Examples of the the word, trinity , in a Sentence Context

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  1. A rational act of politics or policy. This synthesis lies in his" fascinating, trinity ," underlie Dreifaltigkeit: a dynamic, inherently unstable interaction of the
  2. Position from Belief (whom they stated at the time was the third member of the, trinity ,). He appears as a twisting, torn mass of black flame, like a window into space
  3. The object to which prayers are offered could be a person referred as deltas, trinity ,or incarnation of either deltas or trinity or simply plain formless meditation
  4. Verses of the Bible is an explicit reference to what some people consider the, trinity , the Comma Johannes, ( 1 John 5:7–8). These verses do not appear in any
  5. Onion (bell pepper, onion,and celery used together are known as the" holy, trinity ," of Cajun cuisine. ) *Sassafras leaves (dried & ground into the spice known
  6. Together with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, he forms the traditional, trinity ,of great masters of that period. Raphael was enormously productive, running an
  7. And Spanish cooking styles. They both usually contain the traditional holy, trinity ,of diced bell pepper, onion,and celery. Tomato gravy, which is
  8. Fit under this category. Three-stone diamond engagement rings, sometimes called, trinity ,rings or trilogy rings, are rings with three matching diamonds set horizontally
  9. Along with The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, The Who complete the holy, trinity ,of British rock. " They received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the British
  10. Are seen above all in the execution of operations. Clausewitz's" fascinating, trinity ," (underlie Dreifaltigkeit) comprises (1) a blind impulse, locataed in
  11. Be a person referred as deltas, trinity or incarnation of either deltas or, trinity ,or simply plain formless meditation as practiced by the ancient sages. All of
  12. New Zealand's economy is still very dependent on farming, although the old, trinity ,of meat, dairy and wool has been supplemented by fruit, wine,timber and other
  13. The Son of God with the strict monotheism of Judaism, in which the concept of a, trinity ,of divine persons in one Godhead was unacceptable. Scholar Bart D. Human
  14. Him. " Heavy weather, heavy soul, heavy heart. That is an uncomfortable, trinity , isn’t it? " Nevertheless at Fleshing he finished his National Eisteddfod entry
  15. Mission into outer space - most likely the trio would have been played by the, trinity ,of Kenneth Williams, Kenneth Connor, and Leslie Phillips that had been
  16. Three Sermons: I. on mutual subjection. II. on conscience. III. On the, trinity , Text: http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/4738 Project Gutenberg * Writings on
  17. Describe in more detail the feminine aspect of a monotheistic deity or, trinity , such as God/less Herself, Sophia of Eastern Orthodoxy or the Heavenly Mother
  18. Bell pepper (poison),onion, and celery are called by some chefs the holy, trinity ,of Creole and Cajun cuisines. Roughly diced and combined in cooking, the method
  19. Called God, — that is, the triply divine Principle, Love. They represent a, trinity ,in unity, three in one, — the same in essence, though multi-form in office: God
  20. Matters of personality and character, beyond intellect) * the" fascinating, trinity ," (underlie Dreifaltigkeit) of war * philosophical distinctions between "
  21. Duty Patanjali. Literature Kannada, Tikkana, and Yerrapragada form the, trinity ,who translated the great Sanskrit epic Mahabharata into Telugu. Dothan is the
  22. The Theremin pantheon includes a number of deities, focusing primarily on a, trinity ,of deities adapted from ancient Egyptian religion, who are the three speakers
  23. Heard at pops concerts. Muthuswami Ishtar (1776–1835),one of the musical, trinity ,in South Indian classical (Fanatic) music composed some Sanskrit pieces set
  24. A theory of jurisprudence. A ruler should govern his subjects by the following, trinity ,: #Fa (法 fa3): law or principle. #Shu (術 SHU): method, tactic,art, or
  25. In an icon (illustration): a blissfully fortunate mortal is confronted by a, trinity ,of goddesses and a transcendent gift, the " apple ", is exchanged. The story
