Examples of the the word, seldom , in a Sentence Context

The word ( seldom ), is the 5891 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Though signing also a formal pardon or dispensation. After this the Archbishop, seldom ,appeared at the Council, chiefly on account of his infirmities. In 1625, he
  2. Techniques. Also, if the information stored for archival purposes is accessed, seldom ,or never, off-line storage is less expensive than tertiary storage. In modern
  3. The bridles of her chariot were also made of gold. Although quite, seldom , Artemis is sometimes portrayed with a hunting spear. Her cult in Aetolia, the
  4. Too much like homeless wanderers. ” The National League club in Boston, though, seldom , called the" Red Stockings" anymore, still wore red trim. In, the National
  5. Based in Pittsburgh, USA * Ante Chris tum Datum, the Latin equivalent of B. C., seldom ,used in English * Architecture for Control Networks, a network protocol for
  6. Conclusion is reached through analysis of relevant statutes and common law, seldom ,scholarly commentary. In contrast, in civil law jurisdictions, the writings of
  7. Remains of the Patriarchal Church; and the foundations of modern buildings are, seldom ,laid without some objects of antiquity being discovered. The wealth underground
  8. Slow" obedience intelligence" as defined by author Stanley Core. Although, seldom ,used today for hunting in Europe and America where they are popular, Afghan
  9. Of the Century. Hailstorms occur occasionally in the spring and summer, but are, seldom ,destructive. Heavy fogs are rare, and are confined chiefly to the coast.
  10. Male citizens and Corinth, a major power, had at most 15,000 but in some very, seldom ,cases more. The non-citizen component of the population was divided between
  11. Bullets fired from a modest distance. Crossbow bolts, if still used, would, seldom , penetrate good plate, nor would any bullet unless fired from close range. In
  12. The Greek metal tesseræ among other mystic words. The meaning of the legends is, seldom ,intelligible: but some gems are amulets; and the same may be the case
  13. Typically refer to people from the United States as" Americans ", though they, seldom ,refer to the United States as" America ", using the terms" the United States
  14. Objectives do. The chromatic differences of other errors of reproduction have, seldom ,practical importance. Amy Lee Grant (born November 25, 1960) is an American
  15. Tends to be conservative on some social issues. The National Left, although it, seldom ,openly espouses socialism, favours more state intervention in the economy, is
  16. Snowfall occurs mainly from late December until early March, but snow cover, seldom ,lasts long. Rain during January and February is as common as snow, and the
  17. Acquired by the Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation. Properties Phenolic are, seldom ,used in general consumer products today due to the cost and complexity of
  18. And social responsibility charters. Adam Smith said," People of the same trade, seldom ,meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a
  19. Note that antibiotic therapy alone without surgical drainage of the abscess is, seldom ,effective due to antibiotics often being unable to get into the abscess and
  20. Return to their old habitations and lay in their winter stock of wood. They, seldom ,begin to repair the houses until the frost sets in, and never finish the outer
  21. However, the respective Inuit of the North Slope and of the Northwest Arctic, seldom ,think of themselves as one. Aleutian Islands More than 300 small, volcanic
  22. When they erect a new habitation they fell the wood early in summer, but, seldom , begin building until nearly the end of August. Water quality and beavers Beaver
  23. Role. Court decisions set out interpretive guidelines; however, they are, seldom ,binding on other specific cases. Doctrinal works and the works of academic
  24. Incident would influence Kurosawa's later artistic career, as the director was, seldom ,hesitant to confront unpleasant truths in his work. Halo was academically
  25. Early exit are supported so the use of the also supported 'go to' commands is, seldom ,needed. While a /= b loop Ada. Text_IO. Put_Line (
  26. Sound, inside a word or across its boundary. Because the choice of allophone is, seldom ,under conscious control, people may not realize they exist. English speakers
  27. Theme Rivers. Then an area of flat lands dotted with rocky hills whose altitude, seldom ,reaches extends around Nikki and Save. Finally, a range of mountains extends
  28. To locate the relevant cases. In common law jurisdictions, scholarly work is, seldom ,cited as authority for what the law is. When common law courts rely on
  29. Breeding of larger cavalry horses. If during the 14–15th centuries armor, seldom ,weighed more than 15 kg, then by the late 16th century it weighed 25 kg. The
  30. Penal colony. ) In AME, the word transport is mainly used only as a verb, seldom ,as a noun or adjective except in reference to certain specialized objects, such
  31. Castle, Balmoral Castle, and Osborne House. For many years the palace was, seldom ,used, and even neglected. Eventually, public opinion forced her to return to
  32. Can be any positive integer, but for reasons discussed below, large numbers are, seldom ,encountered. Each atom has, in general, many orbitals associated with each
  33. Tactic in the sport of cricket. The term leg theory is somewhat archaic and, seldom ,used anymore, but the basic tactic still plays a part in modern cricket.
  34. ASU) and the Maritime Union of Australia (MA). But these affiliations are, seldom ,unconditional or permanent. The AWU and the NEW, for example, are bitter rivals
  35. Will shine: Through the harsh cadence of a rugged line:: A noble error,and, seldom ,made, : When poets are by too much force betrayed.: Thy generous fruits, though
  36. The same way other objects known only through our named senses do. Though we, seldom ,think of our body as a physical object, we know even before reflection that it
  37. As a delegate to the Philadelphia Convention. He held an honorary position and, seldom ,engaged in debate. He is the only Founding Father who is a signatory of all
  38. The Historian Ecclesiastical,Bede's Latin is" clear and limpid ... it is very, seldom ,that we have to pause to think of the meaning of a sentence ... Alcuin rightly
  39. Human fatalities in North America. Attacks on humans As a rule, brown bears, seldom ,attack humans on sight, and usually avoid people. They are, however
  40. Debts from the war years except by requesting money from the states, which, seldom , arrived. In 1788,with the approval of Congress, the Articles were replaced by
  41. To take a vote every year on whether to keep a teacher. The vote on Vivaldi was, seldom ,unanimous, and went 7 to 6 against him in 1709. After a year as a freelance
  42. Same materials as the dams, with little order or regularity of structure, and, seldom , contain more than four adult and six or eight young beavers. Some larger
  43. Uses the phrase" black letter" in the same sense as black letter law:" It is, seldom ,that a case in our time savors so much of the black letter, but the course of
  44. Harmonic resources as well. Classical influence on later composers Musical eras, seldom ,disappear at once; instead, features are replaced over time, until the old is
  45. metal's origins and subculture, including " exclusive interviews" and" rare, seldom ,seen footage from the Black Circle's earliest days ". References in media: *
  46. Possible in most cases. Finally, the scientist states that BDSM practitioners, seldom ,commit violent crimes. From his point of view, crimes of BDSM practitioners
  47. Nature of the treated disorders, antipsychotic medications, once started, are, seldom , discontinued,and the aim of the treatment is often to gradually reduce dosage
  48. Three times a year (March/April, June/July, and November/December),and has, seldom , until recently, made major changes in legislation proposed by the executive.
  49. The first civilian in Sweden to become a knight in this order. He was then, seldom ,seen not wearing the order. Ennoblement Linnaeus felt Uppsala was too noisy and
  50. With them; this is particularly true of her Jewish characters, who are, seldom ,actually criminals. (See, for example, the character of Oliver Manners in

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