Examples of the the word, glorious , in a Sentence Context

The word ( glorious ), is the 7163 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Both those who called it mortally sinful and heretical to hold that the ", glorious ,and immaculate mother of God was conceived without the stain of original sin "
  2. Full of in-jokes and humor targets that claimed to unify all news into one, glorious ,totality," happy net ". In the article, Kibo claimed that: ********* HAPPENED:
  3. With a thousand-year-old historical and cultural past, for its never-ending, glorious ,future ... After it was clear that Adolf Hitler was not going to successfully
  4. And in piety,13. In expectation of the realization of the blessed hope and the, glorious ,appearance of the great God, and our savior Jesus the anointed … ”:“ The
  5. To beg you will give my duty to the Queen, and let her know her army has had a, glorious ,victory. " Aftermath French losses were immense: over 30,000 killed, wounded
  6. The Jihad for the country was encouraged by the Kuomintang, which was called ", glorious ,death for the state" and a hadith promoting nationalism was spread. A song
  7. The monuments, having become a favorite perch for tourists eager to witness a, glorious ,sundown at Angkor. * Pre RUP Style (944-968): Under King Rajendravarman, the
  8. Songs of the Sage (4Q510-511) fragment 1: And I, the Instructor, proclaim His, glorious ,splendor to frighten and to terrify all the spirits of the destroying
  9. Samarium, immediately afterwards, was attended with equal danger and an equally, glorious ,conclusion. The enemy, besides their other warlike preparation, had made their
  10. The societies of India, China,and the Middle East were societies with, glorious ,pasts but that they have become trapped in a static past (see Orientalism).
  11. Politicians who had" goaded the people to uprising and who had stabbed our, glorious ,Army in the back thinking of nothing but of attaining power and of enriching
  12. His Sermons" he exclaims: This reverend shadow cast that setting sun, Whose, glorious , course through our horizon run, Left the dim face of this dull hemisphere, All
  13. Spanish Habsburgs, and it was the young Henry VIII's ambition to repeat the, glorious ,martial endeavors of his predecessors. In 1509,six weeks into his reign
  14. Wrote Marlborough," for I not only esteem, but I really love the prince. This, glorious ,action must bring France so low, that if our friends could but be persuaded to
  15. Naval engagement of the great age of sail ", and " the most splendid and, glorious ,success which the British Navy gained. " Historian and novelist C. S. Forester
  16. Byron, and many of those who knew Byron, expected that the baby would be" the, glorious ,boy ", and there was some disappointment at the contrary news. She was named
  17. For Ancient Egypt. Religion, the arts, and architecture were restored to their, glorious ,Old, Middle,and New Kingdom forms. Pharaohs, such as Sahara, built or
  18. Cornerstone of the Prophets, the second Forerunner of the Coming of Christ,the, glorious ,Elias, who from above, sent down to Elisha the grace to dispel sickness and
  19. 13-16: After this vision had closed, another great and, glorious ,vision burst upon us; for Elijah the prophet, who was taken to heaven without
  20. Or not Deng actually said it, his perceived catchphrase," To get rich is, glorious ," (致富光荣),unleashed a wave of personal entrepreneurship that continues to
  21. Which they now bear," but Christ" will change our lowly body to be like his, glorious ,body," into a" spiritual body" 554 Although Martin Luther personally
  22. Of our Allies, the conditions of peace will be more advantageous and more, glorious ,than those we would have obtained at Utrecht. " Eugene left Vienna in early
  23. All Christians, are stung with mourning and great worry ... the young and old, glorious ,nobles, all lament the loss of their Caesar ... the world laments the death of
  24. Sea, and who pray to Hecate and the loud-crashing Earth-Shaker, easily the, glorious ,goddess gives great catch, and easily she takes it away as soon as seen, if so
  25. Is mentioned); a son, Freyr, and a daughter, Freyja. Fear is" the most, glorious ," of the gods, and Freya" the most glorious " of the goddesses. Freya has a