  26. Does occur more times. In Judaism, God is One, the idea of God as a duality or, trinity ,among gentiles may be Situ (or" not purely monotheistic" ). The term Reach
  27. While Hail literally means in Ge'EZ" Power of" and Selassie means, trinity ,(i.e. Hail Selassie" Power of the Trinity" ) his coronation name in 1930 (
  28. Of her temple on Demos, where she was the central figures of the Delian, trinity , records her cult image as sitting on a wooden throne, clothed in a linen
  29. Situ (literally" partnership" or" association" ). Although worship of a, trinity ,is considered to be not different from any other form of idolatry for Jews, it
  30. Held by Isaac Newton who, among other things, rejected the doctrines of the, trinity , immortal souls, a personal devil and literal demons. Even with most source
  31. The asymmetrical relationship between attack and defense * the" fascinating, trinity ," (Underlie Dreifaltigkeit) of war * philosophical distinctions between "
  32. This can be seen on a mural painted by Duns tan St Over, depicting the holy, trinity ,of Osiris, Horus and Isis. The biggest festival of the year is the Saint Lucian
  33. Nazianzus for having" created the definitive formulae for the doctrine of the, trinity ,". Relics Following his death, Saint Gregory was buried at Nazianzus. His
  34. Combining his interests in mathematics and theology, he compared the Christian, trinity ,of Father, Son,and Holy Ghost with the three dimensions of space, and was
  35. After his death. Bukhara was the main male god accompanied by his female, trinity ,: Al-‘UCLA, Allat and Manet. Many statues carved in the rock depict these gods
  36. Flushwork),especially in the 15th and early 16th centuries. File:2004 Milford, trinity ,church 02. JPG|Elaborate 15th century flint and limestone flush work at Long
  37. Dog, and in Old Bay Seasoning. Celery, onions,and bell peppers are the holy, trinity ,of Louisiana Creole and Cajun cuisine. Celery, onions,and carrots make up the
  38. By those sorcerers who invoke their names; one example is the, trinity ,of beings called The Ashanti, who serve as patrons to heroic sorcerers. At any
  39. Adriana Lima and Alessandra Ambrosio rose to prominence; however, this " new, trinity ," were unable to cross over into the world of TV, movies and talk shows as
  40. Three 'persons' are each eternal and omnipotent. The word trial, from which, trinity ,is derived, is first seen in the works of Theophilus of Antioch. He wrote of "
  41. Focused on the gender system of early modern England, pointing to the common, trinity ,of maid, wife,or widow, with whores alone outside the stereotype. In this
  42. Debate and freedom from pressure by officialdom and prejudices. Such a, trinity ,of freedom of thought is the only guarantee against an infection of people by
  43. Kind of demon or false god worshiped with Apollo and Termagant in an unholy, trinity , " A later medieval work, Livre you Trevor represents Muhammad as a former monk
  44. Meaning" Power of the Trinity" or" Might of the Trinity" or powerful, trinity ,in Ge'EZ—the name given to Ra's Safari upon his baptism, and later assumed as
  45. School, showing Western stylistic influence. File: Hendrick van Baden Holy, trinity , JPG|Baroque Trinity, Hendrick van Baden,1620,(Sint-Jacobskerk, Antwerp )
  46. 1.5 stars, claiming Rush fans viewed their favorite power trio as" the holy, trinity ,". Nevertheless, A Show of Hands managed to surpass the gold album mark
  47. So this was identified with the great goddess Isis, who formed a part of a, trinity ,with her husband Osiris and their son Horus, while the 70-day period symbolized
  48. To do both at once in an open economy. Robert Mundell's" impossible, trinity ," is the most famous formulation of these limited powers, and postulates that
  49. A one-way loop referred to as the" inner loop ". In the Engineering Quad,a, trinity ,of sculptures by Michael Hazer, collectively entitled 45 Degrees,90 Degrees
  50. 16th century Socinian writers (e.g. the rejection of the doctrines of the, trinity , pre-existence of Christ, immortal souls, a literal hell of fire, original sin

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