Examples of the the word, nowadays , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nowadays ), is the 7175 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Variety of graphite tube designs have been used over the years, the dimensions, nowadays ,are typically 20–25 mm in length and 5–6 mm inner diameter. With this technique
  2. And De Haas demonstrated that magnetization is due to the motion of electrons, nowadays ,known to be the spin. In order to show this, they reversed the magnetization in
  3. So the Kidneys are said to restrain the heart. Many of these interactions can, nowadays ,be linked to Western physiological pathways (such as Kidney pH affecting heart
  4. Local level, often consisting of one church building and community, although, nowadays , many parishes are joining forces in a variety of ways for financial reasons.
  5. Of Athens; this code prescribed the death penalty for many offenses (, nowadays ,very severe rules are often called" Draconian" ). In 594 BC Solon, the ruler
  6. Era of reconstruction),for example the opera house by Wilhelm Fifth, are, nowadays , regarded as classics of modern architecture. Nevertheless, the uncompromising
  7. Of birds of both land and sea as well as marine animals such as turtles. But, nowadays , tourists in Acapulco have been facing problems with local corrupt police who
  8. Derived from lat. Bos URLs → hours → four) was also the symbol of Moldavia;, nowadays ,they can be found in the coat of arms of both Romania and Moldova. The horn of
  9. Football (soccer) referees traditionally wear all-black uniforms, however, nowadays , other uniform colors may also be worn. * Many teams have uniforms
  10. Who were world-famous in the 1920s are not as well known by the public, nowadays ,as they were back then. MC Hammer is famous to people who were young in 1990
  11. A purpose-built office built in the same neighborhood - the latter building, nowadays ,houses the Altar Alto Academy. Amino and Altar Alto had 2 children, a daughter
  12. Used now and are being replaced with wide-format conventional printers, which, nowadays , have sufficient resolution to render high-quality vector graphics using a
  13. Opportunity to teach Capoeira to the elite of the city. Capoeira today Capoeira, nowadays ,is not only a martial art or a small aspect of Brazilian society, but an active
  14. Occupies the area. The only thing left of the old stadium are the letters AJAX, nowadays ,in place on the façade of the youth training grounds De Topmost, near the
  15. At Wehrmacht High Command in March 1942," It is only Speer's word that counts, nowadays , He can interfere in all departments. Already he overrides all departments ...
  16. Respectively),although in Hungarian it is more often called" bandy ", nowadays , National Bandy Federations *People's Republic of China - Chinese Winter
  17. By using rhodium and ruthenium salts, other metal catalysts commonly employed, nowadays ,included iron, cobalt,nickel, and palladium. The addition can be done highly
  18. Heads. There was a superstition that the worship of nāgas brings rain. Even, nowadays ,peasants consider snakes auspicious. Cave twenty-one,twenty-four,twenty-six
  19. There, as is the headquarters of Philips. The Amsterdam Stock Exchange (AEX), nowadays , part of Euronext, is the world's oldest stock exchange and is one of Europe's
  20. They built huge, elaborate,galleries stone tombs for their dead leaders, known, nowadays , as megalithic tombs. There are over 160 recorded megaliths in County Mayo, such
  21. The number of countries requiring translation of European patents granted, nowadays ,under the European Patent Convention, and the corresponding costs to obtain a
  22. The tale topology, and the two flat Grothendieck topologies: FFF and PQC;, nowadays ,some other examples became prominent including Nineveh topology. Sheaves can
  23. Mango software and components are almost universally detected as adware, nowadays , Examples of adware Devices The Amazon Kindle 3 family of e-book readers have
  24. See brick stables at the Benicia Arsenal in Benicia, California,where they, nowadays ,serve as artists' and artisans' studio spaces. During the American Civil War
  25. The Laddies ', and like the previous toast it is generally quite wide-ranging, nowadays , In it a female guest will give her views on men and reply to any specific
  26. Atomic constituents, it has to be atomized. The atomizers most commonly used, nowadays ,are flames and electrothermal (graphite tube) atomizers. The atoms should
  27. 1600,the demands for new art resulted in what is now known as the Baroque., nowadays ,sometimes termed 'proto-Baroque '. Seminal ideas of the Baroque can also be
  28. Have wings that provide some or all of the lift in forward flight. They are, nowadays ,classified as powered lift types and not as rotorcraft. Tilt rotor aircraft (
  29. So that ET AAS might be considered the most robust technique available, nowadays ,for the determination of trace elements in complex matrices. Radiation sources
  30. Aircraft were biplanes, having wings stacked one above the other. Most types, nowadays ,are monoplanes, having one wing each side. Wings also vary greatly in their
  31. The Canonical de San Agustín (18th century). *Graving Palace (1748–1808), nowadays , hosting Graving Museum of Fine Arts. There are a dozen museums in Alicante. On
  32. Folded the pages will be in the correct sequence. Books tend to be manufactured, nowadays ,in a few standard sizes. The sizes of books are usually specified as“ trim
  33. Characters. The Duncan language, considered by many a dialect of Mandarin, is, nowadays , written in Cyrillic, and was previously written in the Arabic alphabet. The
  34. Tubes, might be used for special purposes, the atomizers most commonly used, nowadays ,are (spectroscopic) flames and electrothermal (graphite tube) atomizers.
  35. And self-assured French girl who blossoms into a charismatic adult is, nowadays ,more likely to be regarded as chastely sensual. Coronary artery disease (CAD;
  36. Period, and as recently as the American Civil War. Abates is rarely seen, nowadays , having been largely replaced by wire obstacles. However, it may be used as a
  37. By almost all the widely used compilers. Most of the C code being written, nowadays ,is based on ANSI C. Any program written only in standard C and without any
  38. Accentology is one of the most active branches of Indo-European studies, nowadays , with numerous mysteries still waiting to be solved. Even the commonly accepted
  39. Football is by far the most popular spectator sport. The Cyprus League is, nowadays ,considered as quite competitive and includes notable teams such as AC Romania
  40. Drawing upon its tradition of creative art and craftsmanship, Barcelona is, nowadays ,also known for its award-winning industrial design. It also has several
  41. The meat was traditionally added to the bubble and squeak itself, although, nowadays , it is more commonly made without meat. The earliest known recipe was by Maria
  42. Connection it may be pointed out that in this sense the word, as it is used, nowadays , is illogical; it should be named a Plenaries rather than a Breviaries, since
  43. Amorphous carbon, graphite,and diamond. Once considered exotic, fullerenes are, nowadays ,commonly synthesized and used in research; they include buckyballs, carbon
  44. The older forms lo (m. s. ) and Los (m. pl. ) are still common, nowadays ,in some western dialects and in Affairs. Several varieties of the Catalan
  45. By a male guest in thanks to those women who had prepared the meal. However, nowadays ,it is much more wide-ranging, and generally covers the male speaker's view on
  46. Caucasus throughout the turmoil of Soviet Union collapse in early 1990s until, nowadays , Oil remains the most prominent product of Azerbaijan's economy with cotton
  47. In to the Slavic rural population. Although no one identifies as Ainu, nowadays ,in Khabarovsk Kari, there are many ethnic Mulch with partial Ainu
  48. And the legislature. Since 1990,Bulgaria has an unstable party system, nowadays ,dominated by the post-communist social democratic Bulgarian Socialist Party and
  49. Oscar Wilde wrote," We have really everything in common with the United States, nowadays , except, of course, the language" ( The Canterville Ghost,1888). Henry Sweet
  50. And debatable utility of a conventional battle fleet. It proposed what would, nowadays ,be termed a sea denial strategy, based on fast, long-ranged cruisers for

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