Examples of the the word, cube , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cube ), is the 7164 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. These are the face-uniform solids with regular vertices. Chirality The snub, cube ,and snub dodecahedron are known as chiral, as they come in a left-handed (
  2. S>r, D (s) \math rm. \; An example is given by a program D that defines the, cube ,root of 3. Assuming q>0\; this is defined by:: p^3<3 q^3 \Right arrow D (
  3. To do multiplication, division,addition, subtraction,square root and, cube ,root operations at high speed. There are currently schools teaching students
  4. In an early version of the Domain map. * With Oh symmetry, it is a rectified, cube ,or rectified octahedron (Norman Johnson) * With TD symmetry, it is a
  5. In 1945 the technical terms of 'class' changed completely. In geometry,a, cube ,is a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces, facets or
  6. At how people process optical illusions. The image on the right of a Becker, cube ,is an example of a bistable percent, that is, the cube can be interpreted as
  7. Backgammons to count for their respective double and triple values only if the, cube ,has already been offered and accepted. This encourages a player with a large
  8. With −1 < x i < 1. Formulae For a cube of edge length a, As the volume of a, cube ,is the third power of its sides a×a×a, third powers are called cube s, by
  9. Face value is shown (e.g. if two automatic doubles have occurred putting the, cube ,up to 4,the first in-game double will be for 8 points). The Murphy rule is
  10. May in turn then double the stakes once again (" raccoon" ) as part of that, cube ,phase before any dice are rolled. The opponent retains the doubling cube . E.g.
  11. Faces, facets or sides, with three meeting at each. Cartesian coordinates For a, cube ,centered at the origin, with edges parallel to the axes and with an edge length
  12. Dealt from the blue deck. The shooter throws the" cube s" and the color of the, cube ,that is higher selects the color of the card to be used to settle bets. On one
  13. Consists of all points (x0,x1,x2) with −1 < x i < 1. Formulae For a, cube ,of edge length a, As the volume of a cube is the third power of its sides a×a×a
  14. And eight irregular but equal octahedra in the shape of the convex hull of a, cube ,with two opposite vertices removed. This decomposition of the cuboctahedron
  15. The cube . Such a move adds greatly to the risk of having to face the doubling, cube ,coming back at 8 times its original value when first doubling the opponent (
  16. And Thingies. In addition, he built a device that could solve the Rubik's, cube ,puzzle. The device was used to improve the odds when playing roulette. Legacy
  17. Cube. E.g. White doubles Black to 2 points, Black accepts then beavers the, cube ,to 4 points; White, confident of a win, raccoons the cube to 8 points, whilst
  18. Visual ambiguity and impossible objects, such as the Becker cube and impossible, cube , or many of the drawings of M. C. Escher. Pedagogic use of ambiguous
  19. X3 − x = 0 as: \franc\left (( \sort)^+\franc\right),and when the three, cube ,roots of -1: \sqrt3 = \begin \ -1 \\ \ \ \franc+\franc\sort \\ \ \
  20. Reaches a score one point short of winning, neither player may use the doubling, cube ,for the following game, called the Crawford game. After the Crawford game
  21. Polychora. The volume of the cuboctahedron is 5/6 of that of the enclosing, cube ,and 5/8 of that of the enclosing octahedron. Related polyhedra The
  22. A commutative unital Banach algebra is a compact Hausdorff space. * The Hilbert, cube ,is compact, again a consequence of Tychonoff's theorem. Theorems Some theorems
  23. Called the Crawford game. After the Crawford game, normal use of the doubling, cube ,resumes. The Crawford rule is routinely used in tournament match play. Variants
  24. Raccoon. " Players who doubled their opponent, seeing the opponent beaver the, cube , may in turn then double the stakes once again (" raccoon" ) as part of that
  25. To stop. The stakes are raised by gammon, backgammons, and use of the doubling, cube , Backgammon is sometimes available in casinos. Before the commercialization of
  26. Curved lines that twist and turn enough to fill the whole of any square, or, cube , or hyper cube , or finite-dimensional space. These curves are not a direct proof
  27. Edit system. It appears in two versions, initially a tower model and later a, cube , Draco expanded upon and combined a number of earlier expansion cards developed
  28. Confident of a win, raccoons the cube to 8 points, whilst Black retains the, cube , Such a move adds greatly to the risk of having to face the doubling cube
  29. Problem and moves on to the 'construction legitimate ', a method of depicting a, cube ,in two dimensions through linear perspective. It was in Bologna that Durer was
  30. Then beavers the cube to 4 points; White, confident of a win, raccoons the, cube ,to 8 points, whilst Black retains the cube . Such a move adds greatly to the
  31. Is analogous to visual ambiguity and impossible objects, such as the Becker, cube ,and impossible cube , or many of the drawings of M. C. Escher. Pedagogic use of
  32. And although this has led most people to conclude that it is shaped like a, cube , it could also be a pyramid. The Tree of Life The city has a river which
  33. Multiplication and division, and for various functions, such as squares and, cube ,roots, was developed in the late 16th Century and found application in gunnery
  34. That cube phase before any dice is rolled. The opponent retains the doubling, cube , E.g. White doubles Black to 2 points, Black accepts then beavers the cube to
  35. Has octahedral symmetry. Its first station is the compound of a, cube ,and its dual octahedron, with the vertices of the cuboctahedron located at the
  36. On the right of a Becker cube is an example of a bistable percent, that is,the, cube ,can be interpreted as being oriented in two different directions. The study of
  37. Third powers are called cube s, by analogy with squares and second powers. A, cube ,has the largest volume among cuboids (rectangular boxes) with a given surface
  38. Art In visual art, certain images are visually ambiguous, such as the Becker, cube , which can be interpreted in two ways. Perceptions of such objects remain
  39. 2006,more than 133 billion liters (35 billion gallons),the equivalent of a, cube ,510 meters on a side, of beer are sold per year, producing total global
  40. Added scales provided reciprocals, squares and square roots, cube s and, cube ,roots, as well as transcendental functions such as logarithms and exponential
  41. BC. The Delian problem, for instance, was to construct a length x so that the, cube ,of side x contained the same volume as the rectangular box a2b for given sides
  42. Most recent major development in backgammon was the addition of the doubling, cube , It was first introduced in the 1920s in New York City among members of gaming
  43. Height. So, if all body dimensions double, and mass scales naturally with the, cube ,of the height, then BMI doubles instead of remaining the same. This results in
  44. Double rule. " If both opponents roll the same opening number, the doubling, cube ,is incremented on each occasion yet remains in the middle of the board
  45. In New York City among members of gaming clubs in the Lower East Side. The, cube ,required players not only to select the best move in a given position, but also
  46. Square bipyramid (the regular octahedron is a special case) - 8 faces - dual, cube ,# Pentagonal bipyramid - 10 faces - dual pentagonal prism # Hexagonal bipyramid
  47. People, the appropriate exponent would be 3,as weight would increase with the, cube ,of height. However, on average, taller people have a slimmer build relative to
  48. Rolling two dice at the beginning of each turn. A variant of the doubling, cube ," beaver" is the" raccoon. " Players who doubled their opponent, seeing the
  49. Forms: tetrahedron (fire),octahedron (air),icosahedral (water),and, cube ,(earth). Aristotle, c. 350 BCE, also used the term stoicheia and added a
  50. At the midpoints of the edges of either. The cuboctahedron is a rectified, cube ,and also a rectified octahedron. It is also a castellated tetrahedron. With

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