Examples of the the word, diplomacy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( diplomacy ), is the 7155 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is responsible for carrying out various policies and decisions in the fields of, diplomacy , economy, inter-Entity relations and other matters as agreed by the Entities.
  2. Hold it for ransom until all Muslims had left the Holy Land. Administration and, diplomacy ,in Goa,1514 In 1514 Alfonso de Albuquerque devoted himself to governing Goa
  3. Levels of expertise and most importantly of all, a quiet non-confrontational, diplomacy ,to improve governance levels. Military The armed forces of Brazil consist of
  4. And steal information, units,technology, and energy from enemy bases, while, diplomacy , lets the player create coalitions with other factions. It also allows the
  5. To trade with you rather than with other players. In Risk, one example of, diplomacy ,'s effectiveness is when two or more players team up against others. Easy
  6. To the Continental Congress to direct the American Revolutionary War, conduct, diplomacy , with Europe and deal with territorial issues and Indian claims. Nevertheless
  7. That Clausewitz assumed the existence of states, yet 'war antedates the state, diplomacy ,and strategy by many millennia '. Influence Clausewitz died without completing
  8. But were never fully incorporated into the Frankish state. Imperium Imperial, diplomacy ,In 799,Pope Leo III had been mistreated by the Romans, who tried to put out
  9. I have a vocation for anything. " His stepfather had in mind a career in law or, diplomacy , but instead Baudelaire decided to embark upon a literary career. His mother
  10. The simulation games). Along with the larger tasks of exploration, warfare and, diplomacy , the player has to make decisions about where to build new cities, which
  11. The city jobs. Government jobs include all levels, from the federal police to, diplomacy , from the transportation bureau to the armed forces; * Communications – the
  12. Original issues appear in A Guide Book of United States Coins. International, diplomacy ,Once the war with the United States began, the Confederacy pinned its hopes for
  13. Resolution. The third important dimension is the amount and importance of, diplomacy , i.e. players making deals with each other. A game of solitaire, for obvious
  14. Reached Alexander, he responded quickly. Though his advisors advised him to use, diplomacy , Alexander mustered the Macedonian cavalry of 3,000 men and rode south towards
  15. River. Lord Palmerston, the British Foreign Secretary who personified gunboat, diplomacy , decided to wage war on China mainly on the" suggestions" of Sardine Matheson
  16. Reasons, has no player interaction. Two player games usually do not have, diplomacy ,(cooperative games being the exception). Thus, this generally applies only to
  17. Discussion, he insisted that the US appeal to the United Nations first, but if, diplomacy ,failed, he would support the invasion:" I also had to say to him that you are
  18. The first solution to an international crisis, and instead usually prescribed, diplomacy ,and containment. In his autobiography, Powell said he is haunted by the
  19. To strengthen ties with other South American countries, engage in multilateral, diplomacy ,through the United Nations and the Organization of American States, and act at
  20. The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and an expert in British, diplomacy , To learn technical military terms, Lincoln borrowed and studied Henry Hillock
  21. Strengthen ties with other South American countries, and engage in multilateral, diplomacy ,through the United Nations and the Organization of American States. Brazil's
  22. Show centers on a space station named Babylon 5: a focal point for politics, diplomacy , and conflict during the years 2257–2262. With its prominent use of planned
  23. Were reduced and same-sex marriage legalized. The government promoted active, diplomacy ,in Africa and opposed the invasion of Iraq. Verhofstadt's coalition fared
  24. This success is ascribed by Alexios' daughter Anna to his policy and, diplomacy , but by the Latin historians of the crusade to his treachery and falseness. In
  25. Wane. * The United States, with its military involvement in the region and oil, diplomacy , is also significantly involved in the region's politics. The United States
  26. Approach had been initially hands-off, due to his inexperience; he left most, diplomacy ,appointments and other foreign policy matters to his Secretary of State
  27. May also benefit their factions through social engineering, probe teams, and, diplomacy , Social engineering modifies the ideologically based bonuses and penalties
  28. S effectiveness is when two or more players team up against others. Easy, diplomacy ,consists of convincing other players that someone else is winning and should
  29. Of numbers rather than the innate logarithmic one. Luck, strategy and, diplomacy ,An important dimension describing the variation in board games is the level of
  30. Ties with countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Brazil's soft power, diplomacy ,involves institutional strategies such as the formation of diplomatic
  31. Point where Aurangzeb camped at Attack to personally take charge. Switching to, diplomacy ,and bribery along with force of arms, the Mughal eventually split the rebels
  32. To enter the war in order to get cotton. Cotton, diplomacy ,proved a failure as Europe had a surplus of cotton, while the 1860–62 crop
  33. The United States representative William Howard Taft, notably with the personal, diplomacy ,of Frederick Function, negotiated an end of the successful revolt led by able
  34. Tribes of Germania, Alexander apparently alienated his legions by engaging in, diplomacy ,and bribery, and they assassinated him. Early Reign Alexander was born at Area
  35. Brandenburg Gate. In the United States, the German Embassy coordinated a public, diplomacy ,campaign with the motto" Freedom Without Walls ", to commemorate the 20th
  36. Sought to resolve some problems facing the Byzantine Empire through, diplomacy , After the death of his first wife Anne of Hungary, he married Yolanda (
  37. Someone else is winning and should therefore be teamed up against. Difficult, diplomacy ,(such as in the aptly named game Diplomacy) consists of making elaborate
  38. Lower Slobbovia, a pointedly political satire of backward nations and foreign, diplomacy ,that remains a contemporary reference. " Indeed, Li'l Abner incorporates such a
  39. Place for the sentient species of the galaxy, in order to foster peace through, diplomacy , trade, and cooperation. Instead, acting as a center of political intrigue and
  40. In the affairs of other countries. Brazil engages in multilateral, diplomacy ,through the Organization of American States and the United Nations, and has
  41. Spoken in Ramadan city-states to become a major means of communication in, diplomacy ,and trade throughout Mesopotamia, the Levant and Egypt. After the fall of the
  42. And national might, and for decades the battleship was a major factor in both, diplomacy ,and military strategy. The global arms race in battleship construction
  43. Have been amongst the most powerful drivers of incremental change in world, diplomacy ,and they benefit most from the connected global power shifts. These directives
  44. By various state rulers as advisers on the methods of government, war,and, diplomacy , This period ended with the rise of the Qin Dynasty and the subsequent purge of
  45. Confederacy's" King Cotton" misperception of the world economy led too bad, diplomacy , such as the refusal to ship cotton before the blockade started.
  46. The Nuclear Predicament explains that one of the central goals of Soviet, diplomacy ,was to terminate SDI. A surprise attack from the Americans would destroy much
  47. A self-governing dominion in 1867 in internal affairs while Britain controlled, diplomacy ,and defense policy. Prior to Confederation, there was an Oregon boundary
  48. To produce an approach which rejected the predominant emphasis on politics, diplomacy ,and war of many 19th and early 20th-century historians as spearheaded by
  49. And consular relations, areas in which it performs the classical tasks of, diplomacy ,: represent, inform and negotiate. Foreign policy priorities are established by
  50. Has promoted efforts to make the region self-policing in terms of preventative, diplomacy , conflict resolution, and good governance. It has welcomed post-apartheid South

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