theory from
  37. There is sunlight. Good storage makes a smaller, higher-technology collector, feasible , Such collectors can use relatively exotic technologies, such as vacuum
  38. Stationary for around ten minutes. It was concluded that the device was a, feasible ,weapon under these conditions. The MIT group repeated the experiment for the
  39. Certain only if at least a partial reconstruction of the common ancestor is, feasible , and if regular sound correspondences can be established with chance
  40. That a divorce from Octavia and a marriage to Poppaea was not politically, feasible ,with Agrippina alive, Nero decided to kill Agrippina. Yet, Nero did not marry
  41. Restoration project included a multiplex to make the project financially, feasible ,and a parking structure to accommodate patrons of the theater and avoid
  42. Words are required to define a number, and we know that such computation is not, feasible ,because of the paradox. This is the complete list of Olympic medalists in
  43. With only limited space. This makes the adoption of a standard AHU not, feasible , Furthermore, all air-conditioning ducting, electrical trunking and piping
  44. Historiography that speaks of Arnulf's illegitimacy, it is quite, feasible ,that the two females are one and the same person and that Carlo man later on
  45. This system is particularly important in areas where crop production is not, feasible ,because of climate or soil, representing 30-40 million pastoralists. Landless
  46. Knowledge that reliable high-speed electronic digital computing devices were, feasible , had a significant influence on the development of early computers in Britain
  47. Rise to ideas to return to simpler processor designs in order to make it more, feasible ,to cope without (then relatively large and expensive) ROM tables and/or PLA
  48. Used to amplify the capabilities of low-wage offshore workers, making it more, feasible ,to outsource knowledge work. Was deeply misguided. Feigenbaum was also bothered
  49. By companies such as Priors (so far in Europe only) cryonics becomes, feasible ,even for last-minute cases. Philosophical and ethical considerations Cryonics
  50. A parallel universe with some points in common but no common history may not be, feasible , as the writer may not provide enough information to distinguish. Para time

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