Examples of the the word, melody , in a Sentence Context

The word ( melody ), is the 7161 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In this opera was" Du baroque ", complaining that the music lacked coherent, melody , was filled with unremitting dissonances, constantly changed key and meter, and
  2. Ten new Andersson/Slaves compositions. In 1992,he wrote the introduction, melody ,for the European football championship, which was organized by Sweden that year
  3. Her version contained some new lyrics, as well as a small modification of the, melody , This version includes only two verses, the second of which is original.: O
  4. For single string melody playing (as in Irish traditional music),in" chord, melody ," style (a succession of chords are played in which the highest notes carry
  5. Us sing: Advance Australia fair! * Criticism Lack of impact Both the lyrics and, melody ,of the official anthem have been criticized in some quarters as being dull and
  6. The right-hand manual of an accordion, which is normally used for playing the, melody , Some use a button layout arranged in one way or another, while others use a
  7. Style (a succession of chords are played in which the highest notes carry the, melody ,), in tremolo style (both on chords and single strings) and a mixed technique
  8. For chordal accompaniment (as in early jazz),strictly for single string, melody ,playing (as in Irish traditional music),in" chord melody " style (a
  9. Rock, art rock, or progressive metal, the bass guitar player may play, melody ,lines along with the lead guitar (or vocalist) and perform extended guitar
  10. 1880. It had a wood resonator and metal" wire" strings (the 1st and 2nd, melody , strings and 5th" thumb" string. The 3rd melody string was gut and the 4th was
  11. Technique common in Central and Eastern Europe. Chanter The chanter is the, melody ,pipe, played by two hands. A chanter can be bored internally so that the inside
  12. In the introduction to the last movement of his First Symphony was an Alford, melody ,he heard while vacationing in the Rigid area of Switzerland. Finally, the
  13. Or twice in each action (" double thumbing" ), or to pick out additional, melody ,notes in what is known as" drop-thumb. " Pete Seeger popularized a folk style
  14. Form, with each pair of variations progressively elaborating the rhythm and, melody , The first variation, like the theme, is in 4/4 time, the second in 12/8. The
  15. Have also been set to music by other composers without reference to Parry's, melody , The words, with some variations, are used in the track Jerusalem on Bruce
  16. Through several arrangements since 1989. The recent version of this, melody ,was shown in 2007,with a new slogan," Upgrade to British Airways ". In
  17. For Rome, exhibit a deeper poetic feeling, a broad and dignified style of, melody , a strong dramatic sense, especially in accompanied recitatives, a device which
  18. Who play bass (double bass and electric bass),guitar, piano,drums, and, melody , instruments (e.g., sax,trumpet, etc.). In the Australian state of Victoria
  19. Lines are often sung following a pattern closer to a rhythmic talk than to a, melody , Early blues frequently took the form of a loose narrative. The singer voiced
  20. The accompaniment (strings) while the remaining pitch classes are used in the, melody ,(violin 1) and more often as 7–35 (diatonic or" white-key" collection)
  21. The town hall window. Theme tune Howard Goodall's theme tune has the same, melody ,throughout all the series, but is played in roughly the style of the period in
  22. Were produced, each using the" National Song" sung by ABBA, which used the, melody ,and instrumental arrangement of" Fernando ", adapted with new lyrics promoting
  23. William Shakespeare I am a weakish speller, Roger Meddows-Taylor Great words or, melody , Assumptions The creation of anagrams assumes an alphabet, the symbols of which
  24. Thomas Brewing of All music noted the song has" a catchy hook and endearing, melody , with a reminiscent euro-dance rhythm. " After" Sometimes" is ... Baby One
  25. Strings (the 1st and 2nd melody strings and 5th" thumb" string. The 3rd, melody , string was gut and the 4th was silk covered) as well as frets and guitar-style
  26. S Apprentice, widely recognized as used in the movie Fantasia; the main, melody ,is first heard in a famous bassoon sold passage. * Carl Off: Carmine Purana (
  27. All up: Before you go to bed. Phonics This alphabet song, sung to a different, melody ,from that of the previous, is taught by some pre-schools that use the phonics
  28. Becomes transmuted into modern music? We may, for instance, take over a peasant, melody ,unchanged or only slightly varied, write an accompaniment to it and possibly
  29. Betrays the seeming unbridled ecstasy of Jacob; he is singing to a discordant, melody , and the accordion accompaniment sounds stark and rather macabre. The intention
  30. And the general feeling of the song is established. After he's written the, melody , then I write the lyrics. " In a 1979 interview on NPR's All Things Considered
  31. Based on those of others; for instance," Surfer Girl" shares its rhythmic, melody ,with" When You Wish Upon a Star ", while " Surfing' USA" is a slight
  32. Plays a relatively simple part, and the music forefronts the vocals and, melody ,instruments. In contrast, in reggae, funk,or hip-hop, entire songs may be
  33. With Mail in Senegal, Emmerson was struck by the similarity between one African, melody ,and a traditional Irish air. Back in London, Irish musician Davy Spillane told
  34. Scores for movies and modern symphonies to which no one listens. He believes, melody ,is a primitive vulgarity. He is one of Lillian Rearden's friends and a member
  35. Player community up until his passing in 1965. His single string and" chord, melody ," technique and ability arguably set the" high mark" that many subsequents
  36. Mountain-god, was chosen to umpire. Pan blew on his pipes, and with his rustic, melody ,gave great satisfaction to himself and his faithful follower, Midas,who
  37. Often approximated by a minor seventh interval or a dominant seventh chord. In, melody , blues is distinguished by the use of the flattened third, fifth and seventh of
  38. By Edwin Fitzwilliam that was sung at the 1907 home opener (“ Rory O’More ”, melody ,). This nickname was commonly used during that season, perhaps because the team
  39. For decorative purposes. The right-hand manual is normally used for playing the, melody ,and the left-hand manual for playing the accompaniment, however skilled players
  40. For small a cappella ensembles typically include one voice singing the lead, melody , one singing a rhythmic bass line, and the remaining voices contributing
  41. Away from the layered polyphony of the Baroque period, towards a style where a, melody ,over a subordinate harmony—a combination called homophony—was preferred. This
  42. Words, some a cappella singers also emulate instrumentation by reproducing the, melody ,with their vocal cords. One of the earliest 20th century practitioners of this
  43. Prima, and second balalaikas were originally strung with gut with the thinnest, melody ,string made of stainless steel. Today, nylon strings are usually used in place
  44. Use of the flattened third, flattened seventh, and even flattened fifth in the, melody , together with crushing—playing directly adjacent notes at the same time (i.
  45. St&rubricId 25004&siteSect=25001; audio) is a traditional Swiss, melody ,often heard on the Alford. The song describes the time of bringing the cows to
  46. Or modulations, and endings ... Arranging is the art of giving an existing, melody ,musical variety" ( ibid). Classical music Arrangements and transcriptions of
  47. With its unmodified 12-bar structure (in both harmony and lyrics) and a, melody ,centered on flatted third of the tonic (and flatted seventh of the subdominant
  48. Runs through a moderately slow dance beat, and has a rhythm and blues similar, melody ,mixed with edgy synthesized instrumentals. The third track and second single "
  49. As it needs no accompanying instrument. The performer normally plays the, melody ,on buttons or keys on the right-hand manual, and the accompaniment, consisting
  50. Method ... is the following: the composer does not make use of a real peasant, melody ,but invents his own imitation of such melodies. There is no true difference

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