  26. Side,'To the wise counselor of three Emperors ', and on the other,'To the, glorious ,conqueror of Austria's enemies '. Emanuel Gottlieb Lute (May 24, 1816
  27. When he entered politics, but refused, saying that he would make Cicero more, glorious ,than Sciurus (" Swollen-ankled" ) and Catullus (" Puppy" ). During this
  28. The globe: Behold us from afar, : We'll rise to high renown and shine: Like our, glorious ,southern star;: From England soil and Fatherland, : Scotia and Erin fair, : Let
  29. Of Hephaestus is a lesser Aphrodite, Charis" the grace" or Aglaia" the, glorious ,", the youngest of the Graces, as Hesiod calls her. There is a Temple of
  30. Person, be it modeled or painted or copied," For if I have accomplished any, glorious ,feat, that will be my memorial. But if I have not, not even all the statues in
  31. Pope and Catholic priests and monks were mocked as foreign devils, while the, glorious ,king was hailed as a brave and heroic defender of the true faith. Henry VIII
  32. Dispensation of His suffering, how great shall that be which shall follow His, glorious ,advent! For He shall come on the clouds as the Son of man, so Daniel foretold
  33. Of the Hebrew" ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד" ( Blessed be His name, whose, glorious , kingdom is forever),which is to be found in the Jerusalem Targum (יְהֵא
  34. Angels shall come with Him. " Then follows Dan. 7:9-28. Antichrist The second, glorious ,advent Justin places, moreover,close upon the heels of the appearance of the
  35. An overmastering impulse within me, and a long-cherished desire to visit those, glorious ,sanctuaries, I resolved to quit all my friends and tear myself away from my
  36. Rhymed accentual meter. Translation:" Extol, my tongue, the mystery of the, glorious ,body and the precious blood, which the fruit of a noble womb, the king of
  37. Prophesy the restoration of the nation of Israel and a new creation in God's, glorious ,future kingdom; This view was originally suggested in the 12th century by
  38. S birthday, Reynolds drank to the toasts" GOD save the KING! " And" May our, glorious ,Constitution under which the arts flourish, be immortal! ", in what was
  39. Long live democracy, free speech and the '69 Mets – all improbable, glorious ,miracles that I have always believed in. " Many people, including well-known
  40. Conspirators, began," How I could wish that you had invited me to that most, glorious ,banquet on the Ides of March "! Cicero became a popular leader during the
  41. Interspersed with myth and fantasy to create a new perception of a past that is, glorious , pure and exclusive. This in turn is accorded historical status and imagined to
  42. Four times a year," on the feast of the great nativity, on the feast of the, glorious ,Baptism, on the feast of the holy Resurrection, and on the feast of the
  43. Lost their importance during his reign. Despite Justinian's passion for the, glorious ,Roman past, the practice of choosing Roman consul was allowed to lapse after
  44. Sake prays aloud to Zeus that his son might be chief after him and become more, glorious ,in battle than he. Hector and Paris pass through the gate and rally the Trojans
  45. Freya. Fear is" the most glorious " of the gods, and Freya" the most, glorious ," of the goddesses. Freya has a dwelling in the heavens, Fólkvangr, and that
  46. May devour your cedars! /Wail, O cypress, for the cedar has fallen, for the, glorious ,trees are ruined! /Ail, oaks of Ba shan, / for the thick forest has been felled!
  47. Weight we have to assume for the two opposing armies, the battle seems far less, glorious ,a victory than Caesar presented it to be. The main body of the Helvetic
  48. The Shrine of Hazmat Ali. Much restored, it is one of Afghanistan's most, glorious ,monuments. Outside Mazarin Sharif lies the ancient city of Balk. A metaphor is
  49. Sin" and those who called it mortally sinful and heretical to hold that" the, glorious ,Virgin Mary was conceived with original sin ", since,he said," up to this
  50. Beaufort derives Abraham from the Greek habros and SAO,“ the beautiful,the, glorious ,Savior. ” Perhaps the word may be included among those mysterious expressions

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