Examples of the the word, pepper , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pepper ), is the 5896 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cups. Some Boris lovers (as seen at football matches) like to shake white, pepper ,and a little cayenne into the drink. Burton Albion have named their home end
  2. With the design for the Dales, and was inspired in his initial sketches by a, pepper ,shaker on a table. Cu sick himself, however,states that he based it on a man
  3. Region, the curry is flavored with coriander powder, cumin seeds/powder, black, pepper , powder,red-hot chili pepper s/powder, asafoetida, ghee,fenugreek seeds, curry
  4. Protesters. At the site of some protests, police have used tear gas, pepper ,spray, concussion grenades, rubber and wooden bullets, night sticks, water
  5. Small muslin bags containing a mixture of bay leaves, mustard seeds, cayenne, pepper , and other spices, commonly known as" crab boil" or" crawfish boil" are
  6. Such as raw ham, tomatoes,olives,hard-boiled eggs, tuna,lettuce, red, pepper , and the like. Desserts and sweets are usually stuffed or covered with dunce de
  7. Spices and seasonings such as fresh root ginger, garlic,scallion, white, pepper , sesame oil are widely used in many regional cuisines. Sichuan pepper corns
  8. Parmesan cheese, lemon juice, olive oil, egg,Worcestershire sauce, and black, pepper , It may be prepared table side. History The salad's creation is generally
  9. In a bitter and spicy drink called chocolate, often seasoned with vanilla, chile, pepper , and achieve. Chocolate was believed to fight fatigue, a belief probably
  10. And Easy by Hannah Glass in 1747. The first edition of her book used only, pepper ,and coriander seeds for seasoning of" curry ". By the fourth edition of the
  11. Customized for special purposes such as Chinese marriages or banquets. Salt and, pepper ,dishes are one of the few spicy dishes. Dessert After a night meal or dish
  12. Pumpkin, and cucumber),tomatoes, peas,beans, corn,eggplant, and sweet, pepper , In addition, some spices, such as allspice and chilies, are fruits
  13. Sources, but,later that year,Szent-Györgyi's group discovered that paprika, pepper , a common spice in the Hungarian diet, is a rich source of hexuronic acid, so
  14. Whatever vegetable is plentiful or available. The aromatic vegetables bell, pepper ,(poison),onion, and celery are called by some chefs the holy trinity of
  15. Commonly found spices in different curry powders in India are allspice, white, pepper , ground mustard, ground ginger, cinnamon,roasted cumin, cloves,nutmeg, mace
  16. Contain a filling of beef steak, onion,potato and swede with salt and white, pepper , but historically pasties had a variety of different fillings. " Turret,'tats
  17. Then cocaine by itself. A study in mice has suggested that capsaicin found in, pepper ,spray may interact with cocaine with potentially fatal consequences. The method
  18. Of spices including curry leaves, tamarind,coriander, ginger,garlic, chili, pepper , poppy seeds, mustard seeds, cinnamon,cloves, cardamom,cumin, fennel or anise
  19. First domesticated in the Americas as far back as 5200 BC. The potato, tomato, pepper , squash, several varieties of bean, tobacco,and several other plants were also
  20. Version may also include parsley, bay leaf, green onions, and dried cayenne, pepper , History Acadian refugees, who largely came from what is now modern-day New
  21. Most often found in the condiments. One reason for that is that a local chili, pepper , called the simojovel, is far too hot to use except very sparingly. Chiapas
  22. Emit unpleasant odors. Ginger, chili pepper s, five-spice powder, powdered white, pepper , star anise and a few other spices are used, but often sparingly. Dried and
  23. Just the legs, but the entire creature) Seasonings Individual *Onion (bell, pepper , onion, and celery used together are known as the" holy trinity" of Cajun
  24. He died in the region and is credited for bringing to Lisbon the first, pepper ,that ever came out of those parts. He was also credited as one of the
  25. Flow through the state, providing irrigation. Rice, sugarcane,cotton, Chili, pepper , mango, and tobacco are the local crops. Recently, crops used for vegetable oil
