Examples of the the word, computational , in a Sentence Context

The word ( computational ), is the 7168 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The actual process of analyzing and interpreting data is referred to as, computational ,biology. Important sub-disciplines within bioinformatics and computational
  2. Not seen in a healthy brain. Relating these population-level patterns to the, computational ,functions of individual neurons is a major focus of current research in
  3. For AI has been proposed. It is based on a model of computation that splits the, computational ,burden between a computer and a human: one part is solved by computer and the
  4. Back on. Formalization Computational complexity theory deals with the relative, computational ,difficulty of computable functions. By definition, it does not cover problems
  5. Bus multiplier and also reduces its voltage. Then, when a program demands more, computational ,resources, the CPU very quickly (there is some latency) returns to
  6. The whole principle about what we fight for and profess to be about. ” In, computational ,complexity theory, bounded-error probabilistic polynomial time (BPP) is the
  7. In the shape of the electric field at the surface. Reconstruction The, computational ,conversion of the ion sequence data, as obtained from a position sensitive
  8. Planning, since it is highly unlikely that a few economic planners would have a, computational ,advantage over a distributed network of free market information. Inflation
  9. Some early computers called their assembler their assembly program. ) * The, computational ,step where an assembler is run, including all macro processing, is termed
  10. BASIC" exercises that encouraged students to experiment with mathematical and, computational ,concepts on classroom or home computers. Futurist and sci-fi writer David Brain
  11. PR ratings than higher-clocked Thoroughbred processors. Instances where a, computational ,task did not" benefit more" from the additional cache to make up for the loss
  12. Known as AI-complete or AI-hard, implying that the difficulty of these, computational ,problems is equivalent to solving the central artificial intelligence
  13. Mathematical languages, pictorial systems such as the Arecibo message and, computational ,approaches to detecting and deciphering 'natural' language communication. The
  14. Capable of computing any computable function or simulating any other, computational ,model, if given access to an unlimited amount of memory. A variety of Brainfuck
  15. Blow fish that makes use of the slow key schedule; the idea is that the extra, computational ,effort required gives protection against dictionary attacks. See key stretching
  16. Modeling (WAM) and Prediction of Immunoglobulin Structure (PIGS) enables, computational ,modeling of antibody variable regions. Rosetta Antibody is a novel antibody FM
  17. In disjointed subfields of research. Literature analysis aims to employ, computational ,and statistical linguistics to mine this growing library of text resources. For
  18. Then having to contend with a source of inefficiency. A recent paper on the, computational ,complexity of economic equilibrium notes that if finding a true economic
  19. Pebble comes from the small size of the satellite interceptors and great, computational ,power enabling more autonomous targeting. Rather than rely exclusively on
  20. His theory the world was flat and surrounded by water: A Hebrew treatise on, computational ,astronomy dated to AD 1378/79,alludes to the Atlantis myth in a discussion
  21. Space complexity). Algorithm analysis is an important part of a broader, computational ,complexity theory, which provides theoretical estimates for the resources
  22. Aspect of bioinformatics in sequence analysis is annotation, which involves, computational ,gene finding to search for protein-coding genes, RNA genes, and other
  23. S degree in Arts * Arthur–Merlin protocol, an interactive proof system in, computational ,complexity theory * AM (complexity),a complexity class based on an
  24. Novel explores the consequences and implications of the early introduction of, computational ,technology. *There is also mention of the Analytical Engine (or the Clockwork
  25. In 1972. His mathematical specialties were noncom mutative ring theory and, computational ,algebra and its applications, including automated theorem proving in geometry.
  26. Of the field of cybernetics, and eventually gave rise to the field now known as, computational ,neuroscience. The essence of the information processing approach is to try to
  27. Properties of neurons but abstract out much of their biological complexity. The, computational ,functions of the brain are studied both by computer scientists and
  28. Within computer science that uses genetic algorithms is sometimes confused with, computational ,evolutionary biology, but the two areas are not necessarily related. Literature
  29. Modern fields of geometry, including algebraic, differential,discrete, and, computational , geometry. Usually the Cartesian coordinate system is applied to manipulate
  30. In this way was by Angle Sindbad, The Ackerman function. A Theoretical, computational ,and formula manipulative study. (BIT 11 (1971),107119). This seminal paper
  31. Early tools to appear in Version 7 Unix and gained popularity as a way to add, computational ,features to a Unix pipeline. A version of the AWK language is a standard
  32. Estimates for the resources needed by any algorithm which solves a given, computational ,problem. These estimates provide an insight into reasonable directions of
  33. The prediction of factors important in bacterial speciation, * build complex, computational ,models of populations to predict the outcome of the system over time * track
  34. Decision-making method * Agent-based model, a specific individual-based, computational ,model for computer simulation * Air Battle Manager, a rated flying position in
  35. Known to be undecidable. *Finite Abelian groups remain a topic of research in, computational ,group theory. Moreover, abelian groups of infinite order lead, quite
  36. Biostatistics departments have been founded with a focus on bioinformatics and, computational ,biology, whereas older departments, typically affiliated with schools of public
  37. As computational biology. Important sub-disciplines within bioinformatics and, computational ,biology include: * the development and implementation of tools that enable
  38. System, it is not an easy system to emulate. While it does not require a lot of, computational ,power to emulate the 2600,it is hard to accurately do so. For example, because
  39. Textrm \text rm \left (2^ \right),has circuit complexity 2^ then P BPP. In, computational ,complexity theory BQP (bounded error quantum polynomial time) is the class of
  40. Bonding. The alpha-helices can be identified in protein structure using several, computational ,methods, one of which is DSSP (Dictionary of Protein Secondary Structure).
  41. Simulated by a Turing machine ... according to Savage 1987,an algorithm is a, computational ,process defined by a Turing machine ". Typically, when an algorithm is
  42. Into medical informatics, public health informatics, bioinformatics and, computational ,biology. Biostatistics journals *http://www.cjeb.ca/ Canadian Journal of
  43. To" mechanical automata" beginning in the 13th century and finally to ", computational ,machines"—the difference engine and analytical engines of Charles Babbage and
  44. Of the field. This conjecture implies that randomness does not give additional, computational ,power to polynomial time computation, that is, P RP BPP. Note that ordinary
  45. Merge algorithms, numerical algorithms, graph algorithms, string algorithms, computational ,geometric algorithms, combinatorial algorithms, medical algorithms, machine
  46. In practice, the state is stored in one or more data structures. For some such, computational ,process, the algorithm must be rigorously defined: specified in the way it
  47. Now entails the creation and advancement of databases, algorithms, computational , and statistical techniques and theory to solve formal and practical problems
  48. That makes them function as" bug perceives ". The greatest challenge for the, computational ,approach is the lack of information about the activity patterns of large groups
  49. Complexity of an object, such as a piece of text, is a measure of the, computational ,resources needed to specify the object. It is named after Soviet Russian
  50. Lightly, and in the Panama case, the evidence was only there after extensive, computational ,work carried out from the late 1960s. Other significant results were on

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