Examples of the the word, dissemination , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dissemination ), is the 7166 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. People. The most obvious example is blackmail, where the threat consists of the, dissemination ,of damaging information. However, many other types are possible e.g. so-called
  2. The 1648 Peace of Westphalia. Several Emperors attempted to reverse this steady, dissemination ,of their authority, but were thwarted both by the papacy and by the princes of
  3. Recruitment, networking,mobilization, publicity,as well as information, dissemination , gathering and sharing. Abu AFUB al-Omari’s al-Qaeda movement in Iraq
  4. 1913 at the Henry Phipps Psychiatric Clinic of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. The, dissemination ,of Kraepelin's disease concept to the Anglo-phone world was facilitated in
  5. By their economic interests and are often endowed with funds used for external, dissemination ,of their identity. Demographics Andalusia ranks first by population among the
  6. Sources of phage contamination, measures to control their propagation and, dissemination , and biotechnological defense strategies developed to restrain phages are of
  7. Systems In 1995 the International Monetary Fund began work on data, dissemination ,standards with the view of guiding IMF member countries to disseminate their
  8. That the similarity of folktales amongst different folk groups was due to, dissemination , Boas strove to prove this theory, and his efforts produced a method for
  9. Amicus brief, the ACLU argued that the law in question" has criminalized the, dissemination , sale or display of constitutionally protected non-obscene materials which
  10. Artists. Village Voice jazz critic Gary Giddings argues that as the creation and, dissemination ,of jazz is becoming increasingly institutionalized and dominated by major
  11. Campaigns eastward, alongside many other religious groups. The production and, dissemination ,of millions of pieces of Christian literature earned them the colloquial name "
  12. Doubt, be overturned on appeal. In media Allocation refers to the one way, dissemination ,of information through a media channel. It assumes that one party has an
  13. In 1999,Paul Ehrlich and others advocated public policies to improve the, dissemination ,of valid environmental scientific knowledge and discourage junk science: 'The
  14. Of transmission via sexual contact has not been established. Prevalence The, dissemination ,of the infection can be assessed by prevalence of antibodies to the virus in
  15. Aiding persecuted Jews in German occupied Poland. Education IPN is involved in, dissemination ,of its research results in the form of publications (particularly the" IPN
  16. As a result of Heavenly opposition to his new, broader,intellectual, dissemination ,of Hasidic thought, and his exoneration as vindication from Heaven to begin
  17. Group of the IPCC which shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore for their, dissemination ,of the effects of climate change. Currently, the politics of research and
  18. Arising from the sex glands. Use of term spreads Kraepelin noted the, dissemination ,of his new disease concept when in 1899 he enumerated the term's appearance in
  19. In 1815 with the Battle of Waterloo. Napoleonic rule resulted in the further, dissemination ,of the ideals of the French Revolution, including that of the nation-state, as
  20. Zhou ENSAI among others),Deng began to study Marxism and engaged in political, dissemination ,work. In 1921, he joined the Chinese Communist Youth League in Europe. In the
  21. Also been described as the only software system which controls the download and, dissemination ,of the intercept of commercial satellite trunk communications. ECHELON was
  22. Illegal violence directed against foreign country or her citizens, #systematic, dissemination ,of false information on Finnish foreign policy or defense #public influence on
  23. Several of these students would found their own styles of aikido. International, dissemination ,Aikido was first brought to the rest of the world in 1951 by Minor Mizuki
  24. Commissar of the 2nd Field Army commanded by Liu Botching, participated in the, dissemination ,of ideas of Mao Zedong, turned into ideological foundation of the Communist
  25. A definite relation to that of the fruit. They protect the embryo and aid in, dissemination ,; they may also directly promote germination. Among plants with indecent
  26. It would prove an encouragement to those who are engaged in research on and, dissemination ,of Rumi's ideas and ideals, which would, in turn, enhance the diffusion of the
  27. In communication studies, scholars study the role that emotion plays in the, dissemination ,of ideas and messages. Emotion is also studied in non-human animals in ethology
  28. Communities in Southern Australia; some ethnomusicologists believe that the, dissemination ,of the Taboo belief and other misconceptions is a result of commercial agendas
  29. For mass dissemination because of their availability, ease of production and, dissemination , high mortality rate, or ability to cause a major health impact. Planning and
  30. Desist letter days before its May 2009 release. The letter also banned the, dissemination ,of existing Throne Trigger ROM hacks and documentation. After the cease and
  31. Fruits, in general, the fruit provides protection for the embryo and secures, dissemination , In this case, the seed-coat is only slightly developed. If the fruit is
  32. Of the worlds economic trade. Gutenberg’s printing press made possible a, dissemination ,of knowledge to a wider population, that would not only lead to a gradually
  33. In Le Novel Observation (August 2006) calling her" an obstacle to the, dissemination ,of the works of Borges. " Obama took legal action against Assuming
  34. Of another Penn student on spring break in Acapulco just a week after the, dissemination ,of the email, while Bill O'Reilly devoted a segment of his show, The O'Reilly
  35. Of electronic realizations like the watt balance is that the definition and, dissemination ,of the kilogram would no longer be dependent upon the stability of kilogram
  36. Monetary and Financial Committee (IMF) endorsed the guidelines for the, dissemination ,standards, and they were split into two tiers: The General Data Dissemination
  37. Information technology (IT) is the acquisition, processing,storage and, dissemination ,of vocal, pictorial,textual and numerical information by a
  38. Seen even between small villages. Increasing mobility of the population and the, dissemination ,of the language through mass media such as radio and television are leading to
  39. C Category C agents are emerging pathogens that might be engineered for mass, dissemination ,because of their availability, ease of production and dissemination , high
  40. Omission, like most great cities in the Western Empire, was a center for the, dissemination ,of Christianity. Its first attested Bishop was Potassium (c. 356),and there
  41. Tradition of New Orleans, played a seminal role in the development and, dissemination ,of early jazz, traveling throughout Black communities in the Deep South and
  42. Legal system did much to enlighten the public, and was a vehicle for, dissemination ,of Dickens's own views regarding, particularly,the heavy burden on the poor
  43. The selection of board members, the setting of clear board objectives,the, dissemination ,of documents or board package to the board members, the collaborative creation
  44. As stenospermocarpy which requires normal pollination and fertilization. Seed, dissemination ,Variations in fruit structures largely depend on the mode of dispersal of the
  45. Mask and hood Bioterrorism is terrorism involving the intentional release or, dissemination ,of biological agents. These agents are (bacteria, viruses,or toxins),and
  46. Papers. The IMF established a system and standard to guide members in the, dissemination ,to the public of their economic and financial data. Currently, there are two
  47. Chartier's typical undergraduate course focuses upon the making, remaking, dissemination , and reading of texts in early modern Europe and America. Under the heading of
  48. Italy with the titles of corrector and the proconsuls of Asia and Africa. The, dissemination ,of imperial law to the provinces was facilitated under Diocletian's reign
  49. Of printing was to have great effect on European society. The facilitated, dissemination ,of the printed word democratized learning and allowed a faster propagation of
  50. Endeavours to secure a Catholic successor, thinking by this step to check the, dissemination ,of Lutheran opinions. The only one of George's sons then living was the

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