Examples of the the word, laws , in a Sentence Context

The word ( laws ), is the 5885 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. President has the power to guarantee observation of the constitution and all, laws , act as commander in chief of the armed forces, exercise the duties of the
  2. Or restricting abortion. Abortion debates, especially pertaining to abortion, laws , are often spearheaded by groups advocating one of these two positions. Those
  3. Religious, moral,and cultural sensibilities continue to influence abortion, laws ,throughout the world. The right to life, the right to liberty, the right to
  4. Argue that citizens do not have a moral obligation to obey the state when its, laws ,conflict with individual autonomy. One reaction against sectarianism within the
  5. They also put advertisements on to earn money, which violates copyright, laws ,in many countries. The ethical implications of distributing or watching fan subs
  6. On either the moral permissibility of an induced abortion, or justification of, laws ,permitting or restricting abortion. Abortion debates, especially pertaining to
  7. Amendments of it and adding an amendment to prohibit Congress from passing, laws ,that restrain freedom of trade. *Ben Nearly is a railroad contractor whom Deign
  8. Abortion could be reduced by as much as 73 % without any change in abortion, laws ,if modern family planning and maternal health services were readily available
  9. To lack of access to modern contraceptives; assuming no change in abortion, laws , providing that access to contraceptives would result in about 25 million fewer
  10. The country's new Robotics Ethics Charter will establish ground rules and, laws ,for human interaction with robots in the future, setting standards for robotics
  11. Suppressing the African American vote. After 1890,a coalition of whites passed, laws ,to segregate and disenfranchise black residents, a process completed in
  12. The first paper to show that the statistics of atomic transitions had simple, laws , Einstein discovered Louis de Broglie's work, and supported his ideas, which
  13. To explain these phenomena and the differences between them using physical, laws , Today, that distinction has mostly disappeared and the terms" astronomer "
  14. Einstein thought that Newtonian mechanics was no longer enough to reconcile the, laws ,of classical mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. This led to
  15. Defining the policy of the country. Even though it's not up to him/her to make, laws ,(only to promulgate them and make edicts),the President is the leader of the
  16. Voting Rights Act of 1965. DE sure segregation ended in the states as Jim Crow, laws ,were invalidated or repealed. Under the Voting Rights Act of 1965,cases were
  17. DBO, and Murray. It contains 2800 proposed cognate sets, a set of sound, laws ,based on those proposed sets, and a number of grammatical correspondences, as
  18. That Lincoln's" reverence for the Founding Fathers, the Constitution,the, laws ,under it, and the preservation of the Republic and its institutions under girded
  19. Of the presidency, which gave Congress primary responsibility for writing the, laws ,while the Executive enforced them. Lincoln only vetoed four bills passed by
  20. Department also issues an annual summary of its operations, including new state, laws ,that directly affect the tax division. While Alaska has no state sales tax,89
  21. Province, the Alberta Legislature has (almost) exclusive authority to make, laws ,respecting education. Since 1905 the Legislature has used this capacity to
  22. Britain. Congress had already requested and failed to get power over navigation, laws , Meanwhile, each State acted individually against Great Britain to little
  23. S policies which directly threaten his business. When the government passes, laws ,and decrees which make it impossible for him to continue, he sets all his oil
  24. Race ". By the late 1930s,about half the states in the U. S. had eugenics, laws , and the California laws were used as a model for eugenics laws in Nazi Germany
  25. Three broad domains. The natural and biological sciences seek to derive general, laws ,through reproducible and verifiable experiments. The humanities generally study
  26. Free love particularly stressed women's rights since most sexual, laws ,discriminated against women: for example, marriage laws and anti-birth control
  27. The executive branch is responsible for the execution and oversight of, laws , It is headed by the Governor of Alabama. Other members of executive branch
  28. Of abortion is one of the main determinants of its safety. Restrictive abortion, laws ,are associated with a high rate of unsafe abortions. In addition, a lack of
  29. Certain art forms, such as graffiti, may also be illegal when they break, laws ,(in this case vandalism). # Art for propaganda, or commercialism. Art is
  30. Having regained power in the state legislature, Democrats passed Jim Crow, laws , including racial segregation in public facilities, to restore white supremacy
  31. Social sciences often develop statistical descriptions rather than the general, laws ,derived in physics or chemistry, or they may explain individual cases through
  32. More a reformation of capitalism than a replacement. The Seven Commandments are, laws ,that are supposed to keep order and ensure elementary Animalism within Animal
  33. To resolve the tensions. Unresolved class conflict, however,made these, laws ,less effective. There were violent protests, many cases of evasion, and
  34. Far more rigorous experimentation than that which Aristotle used to support his, laws , Aristotle also had some scientific blind spots. He posited a geocentric
  35. Sciences and the arts to free themselves for the discovery of modern scientific, laws ,and empirical methods. The medieval English poet Chaucer describes his student
  36. Immoral" and" disgusting ", while also advocating the repeal of all, laws ,against it. She also endorsed several Republican candidates for President of
  37. Of Natural History in New York. Organizations such as these advocated passing, laws ,(with success in some states) that established the compulsory sterilization
  38. Was no longer enough to reconcile the laws of classical mechanics with the, laws ,of the electromagnetic field. This led to the development of his special theory
  39. Einstein's approaches to unification. Einstein's dream of unifying other, laws ,of physics with gravity motivates modern quests for a theory of everything and
  40. Rights that are sometimes used as justification for the existence or absence of, laws ,controlling abortion. In jurisdictions where abortion is legal, certain
  41. 1870s,in the last decade of the 19th century, white Democrats passed electoral, laws ,disfranchise most blacks and many poor whites. Having regained power in the
  42. Physiologoi) who tried to explain phenomena according to non-supernatural, laws , and Pythagoras introduced the abstract mathematical-relations which formed the
  43. It embraces the account of causes in terms of fundamental principles or general, laws , as the whole (i.e., macrostructure ) is the cause of its parts, a
  44. To forty-nine) were literate in 1970. Since independence, one of the first, laws ,that Azerbaijan's Parliament passed to disassociate itself from the Soviet
  45. Since most sexual laws discriminated against women: for example, marriage, laws , and anti-birth control measures. But also there existed Ezra Heywood and Angela
  46. It was necessary for the States to confer the power of passing navigation, laws ,to Congress, or that the States themselves pass retaliatory acts against Great
  47. Skeptical of overgeneralizations, and eschewed attempts to establish universal, laws , For example, Boas studied immigrant children to demonstrate that biological
  48. Some way to push air or gas downwards, so that a reaction occurs (by Newton's, laws ,of motion) to push the aircraft upwards. This dynamic movement through the air
  49. Excess. # No animal shall kill any other animal without cause. Eventually the, laws ,are replaced with" All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than
  50. Choice whether to carry a pregnancy to term. Modern abortion law Current, laws ,pertaining to abortion are diverse. Religious, moral,and cultural

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