  26. Then guns, working in 92 % of studied incidents versus 67 % for guns. Carrying, pepper ,spray is highly recommended by many authorities when traveling in bear country;
  27. Bitter, spicy drink called local, and was often flavored with vanilla, chili, pepper , and achieve (known today as Annette). Local was believed to fight fatigue
  28. Earlier sailors – provided him meat and milk, wild turnips, cabbage,and black, pepper ,berries offered him variety and spice. Although rats would attack him at night
  29. However, states that he based it on a man seated in a chair, and only used the, pepper ,shaker to demonstrate how it might move. In 1964 Nation told a Daily Mirror
  30. Soil. Uses Cumin is the second most popular spice in the world after black, pepper , Cumin seeds are used as a spice for their distinctive aroma, popular in
  31. Treaty with the Sultan of Palembang, Sumatra offering military protection for, pepper , In August 1642,the Council of the Indies, consisting of Antonie van Die men
  32. Of silver,4,000 silken tunics,3,000 hides dyed scarlet, and 3,000 pounds of, pepper , Thus ended Alaric's first siege of Rome. Second siege of Rome Throughout his
  33. Rome. The Greeks kept cumin at the dining table in its own container (much as, pepper ,is frequently kept today),and this practice continues in Morocco. Cumin fell
  34. The Magliozzis make an attempt at identifying the malfunction. While the hosts, pepper ,their call-in sessions with jokes directed at both the caller and at themselves
  35. Are almost never used in authentic Cajun dishes — ground Cayenne, paprika,and, pepper ,sauces predominate. *Vinegar seasoned with small, pickled,hot green pepper s is
  36. As described by the soldiers it had a distinctive smell of a mixture between, pepper ,and pineapple. It also tasted metallic and stung the back of the throat and
  37. Arrived with of vodka and summer uniforms, another with supplies of black, pepper ,and marjoram. The Soviets never got close to Rostov, but the fighting forced
  38. Comic books, records,sheet music, toys,games, Halloween masks, salt and, pepper ,shakers, decals,pin backs, tumblers,coin banks, greeting cards, planters
  39. Several hours before the crowd became violent, and the police responded with, pepper ,spray. A lawsuit by protesters against police response was settled five years
  40. Made with egg, potato,celery, onions,mayonnaise, mustard and sometimes bell, pepper ,*Various types of Sauce Piquant (Shrimp, Alligator,Turtle, and so on. )
  41. History of defense from bears A study by Canadian and US researchers has found, pepper ,spray to be more effective at stopping aggressive bear behavior than guns
  42. Characteristics Externally, Daleks normally resemble human-sized salt and, pepper ,shakers crush a man's skull by suction, and extract information from a man's
  43. Curry powders are often coriander, cumin,fenugreek, mustard,chili, black, pepper , and salt. It should be reiterated that curry powders and pastes produced and
  44. Plants that have been introduced to the state include the eucalyptus, acacia, pepper , tree,geranium, and Scotch broom. The species that are federally classified as
  45. But expensive additions. Dishes are often quite hot, spiced with salt, red, pepper , and Maggi. Water, palm wine, and millet beer are the traditional mealtime
  46. White or black horsehair, or a combination of the two (known as" salt and, pepper ,"),as opposed to the customary white horsehair used on the bows of other
  47. Edible roots, petioles and leaves, respectively. Tomato, sweet potato and bell, pepper ,are tender perennials usually grown as annuals. Ornamental annual perennials
  48. In a mildly spicy yellow curry sauce, and topped over steamed rice. White, pepper , soy sauce, hot sauce, and/or hot chili oil may be applied to the sauce to
  49. Along the more disease-free rivers. Exports of sugar, hardwood,Cayenne, pepper ,and other spices brought a certain prosperity to the colony for the first time.
  50. Made to test for signs of life before burial, ranging from pouring vinegar and, pepper ,into the corpse's mouth to applying red-hot pokers to the feet or into the

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