Examples of the the word, unwilling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unwilling ), is the 7165 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Focused, context-specific information. Data show that CRM users are oftentimes, unwilling ,to consult a help menu if it is not easily accessible and immediate in
  2. S relations with the Hungarians were strained, and the emperor was unable or, unwilling ,to help Alfred. Alfred was able to discover that Edward was alive, and had a
  3. At his behest, Congress elected Buenaventura Baez as President, but Baez was, unwilling ,to serve as Santana's puppet, challenging his role as the country's
  4. Circles. Some writers have also alleged that Maritime business people were, unwilling ,to take risks or invest in manufacturing, a thesis Acheson devotes much
  5. Almond (" so-and-so" ) before the town elders. The other male relative is, unwilling ,to jeopardize the inheritance of his own estate by marrying Ruth, and so
  6. That the existence of the limit made their formation possible. However, he was, unwilling ,to accept that this could happen. After a talk by Chandrasekhar on the limit in
  7. Chandrasekhar's analysis, at the time, owing to Eddington's status, they were, unwilling ,to publicly support Chandrasekhar., pp. 110–111 Through the rest of his life
  8. Move them north to Milwaukee. The American League, however,blocked the sale, unwilling ,to give up its presence in a major city. Allyn instead sold his shares to his
  9. Any knowledge of agriculture. Farming tools were scarce, and the convicts were, unwilling ,farm laborers. The colony was on the verge of outright starvation for an
  10. But he did fear that when the infant industry grew into adulthood it would be, unwilling ,to surrender the government help. Smith also supported tariffs on imported
  11. Enticing them to fight. When it became clear that the US Navy ships were, unwilling ,to fight, the CS Navy squadron moved in and captured three merchant ships, the
  12. Hundingsbane agreed to take Sign daughter of Horn as his wife against her, unwilling ,betrothal to Holbrook son of Grammar the king of Södermanland. In the
  13. Pro-monarchy citizens who had vowed to destroy the church of God and were, unwilling ,to defend their country from hostile invading forces. The book also speaks
  14. Containing servants and commoners whom the French were either unable or, unwilling ,to deploy. Warren gives the total French army size as 50,000. He says:" They
  15. Reputation for tyrannical behavior on the set, and he despised actors who were, unwilling ,to take physical risks. Such was the case with Victor Mature in Samson and
  16. Then the socialist Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF). Castillo was, unwilling ,to form a coalition with the rival Conservatives led by Royal Maitland and was
  17. Was lower than the films immediately preceding it, Japanese studios were still, unwilling ,to back one of his productions, so Kurosawa turned to another famous American
  18. Model of bishop, presbyter and deacon. However, the Presbyterian Church USA was, unwilling ,to implement some changes to its internal rules that this model would
  19. In a battle, it can result in a stalemate. A conflict in which one side is, unwilling ,to reach a decision by a direct battle using conventional military forces often
  20. Runs in a pop-up browser window. It is intended for use by people who are, unwilling ,or unable to install a standalone application or those at computers that lack
  21. Unable to protect manufacturing and shipping. State legislatures were unable or, unwilling ,to resist attacks upon private contracts and public credit. Land speculators
  22. Where it became embroiled in hostilities with the locals, who were unable (or, unwilling ,) to provide them with sufficient food at affordable prices as they marched
  23. Are morally unable to choose to follow God and be saved because they are, unwilling ,to do so out of the necessity of their own natures. (The term" total" in
  24. Estate investments. He also named Day as a co-defendant, describing her as an ", unwilling , involuntary plaintiff whose consent cannot be obtained ". Rosenthal claimed
  25. To the American rebellion. Howe and Henry Clinton stated that they were, unwilling ,participants in the war and were only following orders. Over the course of the
  26. Been either the prime crew Lunar Module Pilot or the backup crew commander, was, unwilling , to take a secondary role in the mission. Support crew Flight directors Mission
  27. Of Jimber-Jaw" ( 1937). Many of the subjects in these stories are, unwilling ,ones, although a 1939 short story by Neil R. Jones called" The Jameson
  28. Him. Xavier leaves Magneto in charge of the school, but some X-Men are, unwilling ,to forgive their former enemy. Cyclops loses a duel for the leadership of the
  29. Ephesus at the time Paul wrote the letter (55 AD); 16:12 states Apollos was, unwilling ,to go to Corinth yet at Paul's urging, but that he would later when he had an
  30. The current members want to preserve the prestige as much as possible, and are, unwilling ,to open the doors. " In 2007,the committee and its selection processes were
  31. Arranged a second audience with the King to plead his case, but found the King, unwilling ,to go into an open confrontation with a powerful magnate. In addition to the
  32. Salary is paid. The work effort of the conscripts is effectively wasted, as an, unwilling ,workforce is extremely inefficient. The impact is especially severe in wartime
  33. And Australia was not interested in the project, these two countries were, unwilling ,to contribute. South Africa was no longer a member of the Commonwealth. New
  34. Dump them rather than donate because many nonprofits and schools are unable or, unwilling ,to work with used equipment. Some organizations like Geeks Into The Streets
  35. In the Crimean War. Name "/NP"> mcpherson546"/> France was unable or, unwilling ,to support either side without Britain, where popular support remained with the
  36. Which was filed only five years after the ADA was passed, the DOJ was unable or, unwilling ,to provide clarification on the distribution requirements for accessible
  37. Of Natalia. Administration Regina obtained money for her defenses by the, unwilling ,sacrifice of her cherished relic, the head of St. George, which had been
  38. Meisterschaft (DTM) series with the Audi V8,and then in 1993,being, unwilling ,to build cars for the new formula, they turned their attention to the fast
  39. Unable to get word one way or the other from parent company Warner Bros., and, unwilling , to short-change the story and the fans, Straczynski began preparing
  40. The relation between knowledge and faith, and sharply criticizes those who are, unwilling ,to make any use of philosophy. He pronounces definitely against the sophists
  41. Higher rank. The British wanted all the commissions for themselves, and were, unwilling ,to commission colonial officers (who would pay nothing for their commissions)
  42. This is called a spinning net shot or tumbling net shot. The opponent will be, unwilling ,to address the shuttlecock until it has corrected its orientation. Due to the
  43. In modern times some Unitarians are virtually Arians in that they are, unwilling ,either to reduce Christ to a mere human being or to attribute to him a divine
  44. When the last call other than pass was a double by an opponent) * Pass (when, unwilling ,to make one of the three preceding calls) (Note: although both are
  45. Croatia and Slovenia wanted to separate from Yugoslavia, Serbs were largely, unwilling ,to allow this to happen, probably largely for economic reasons. Franco Tubman
  46. To be accepted by the wider scientific community. University researchers are, unwilling ,to investigate cold fusion because they would be ridiculed by their colleagues
  47. The United Kingdom, but British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was initially, unwilling ,to accede to the American request without getting something in return. In
  48. Officiating at their wedding. The Catholic Church may refuse to marry anyone, unwilling ,to have children, since procreation by" the marriage act" is a fundamental
  49. Is seen as the work of God (divine intervention) in which God changes their, unwilling ,hearts from rebellion to willing obedience. In this view, all people are
  50. Stalled when Be CEO Jean-Louis Gassed wanted $200 million; Apple was, unwilling ,to offer any more than $125 million. Apple's board of directors decided

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