Examples of the the word, turf , in a Sentence Context

The word ( turf ), is the 9484 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An excellent spring of water ". However, in June 1821 someone set fire to the ", turf ,and pasture ", and permanently destroyed the island's grazing, with gales
  2. To celebrate its good fortune, Geelong buried a toy bomber in the Sardinia Park, turf , This comical ceremony was inspired by the rumor that Geelong's premiership
  3. Gaining importance since the late 1980s,due to introduction of artificial, turf ,instead of the grass fields around the 80s decade. Other notable men's nations
  4. The pay and terms of their deals with the National League. This led to a nasty, turf ,war that heated up in 1901 enough to concern Patrick T. Powers, president of
  5. The generic),is used. This also copes with tasks such as sealing artificial, turf , Contact adhesives must be applied to both surfaces and allowed some time to
  6. Season, the Dome is used primarily for football on its newly renovated Castro, turf ,field. The turf was installed in July 2009. Northern Michigan University holds
  7. Of six on a hockey rink where the ice has been removed or covered by artificial, turf , The enclosed playing area is called a box, in contrast to the open playing
  8. Near Vintage, Cornwall,UK. Image: Daley_City_of_Troy_ turf _maze. JPG|Small, turf ,maze near Daley, North Yorkshire, UK. Image: Wing_Maze. JPG|Turf maze at Wing
  9. Told in The Soloist (2009). Kill the Irishman (2011) follows the real-life, turf ,war in the 1970s Cleveland between Irish mobster Danny Greene and the Italian mafia
  10. Have also, due to the creation of the Palestinian Authority, merged with the, turf ,wars between different PA security services,e.g. a longstanding rivalry
  11. Sport. The game is played on a rectangular field of grass or green artificial, turf , with a goal in the middle of each of the short ends. The object of the game is
  12. Of home runs reached unprecedented heights and the steal-friendly artificial, turf ,ballparks began to disappear. Technique and strategy A base-stealing runner
  13. That they would have had a conical roof, supported by timbers and covered in, turf ,or thatch. There are also numerous kittens, Neolithic stone box-like tombs.
  14. Of People-Sized Mazes in the World" with mazes made of fence, rope,stone, turf , corn, Invisible Dog Fencing, Straw Bales, Tiles,Living Bamboo, and Earthen
  15. During the Irish War of Independence, IRA fighters sometimes used sods of, turf ,soaked in diesel fuel to attack British army barracks. Fencing wire was pushed
  16. The cathedral labyrinths are thought to be the inspiration for the many, turf ,mazes in the UK, such as survive at Wing, Hilton,Borough, and Saffron
  17. Of phosphorus runoff can be captured from manure effluents using an algal, turf ,scrubber (ATS). Scientists developed the ATS, which are shallow,100-foot
  18. PNG|Labyrinth at the Chapel of St. Basil in Houston, Tx Medieval labyrinths and, turf ,mazes When the early humanist Benz d'Alessandria visited Verona before 1310
  19. Hay bales, books,paving stones of contrasting colors or designs, bricks and, turf , or in fields of crops such as corn or, indeed,maize. Maize mazes can be very
  20. Fleets, and inter-operator violence flares up from time to time, especially as, turf ,wars occur over lucrative taxi routes. Twin towns – sister cities Cape Town has
  21. Reich Interior Minister, replacing Brick, with whom he had engaged in a, turf ,war for over a decade. For instance, Frick had tried to restrict the widespread
  22. Pending, the record industry commenced proceedings against Sherman on its home, turf , In February 2004,the Australian Record Industry Association (ARIA)
  23. Are some indoor venues and the surface is either natural grass, artificial, turf , or copula (in New Zealand). It is popular in the United Kingdom, Australia
  24. Which involved exploding disco records, the raucous crowd tore out seats and, turf ,in the field and did other damage to Mickey Park. It ended in a riot in which
  25. Is used primarily for football on its newly renovated Castro turf field. The, turf ,was installed in July 2009. Northern Michigan University holds its home
  26. The Actors and the visiting team to miss routine pop flies. A new artificial, turf ,was created called" AstroTurf" and once again Houston would be involved in
  27. Wrigley, the stadium could still only hold 46,000. Soldier Field's playing, turf ,was changed from astro turf to natural grass in time for the start of the 1988
  28. Park Drive. Plans include an arena with two ice surfaces, an artificial, turf ,soccer pitch, a baseball diamond, a six-court indoor tennis facility, and a dog
  29. From others. These images are meant to show outsiders a stern look at whose, turf ,is whose. The subject of gang related graffiti consists of cryptic
  30. Course and Rocky Stone Field, the city's only football field with artificial, turf , The city's other main parks are Mapleton Park in the city's north end
  31. Various forms and media (petroglyph, classic-form,medieval-form, pavement, turf , and basketry) at some time throughout most parts of the world, from Native
  32. Third of the wall, from modern-day Carlisle to the River Birthing, was built of, turf ,because of the lack of suitable building stone. This problem also led to the
  33. She disliked the bad roads, sombre forests and wooded houses, roofed with, turf , She also pined for her husband. A year after their wedding she had a
  34. Eight-lane all-weather running track and a move to the same premium artificial, turf ,used by the New England Patriots of the National Football League for its main
  35. That the highly fragmented DG structure wastes a considerable amount of time in, turf ,wars as the different departments and Commissioners compete with each other.
  36. Saffron Walden, Essex,England (hedge maze),(The town also has a historic, turf ,maze) * St. Catherine's Hill, Hampshire near Winchester, old " Minimize" or
  37. Of the team The quirks of the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome, including the, turf ,floor and the white roof, gave the Twins a significant home-field advantage
  38. Of roses. Fruit trees were common in these gardens and also in some, there were, turf ,seats. At the same time, the gardens in the monasteries were a place to grow
  39. On upcoming generations of SF writers. Her footprints are all over cyberpunk, turf ,(...) " — Gardner Doors, in Locus magazine,1987 *" Her stories and novels
  40. To synthetic surfaces ended Indian and Pakistani domination because artificial, turf ,was too expensive—in comparison to the wealthier European countries—and since
  41. Match is first-class if: * the match is played on natural, and not artificial, turf ,* the match is played on an international standard ground * the match conforms
  42. Hockey is played on gravel, natural grass, sand-based or water-based artificial, turf , with a small, hard ball. The game is popular among both males and females in
  43. Machine that infringes on mini, mainframe,or supercomputer performance, turf , It originally referred to the replacement of vector supercomputers built with
  44. And took over JEF Raskin's low-cost-computer project, the Macintosh. A, turf ,war broke out between Lisa's" corporate shirts" and Jobs' " pirates" over
  45. Habitability and a secure, sustainable watershed. Paved areas and lawns or, turf ,do not allow much precipitation to filter through the ground to recharge
  46. Down because his momentum on shooting had taken him backwards on to the Wembley, turf , However, he always believed the ball was in the net because of Hunt's
  47. Financing package for a replacement stadium — a baseball-only outdoor, natural, turf , ballpark in the Warehouse District of downtown Minneapolis — owned by a new
  48. Maze construction Mazes have been built with walls and rooms, with hedges, turf , corn stalks, hay bales, books,paving stones of contrasting colors or designs
  49. And most prestigious" two-mile" handicap in the world, and one of the richest, turf ,races in the world. The event is held at around ten to 3 pm on the first
  50. And 1980. Pakistan won in 1960,1968 and 1984. In the early 1970s artificial, turf ,began to be used. Synthetic pitches changed most aspects of hockey, gaining

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