Examples of the the word, fragile , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fragile ), is the 7174 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mikhail Ruskin remembers that even as a young man the composer was ", fragile ,and nervously agile ". Yuri Lyubimov comments," The fact that he was more
  2. So time and money is spent eradicating them in an attempt to help protect, fragile ,rangelands. Tourism There are many popular tourist attractions in the outback.
  3. Astronaut, Roger Tearaway, is surgically altered in order to augment his, fragile ,human body and allow him to function in the harsh climate of Mars. The result
  4. S funeral. In eulogizing Mantle, Costas described the baseball legend as" a, fragile ,hero to whom we had an emotional attachment so strong and lasting that it
  5. That Constant hand over the African provinces, which,in order to maintain a, fragile ,peace, he agreed to do. Soon however, they began quarrelling over which parts
  6. Visible, it is typically nonetheless present in most caves. Bats are one such, fragile ,species of cave-dwelling animal. Bats which hibernate are most vulnerable
  7. When type was all metal, a typical book’s worth of type would be bulky, fragile ,and heavy. The less it was moved in this condition the better: so it was almost
  8. Known at the time of its discovery. The species epithet fragile is Latin for ", fragile ,", referring to lightening features in the vertebrae. The bones were collected
  9. Benefits to the English were longer term. Very quickly after the battle,the, fragile ,truce between the Armagnac and Burgundian factions broke down. The brunt of the
  10. Strong-minded Julia Scarlet, whom he first meets in Ann Arbor; the emotionally, fragile ,and haunting Essay Lee, and the very private and mysterious leading lady
  11. And abetalipoproteinaemia. An example of X-linked ataxic condition is the rare, fragile ,X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome. Arnold-Chiari malformation Arnold-Chiari
  12. Of up to 48 kilometers per year. Causes Dryland ecosystems are already very, fragile , and can rarely sustain the increased pressures that result from intense
  13. Was not considered strong enough to survive the journey to London due to his, fragile ,health. While his parents and older siblings left for England in April and May
  14. Commonly encountered states of matter, Bose–Einstein condensates are extremely, fragile , The slightest interaction with the outside world can be enough to warm them
  15. Profile have led to concerns in recent decades over the impact of humans on the, fragile ,mountain environment. These concerns contributed to the purchase of the Ben
  16. Buildings in order to reduce civil societies' dependence on complex, fragile ,networks of social services. An example of a crucial need after a general
  17. Long-term program storage through the 1980s,less costly and in some ways less, fragile ,than magnetic tape. In particular, the Teletype Model 33 machine assignments
  18. Projecting forward from the bottom of the grille. Uncharacteristically, fragile ,for a Bentley, it was not the racing workhorse the 6½-litre was. It became
  19. Or archaeologically sensitive areas. Marked paths may show ways around notably, fragile ,areas such as a pristine floor of sand or silt which may be thousands of years
  20. Between high-pressure arteries and low-pressure veins. It can be extremely, fragile ,and prone to bleeding. The resultant sign, audible via stethoscope, is a
  21. Alexander Hamilton and other veterans, feared that the new nation was too, fragile ,to withstand an international war, or even internal revolts such as the Shays '
  22. Once every 5 days, have caused substantial environmental damage, often in, fragile ,rain forests and jungles, as well as causing significant loss of life. In April
  23. It led to overexploitation of natural resources, stimulated settlement in, fragile ,lands in both rural and urban areas, and weakened environmental protection. At
  24. Can be made from biopolymers: food trays, blown starch pellets for shipping, fragile ,goods, thin films for wrapping. Environmental Impacts of Biopolymers
  25. Of words such as borrow, sorry or tomorrow is rather than. * Words such as, fragile , fertile, and mobile are pronounced, and. The pronunciation of fertile as is
  26. Belfast's international linen trade. For several decades, Northern Ireland's, fragile ,economy required significant public support from the British exchequer of up to
  27. For example Harwood Hole). Cave conservation Many cave environments are very, fragile , Many speleothems can be damaged by even the slightest touch and some by
  28. As a trophy and allowed to retain it until the next series. As its condition is, fragile ,and it is a prized exhibit at the MCC Cricket Museum, the MCC were reluctant to
  29. Support some of the most diverse marine habitats in the world, but they are, fragile ,ecosystems. When tropical waters become unusually warm for extended periods of
  30. And were replaced continually, making them common fossils. (although they were, fragile ,). Within the maxillae were sinuses that were better developed than those of
  31. Meeting the demands of a modern state. Such states are considered" weak" or ", fragile ,". The" strong"-"weak" categorization is not the same as "
  32. Colombia has shown some measure of an improvement and the economy, while still, fragile , has also shown some positive signs according to observers, but relatively
  33. Prices. The country has a high population density, few natural resources, and a, fragile ,soil. Industry remains dominated by unprofitable government-controlled
  34. On 22 March an exile council was formed. Often by sea in small boats and, fragile ,rafts. In the early years a number of those who could claim dual Spanish-Cuban
  35. i.e. long from front screen face to rear end),fairly heavy, and relatively, fragile , As a matter of safety, the face is typically made of thick lead glass to
  36. Hume a distaste for enthusiasm and factionalism that appeared to threaten the, fragile ,and nascent political and social stability of a country that was deeply
  37. Guidelines in the US and UK are limited to high-resolution chromosome and, fragile ,X testing. As new genetic tests are developed several ethical, legal,and
  38. Server environment, this is a hazard that makes the entire network brittle and, fragile , All software must be evaluated and cleared for use in a test environment
  39. Its resistance to breakage. Diamond has a cleavage plane and is therefore more, fragile ,in some orientations than others. Diamond cutters use this attribute to cleave
  40. Noted the contradictions in the composer's character:" he is ... frail, fragile , withdrawn, an infinitely direct, pure child ... but he is also hard, acid
  41. Science ". Security Sustained breaking of an enemy's ciphers can be a very, fragile ,business. The Germans progressively increased the security of Enigma networks
  42. Programs. One legacy of the Apollo program is the now-common view of Earth as a, fragile , small planet, captured in photographs taken by the astronauts during the lunar
  43. Have a dramatic effect on the cave iota. Cave-dwelling species are also very, fragile , and often, a particular species found in a cave may live within that cave
  44. Thought. Women, it was believed, were too susceptible to sensibility and too, fragile ,to be able to think clearly. Wollstonecraft, along with other female reformers
  45. Electric bass, because it is easier to transport than the large and somewhat, fragile ,upright bass. However, the bass guitar has a different musical sound. Many
  46. Is usually based on the design of a Dewar flask; since glass Dewar flasks are, fragile ,and somewhat expensive to fabricate, other constructions based on plastic or
  47. About 30,000 km², and several are in countries where political stability is, fragile , There is therefore a realistic possibility that its status could decline to
  48. Medieval times. Although most early codices were made of papyrus, papyrus was, fragile ,and supplies from Egypt, the only place where papyrus grew and was made into
  49. To graze livestock and grow crops. In North Mayo, where the ground cover was, fragile , thin soils washed away and blanket bog covered the land farmed by the
  50. In 1880. *Clover was introduced in Japan by the Dutch as packing material for, fragile ,cargo. The Japanese called it" White packing herb" ( シロツメクサ),in reference

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