Examples of the the word, corrective , in a Sentence Context

The word ( corrective ), is the 9485 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Women, the asymmetry is sufficiently different that a surgeon would consider, corrective ,surgery. Most surgeons will only perform an augmentation procedure to treat
  2. The member states of the Holy Roman Empire and its allies. Cut loose from its, corrective ,spoken base and severed from the vanished institutions of the Roman Empire that
  3. Or careful examination of objects) is done by cone cells. The optical power of, corrective ,lenses is measured in diopters, a value equal to the reciprocal of the focal
  4. Often requires long-term rehabilitation, including physical therapy, braces, corrective , shoes and, in some cases, orthopedic surgery. Prognosis Patients with abortive
  5. Rotating forward. To ensure the pilot's inputs are correct, the aircraft has, corrective ,linkages that vary the blade pitch in advance of the blade's position relative
  6. Practices. Reactive ergonomics is when something needs to be fixed, and, corrective , action is taken. Proactive ergonomics is the process of seeking areas that
  7. Maintain muscle tone. Orthoses (orthopedic appliances used for support) and, corrective ,orthopedic surgery may be needed to improve the quality of life in some cases.
  8. By all CMT patients, including those with no symptoms. " There are also several, corrective ,surgical procedures that can be done to improve physical condition. Genetic
  9. While profitable from a commercial point of view is fundamentally lacking in, corrective ,significance – these are entirely inadmissible in Soviet places of confinement.
  10. A http://www.medlicense.com Medical License will be properly notified so that, corrective , reciprocal action can be taken against the offending physician. In Europe, as
  11. A legally blind individual would have to stand from an object to see it—with, corrective ,lenses—with the same degree of clarity as a normally sighted person could from.
  12. Used to locate problems in training procedures and help I–O psychologists make, corrective ,adjustments while the training is ongoing. Motivation in the workplace
  13. 1,1956 was too late to halt the disease, even with chemotherapy. He underwent, corrective ,surgery in November 1956 after the cancer had spread. Hepburn, in an interview
  14. For example, Keynesians recognize a role for government in providing, corrective ,measures, such as use of fiscal policy for economy stimulus, when decisions in
  15. Out of the gene pool) to overwhelm the" superior" strains, and voluntary, corrective ,measures would be desirable — the foundation of eugenics. In Darwin's day
  16. And secure long-term evolution. This includes both a preventative and, corrective ,approach. Ericsson’s offering for support services combines technology
  17. X-SCID) patients, in which hematopoietic stem cells were transduced with a, corrective ,transgene using a retrovirus, and this led to the development of T cell
  18. Roman Empire, and mentions what is arguably the earliest written reference to a, corrective ,lens: Nero was said to watch the gladiatorial games using an emerald (
  19. Eye care professional to determine the eye's refractive error and the best, corrective ,lenses to be prescribed. A series of test lenses in graded optical powers or
  20. Mentioned in previous paragraph),physical fitness/exercise promotion, corrective ,or therapeutic exercise, ergonomic/postural advice, self-care strategies
  21. And is called leap day. This day is added to the calendar in leap years as a, corrective ,measure, because the earth does not orbit around the sun in precisely 365 days.
  22. Been called interpersonal, intersubjective (cf. Tomorrow),relational, or, corrective , object relations techniques. These techniques include expressing an empathic
  23. For the labor camp system and for the individual camps. The official term,", corrective ,labor camp ", was suggested for official politburo of the Communist Party of
  24. Of blindness: Central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with, corrective ,glasses or central visual acuity of more than 20/200 if there is a visual field
  25. Life. By this time, his eyesight had weakened enough for him actually to need, corrective ,lenses; before then, his eye-glasses had merely been a stage prop. He debuted
  26. Execution so that potential problems can be identified in a timely manner and, corrective ,action can be taken, when necessary, to control the execution of the project.
  27. Refractive index, a property of use to the optical industry in making thinner, corrective ,glasses. Hypoallergenic applications: medicine and jewelry Niobium and some
  28. The legal base and the guidance for the creation of the system of ", corrective ,labor camps" (),the backbone of what is commonly referred to as the" Gulag
  29. Justice is a species of political justice, viz. the scheme of distributive and, corrective ,justice that would be established under the best political community; were this
  30. Impairments such as myopia, hyperopia,presbyopia, and astigmatism. (See, corrective ,lens, contact lens, eyeglasses. ) Most lenses used for other purposes have
  31. Number of conceivable grammars. Moreover, few if any children can rely on, corrective ,feedback from adults when they make a grammatical error. Yet, barring
  32. Treatment for an indefinite period of time, since methadone maintenance is a, corrective ,but not a curative treatment for opiate addiction. Though a dose as low as 30
  33. The usual objective of control theory is to calculate solutions for the proper, corrective ,action from the controller that result in system stability, that is, the system
  34. While considering the issue of reliability of the primary data provided by, corrective ,labor institutions, it is necessary to take into account the following two
  35. Mao finally began to grasp the scope of the 1960 famine, he strongly supported, corrective ,measures. On a more practical level, Mao was acutely sensitive to the absolute
  36. Peter Principle ". It was observed by Dr. William R. Corcoran in his work on, corrective ,action programs at nuclear power plants. He observed it applied to hardware, e.
  37. From the peer review process, these proponents forgo the opportunity of, corrective ,feedback from informed colleagues. * Some agencies, institutions,and
  38. Must find external funding (often from NGOs and bilateral aid). *Dictation of, corrective ,measures to be taken by the offending Party before the Secretariat will resume
  39. May develop through recruiting strategies, social learning processes in the, corrective ,system experienced by youth, family or peer involvement in crime, and the
  40. Centuries, especially by the Russian secret police; in methods of organizing, corrective ,prisons, mental hospitals and other institutions for producing value change; in
  41. Wrote a book in which he stated that there is no religious restriction on, corrective ,surgery for transgendered individuals. At the time Khomeini was a radical
  42. And controlling inspection, measuring and test equipment; * instituting, corrective ,and preventive action when errors occur; all overseen by Management
  43. Plan and the project performance baseline (where we should be); * Identify, corrective ,actions to address issues and risks properly (How can we get on track again);
  44. Where the value increases for every game played * Progressive lenses, a type of, corrective ,eyeglass lenses * Progressive shifting, technique for changing gears in trucks
  45. Single lenses have a variety of applications including photographic lenses, corrective ,lenses, and magnifying glasses while single mirrors are used in parabolic
  46. Instance, individuals with congenital heart disease may need to undergo major, corrective ,surgery soon after birth. Other individuals may have relatively minor health
  47. Intake using the formula: Insulin \franc + \franc \franc: TR = target rate: CF =, corrective ,factor: KF = carbohydrate factor History Discovery and characterization In 1869
  48. Automatically led to a decrease in the food supply plan for camps, prisons,and, corrective ,labor colonies. The decrement in food would have been accompanied by an
  49. Process also provides feedback between project phases, in order to implement, corrective ,or preventive actions to bring the project into compliance with the project
  50. Machine, dialysis machines, artificial organs, implants,artificial limbs, corrective ,lenses, cochlear implants, ocular prosthetics, facial prosthetics, somato

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