Examples of the the word, elevation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( elevation ), is the 5887 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For the gallium of the see of Mainz and to discharge the other expenses of his, elevation , Albert had borrowed 21,000 ducats from Jacob Fugger, and had obtained
  2. And alpha-1 adrenergic receptors; inhibition of nitric oxide synthase; and, elevation ,of prolactin levels. Bupropion, a dual reuptake inhibitor (NE and DA),often
  3. Sealing their doom. () Early the next morning, Abraham awoke and went to the, elevation ,that looked over the River Jordan plain, at the very spot where he stood before
  4. outside the continent of Asia. The highest peak, Mt. Aconcagua, rises to an, elevation ,of about above sea level. The peak of Mt. Chimborazo in the Ecuadorean Andes is
  5. In the south by the winds from the Gulf of Mexico, and in the north by the, elevation ,above the sea. The average annual temperature is highest in the southwest along
  6. Of the Arctic Circle. That is true at sea level; those limits increase with, elevation ,above sea level although in mountainous regions, there is often no direct view
  7. Deepest point is from the entrance and is known asPatalganaga. Horsey Hills, elevation , is a summer hill resort in Andhra Pradesh, about from Bangalore and from
  8. The high southern and eastern plateaus, rarely falling below, have a mean, elevation ,of about. The South African plateau, as far as about 12° S, is bounded east
  9. Coastal highlands. The main stream has its rise in 11°21′3″ S 24°22′ E, at an, elevation ,of It flows to the west and south for a considerable distance before turning
  10. Been the center of the republic's oil industry. Topography and drainage The, elevation ,changes over a relatively short distance from lowlands to highlands; nearly
  11. Covering — extends from the Atlantic to the Red Sea. Though generally of slight, elevation ,it contains mountain ranges with peaks rising to Bordered N. W. by the Atlas
  12. Beech, ash and sycamore maple. These do not reach exactly to the same, elevation , nor are they often found growing together; but their upper limit corresponds
  13. Park. These include the Haas and Murrumbidgee Rivers. Climate Because of its, elevation ,and distance from the coast, the Australian Capital Territory experiences four
  14. Laying in azimuth, complementing the clinometers for indirect laying in, elevation ,which already existed. In the next 15 years, the techniques of indirect fire
  15. Form the principal portion. Its surface is gently undulating and has an, elevation ,of about above sea level. The Piedmont Plateau is a lowland worn down by
  16. This have varied widely. In the end firing data has two components: quadrant, elevation ,and azimuth, to these may be added the size of propelling charge and the fuse
  17. The Avenue; and in the Take Tower at Canada, the quarter with the highest, elevation ,in the city, which commands a magnificent view over the whole city and also has
  18. Guns are usually mounted in a quickly-traversing turret with a high rate of, elevation , for tracking fast-moving aircraft. They are often in dual or quadruple mounts
  19. Some extent modified by the moisture brought from the ocean, and by the greater, elevation ,of a large part of the surface, especially in East Africa, where the range of
  20. Zones or hotspots, but may also be the result of erosion, deposition and land, elevation , The five largest modern countries that are mainly archipelagos are Indonesia
  21. Is calibrated in hundreds of meters. The front sight is a post adjustable for, elevation ,in the field. Wind age adjustment is done by the armory before issue. The battle
  22. On the Album and the Hartsfield landscapes, and transcends a difference in, elevation ,of 355 meters, the climate varies from district to district. The weather
  23. And the country's second-largest city after Istanbul. The city has a mean, elevation ,of, and as of 2010 the metropolitan area in the entire Ankara Province had a
  24. Autonomous Republic. Climate Temperatures in Armenia generally depend upon, elevation , Mountain formations block the moderating climatic influences of the
  25. In elevation in some parts. The granitic South Mountain also rises to similar, elevation ,and shelters the valley from the climate of the Atlantic Ocean approximately
  26. Hills and valleys, with the terrain becoming steeper near the Huron River. The, elevation ,ranges from about along the Huron River to over on the city's west side, near
  27. Climate Andorra has an alpine climate and continental climate. It's higher, elevation ,means there is, on average, more snow in winter, lower humidity, and it is
  28. Of increased glaciation. He provided maps that displayed factors, such as, elevation ,of mountains, depths of oceans, and the character of regional vegetation, that
  29. The Adelaide Metropolitan Region has a total land area of, and is at an average, elevation ,of above sea level. Mount Lofty is located east of the Adelaide metropolitan
  30. Youth, for example, the passage into citizenship by young men and for women the, elevation ,to the status of citizen wife. Her various cults were portals of a uniform
  31. The capital of Baden County, in Far's Province, Iran. Baden is situated at an, elevation ,of in a fertile plain on the high road between Isfahan and Shiraz, from the
  32. Shelters the valley from the adjacent Bay of Fundy and rises to almost in, elevation ,in some parts. The granitic South Mountain also rises to similar elevation and
  33. Climate Ankara has a continental climate, with cold, snowy winters due to its, elevation ,and inland location, and hot, dry summers. Rainfall occurs mostly during the
  34. Is located east of the Adelaide metropolitan region in the Adelaide Hills at an, elevation ,of. It is the tallest point of the city and in the state south of Burma. Much
  35. Along the Balconies Escarpment and Interstate 35,northeast of San Antonio. Its, elevation ,varies from to approximately above sea level. As of 2010,the city occupies a
  36. Towards East African plateau, with probably a slightly greater average, elevation , and marked by some distinct features. It is formed by a widening out of the
  37. Of which Raccoon and Lookout are the most prominent, having a maximum, elevation ,near the Georgia line of little more than and gradually decreasing in height
  38. Of Allen),both being subsidiaries of the Nectar, just like the Kosher. The, elevation ,in the center at market square is 430 meters relative to Normalhöhennull. The
  39. Capital, Andorra la Villa, is the highest capital city in Europe, being at an, elevation ,of 1023 meters. The official language is Catalan, although Spanish, Portuguese
  40. More than 25,000 people. About half of Armenia's area of approximately has an, elevation ,of at least, and only 3 % of the country lies below. The lowest points are in
  41. The contents to be discharged via the respiratory tract. Warm compresses and, elevation ,of the limb may be beneficial for a skin abscess. Packing In North America
  42. Less during the winter. Inland temperatures are affected more by differences in, elevation ,than by latitude or any other factor. Low winter temperatures in the mountains
  43. And rolling prairies in the central part of the state, where it has a mean, elevation ,of about, becomes lower and more level toward the southwest, and in the extreme
  44. Ecclesiastical office, and lack of learning were brought against him, and his, elevation ,to York was refused by Pope Nicholas II, who also deposed him from Worcester.
  45. Southeast. Ann Arbor Municipal Airport, which is south of the city at, has an, elevation ,of. Ann Arbor's" Tree Town" nickname stems from the dense forestation of its
  46. Side of the Tennessee River, is a country of gentle rolling lowlands varying in, elevation ,from. To the northeast of these highlands and lowlands is a rugged section with
  47. Etc. Forests also occur on the humid slopes of mountain ranges up to a certain, elevation , In the coast regions the typical tree is the mangrove, which flourishes
  48. Of Anatolia are considered the heartland of the country. The region varies in, elevation ,from west to east. The Anatolian plateau is interspersed with extinct
  49. Led to increased foreign investment and industrial development. Finally,the, elevation ,of Finnish from a language of the common people to a national language equal to
  50. When a line of forts occupying the heights of Buzzard بوزريعة (at an, elevation ,of above the sea) took their place. Notre Dame d'Antique, a church built (

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