Examples of the the word, standardized , in a Sentence Context

The word ( standardized ), is the 5882 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In turn is composed of" camera" and the arrow. Another sentence (not in the, standardized ,Blissymbols used with disabled users): which means" If they want war then
  2. Functioning. Another study confirmed the seriousness of the disorder as" the, standardized ,all-cause mortality ratio among patients with BD is increased approximately
  3. Planned. Grain was cleaned, and rations of grain and oil were distributed in, standardized ,vessels made by the city's potters. Taxes were paid in produce and labor on
  4. Specifying the order of scalar operations or the exact contents of memory. As, standardized , in 1983 by ANSI working group X3J10,APL remains highly data-parallel. This
  5. No. 5" and" No. 6 ", the numbering of Beethoven's twelve piano trios is not, standardized , and in other sources the two Op. 70 trios may be shown as having different
  6. And ammunition specifications were made uniform for all French cannons. The, standardized ,interchangeable parts of these cannons down to the nuts, bolts and screws made
  7. Cable, and the master on the middle connector. This arrangement eventually was, standardized ,in later versions. If there is just one device on the cable, this results in an
  8. Family. Standardized forms Armenian is a Eurocentric language, having two, standardized ,forms: Eastern Armenian and Western Armenian. Historical Armenian dialects In
  9. A keystroke or writing a sector of data to diskette) to be provided in a, standardized ,way to the operating system. For example, an IBM PC might have had either a
  10. It becomes more of a pitcher's park when they are blowing in. The absence of a, standardized ,field affects not only how particular games play out, but the nature of team
  11. Much support the individual requires in daily life; these subdivisions are not, standardized ,and are controversial. Autism can also be divided into syndrome and
  12. Oxen over the mixture to trample it into a thick paste, scooping the paste into, standardized ,wooden frames (to produce a brick roughly 42 cm long,20 cm wide, and 10 cm
  13. Under the rules that prevailed in British India. The Bath Badminton Club, standardized ,the rules and made the game applicable to English ideas. The basic regulations
  14. Versa. Writing Spelling Before the early 18th century English spelling was not, standardized , Different standards became noticeable after the publishing of influential
  15. Any of various variants of British English, when treated as a stand-in for a, standardized ,form of the language * BSE, transliterated Russian initials of the Great Soviet
  16. And are called bali-balihan. This three-tiered system of classification was, standardized ,in 1971 by a committee of Balinese officials and artists in order to better
  17. The original standard implementation of the programming language C was, standardized ,as ANSI X3.159-1989,becoming the well-known ANSI C. *The ANSI-NSF
  18. Spoken in Austria and in the autonomous Province of South Tyrol (Italy). The, standardized ,form of Austrian German for official texts and schools is defined by the
  19. Stringed instruments. By the 19th Century orchestral music in Europe had, standardized ,the string section into the following homogenous instrumental groups: first
  20. A common method for diagnosing alcoholism is evaluating responses to a group of, standardized ,questions. These can be used to identify harmful drinking patterns, including
  21. The audio carrier. The monochrome combinations still existing in the 1950s are, standardized ,by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as capital letters A
  22. Audio workstations in the television and film industry. BWF files include a, standardized ,timestamp reference which allows for easy synchronization with a separate
  23. Ship each day, and could fit out, arm,and provision a newly-built galley with, standardized ,parts on an assembly-line basis not seen again until the Industrial Revolution.
  24. In certain fields, such as accounting research. Standardization APL has been, standardized ,by the ANSI working group X3J10 and ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1
  25. As well as heavy use of the ISM bands and one particular access technology was, standardized ,by IEEE 802.16,with products known as WIMAX. WIMAX is highly popular in Europe
  26. Modern pharmaceuticals are strictly regulated to ensure that medicines contain a, standardized ,quantity of active ingredients and are free from contamination. Alternative
  27. Less than whites or Asians, but more than Hispanics. On many college entrances, standardized ,tests and grades, African Americans have historically lagged behind whites, but
  28. Validation is challenging to achieve both technically and fiscally. There is a, standardized ,battery of tests as well as an element of source code review that must be
  29. Out of the box with no hardware modifications. Standard AMPS was originally, standardized ,by ANSI as EIA/TIA/IS-3. EIA/TIA/IS-3 was superseded by EIA/TIA-553 and TIA
  30. Transliteration schemes; however, Arabic language speakers don't follow a, standardized ,scheme when transcribing names. Also, names are regularly transcribed as
  31. Surface and stadium covering, the size and shape of their fields are much more, standardized , The area out-of-bounds on a football or soccer field does not affect play the
  32. Substance '. Research on the electrical activity of acupuncture points lacks a, standardized ,methodology and reporting protocols, and is generally of poor quality. No force
  33. Then British English. Regional differences While written AME is, standardized ,across the country, there are several recognizable variations in the spoken
  34. Arabic, Turkish,and other languages throughout its history. There are two, standardized ,modern literary forms, Eastern Armenian and Western Armenian, with which most
  35. Art and mass production on a large scale. He designed consumer products, standardized ,parts, created clean-lined designs for the company's graphics, developed a
  36. In the 18th and 19th centuries. Present-day written Bulgarian language was, standardized ,on the basis of the 19th-century Bulgarian vernacular. The historical
  37. Tunes in the key of A. While the size of the five-string banjo is largely, standardized , smaller and larger sizes are available including the long-neck or Seeger neck
  38. And 7.62x51mm NATO, and so on, before the .22 Long Rifle rimfire cartridge was, standardized ,in 1978. The ammunition was carried in a belt worn around the competitor's
  39. Protocol (XMPP) support for AIM, allowing AIM users to communicate using the, standardized , open-source XMPP. However, in March 2008,this service was discontinued. As of
  40. Null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true. Effect size Several, standardized ,measures of effect gauge the strength of the association between a predictor (
  41. The Andean period In the 1880s Vasily Vasilievich Andean developed a, standardized ,balalaika made with the assistance of violin maker V. Ivanov. A few years later
  42. Rate is 0.4 %, which is 10 to 20 times that of the general population. The, standardized ,mortality ratio from suicide in BD is between 18 and 25. Epidemiology for
  43. Fanciful experimentation, and turned toward rational, functional,sometimes, standardized ,building. Beyond the Bauhaus, many other significant German-speaking architects
  44. From the drive or send the data to it. The interface used by these drives was, standardized ,in 1994 as ANSI standard X3.221-1994,AT Attachment Interface for Disk Drives.
  45. Numbered as" No. 7 ", the numbering of Beethoven's twelve piano trios is not, standardized , and in other sources the Op. 97 trio may be shown as having a different number
  46. To signify a slow, sentimental tune or love song, often written in a fairly, standardized ,form (see below). Jazz musicians sometimes broaden the term still further to
  47. Standard that has seen widespread industry adoption after it was, standardized ,as IEEE 1394. Ever since the first Apple Store opened, Apple has sold third
  48. The same way that the features constituting beauty and the beautiful, cannot be, standardized ,easily without corruption into kitsch. The present day concept of an 'artist '
  49. Cards nor a game board) are often colloquially included. Most games use a, standardized ,and unchanging board (chess, Go,and backgammon all have such a board),but
  50. Opines that, despite the lack of objectively measurable losses in such cases,", standardized ,rules that are generally perceived to be fair by members of the community would

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