Examples of the the word, undertaking , in a Sentence Context

The word ( undertaking ), is the 7169 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 11th century during the early Song Dynasty (960–1279),was a massive literary, undertaking ,for the time. The last encyclopedia of the four, the Prime Tortoise of the
  2. The service of God's creation) where the emphasis is often upon manual work, undertaking ,of goodwill towards other faiths and their followers, to defend for justice and
  3. The construction of such a massive inhabitable statute would be a gigantic, undertaking , and the required material science behind it is as yet uncertain, its technical
  4. Jews who fled persecution in Nazi Germany and Arab countries.: * People, undertaking ,a religious or civil liberties' role in society may be forced into exile due to
  5. Often professional adventurers, who earn wealth and fame by adventure, such as, undertaking ,hazardous missions, exploring ruins, and slaying monsters. This stereotype is
  6. A feature which distinguishes contract bridge from its predecessors, is an, undertaking ,made during the auction by one partnership that they will take at least the
  7. With the EU in October 2005 The EU application was the last major international, undertaking ,of the TACAN government, which submitted a 7,000-page report in reply to the
  8. To improve the paved roads from Malabo to Cuba and RIAA; the Chinese are, undertaking ,a project to link Mongol to Data on the mainland, and the European Union is
  9. As the losers of the war may be linked to the senior and experienced officers ', undertaking ,a thorough review, studying,and rewriting of all their Army doctrine and
  10. Any degree of involvement in the community or religion, but only by explicitly, undertaking ,intense, formal,and supervised work over years aimed towards that goal. Some
  11. And mode of treatment is composed of: Overbeckcalls it the boldest literary, undertaking ,in the history of the Church, since in it Clement for the first time attempted
  12. Next New Year's reception for diplomats on January 10, 1939. This was a huge, undertaking , especially since the existing Chancellery was in full operation. After
  13. Believe they have killed them. Romantic interests A brilliant student intent on, undertaking ,graduate studies, Xavier was admitted into England's Oxford University, where
  14. The Southern states were not allowed to vote. Johnson campaigned vigorously, undertaking ,a public speaking tour of the north that was known as the" Swing Around the
  15. Transmuted into 3-D images. In recent years, Iranian archaeologists have been, undertaking ,conservation works. The site became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006. Other
  16. Four),which had a more light-hearted, playful,party image. In their, undertaking ,of social and political issues, the band introduced the term" Afro-German" in
  17. His ability to fast indefinitely. Following that statement, Newberg denied ever, undertaking ,the 130-day study. Prasad Jane (" Atari" ) Prasad Jane is an Indian 81
  18. Yet been fought. " After the fall of Tourney on 3 September (itself a major, undertaking ,), the Allied generals turned their attention towards Mons. Marshal Pillars
  19. That he was reminded of her loss in ‘ every day, in every action, in every, undertaking , in all the administration of the house and household, in everything needing to
  20. Collapsing French forces in Flanders; there was now no possibility of his, undertaking ,the re-capture of Landau. Further good news for the Allies arrived from
  21. Of Bede's, dedicating a church to him in 1062,which was Wulfstan's first, undertaking ,after his consecration as bishop. His body was stolen from Narrow and
  22. From PRISM's 32-bit,a conversion all the major RISC vendors were, undertaking , Eventually that new architecture became Alpha. The primary Alpha instruction
  23. In the Emancipation Proclamation, but all attempts at such a massive, undertaking ,failed. A few days after Emancipation was announced,13 Republican governors
  24. Economic impact on the city, experienced record enrollment in 2006 and is, undertaking ,significant construction. The city experienced a violent crime spike in late
  25. From certain Belgian royals. After the war Poirot became a free agent and began, undertaking ,civilian cases. He moved into what became both his home and work address,56B
  26. Closely in the Pacific war against Japan, with General Douglas MacArthur, undertaking ,his role as Supreme Allied Commander based in Australia, effectively having
  27. Are imposed. Bouldering is more focused on the technique of climbing instead of, undertaking ,a full-bodied climb. To reduce the risk of injury from a fall, climbers rarely
  28. Is capable only of the reception of broadcasting and that is not a distribution, undertaking , (radio apparatus" means a device or combination of devices intended for, or
  29. Expander-implant techniques in those patients. Breast reconstruction is a large, undertaking ,that usually takes multiple operations. Sometimes these follow-up surgeries are
  30. Peace again. On 26 June, President Into KYTI gave this guarantee as a personal, undertaking , which he intended to last for the remainder of his presidency. In addition to
  31. As an exciting or unusual experience; it may also be a bold, usually risky, undertaking , with an uncertain outcome. The term is often used to refer to activities with
  32. The Glen Nevis Center have introduced a booking and charging system to groups, undertaking ,ascents of Ben Nevis. The charge is being disputed. Ben Nevis Distillery The
  33. Was created in 1904 following the suggestion of a French military mission when, undertaking ,the reorganization of the Peruvian Army in 1896. The Peruvian Dragoon Guard
  34. Of the barrister directly; a solicitor is not involved at any stage. Barristers, undertaking ,public access work can provide legal advice and representation in court in
  35. To the solution of many of our pressing problems. I cannot think of any other, undertaking ,that would dovetail so many of our present difficulties into opportunities for
  36. But provision was made for their later incorporation. However, a vague, undertaking ,was given to consult their inhabitants, and although successive South African
  37. Are not devoid of any binding effect in that their approval implies an, undertaking ,in view of their execution. The Committee of Ministers can issue directives to
  38. Of all orders for Lee-Enfield rifles, but the War Office did not honor their, undertaking , The ensuing financial crisis did not prevent BSA from signing an agreement to
  39. But provision was made for their later incorporation. However, a vague, undertaking ,was given to consult their inhabitants, and although successive South African
  40. Turnpike Authority (MTA),which had little experience in managing an, undertaking ,of the scope and magnitude of the CA/T Project, hired a joint venture to
  41. Then or things they touched with wet hands would require purification before, undertaking ,religious or ritual duties. In Persia, where Shi'ism is dominant, these beliefs
  42. Confined to New Guinea for several years. He made use of the time by, undertaking ,far more intensive fieldwork than had been done by British anthropologists, and
  43. Maintenance of relations with developed countries, including the United States;, undertaking ,and narrowing of relations with African countries; campaign for the reform of
  44. Scientists regard the overall data as insufficient due to the" difficulties of, undertaking ,such studies. " Locations. Seaweeds grow mostly in shallow marine waters, under
  45. Of his own life in his own hand; but no one should venture on such a splendid, undertaking ,before he is over forty. " These criteria for autobiography generally persisted
  46. And of truth. The Theseus was regarded with fervent admiration. Canova's next, undertaking ,was a monument in honor of Clement XIV; but before he proceeded with it he
  47. 21 July 1831,Leopold I, the first King of the Belgians, ascended the throne, undertaking ,the destruction of the city walls and the construction of many buildings.
  48. A rival organization. The CIA continued to be active in both planning and, undertaking ,attacks on the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSI). The IMC said they
  49. Wine that would fall on the parish; but mainly out of an intense resistance to, undertaking ,in regular worship, a religious practice previously associated with marriage or
  50. Shared the honors of pulling the royal train across the country, with the CPR, undertaking ,the westbound journey from Quebec City to Vancouver. Later that year, World War

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