Examples of the the word, elbow , in a Sentence Context
The word ( elbow ), is the 7162 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- S left arm is held straight up with his left elbow touching the woman's right, elbow , Her arm should be fully or almost fully extended overhead as well. This was
- Act he knows to be wrong. (This test is also known as the" policeman at the, elbow ," test: Would the defendant have committed the crime even if there were a
- The lead hand to the side of the opponent's head. From the guard position,the, elbow ,is drawn back with a horizontal fist (knuckles pointing forward) and the
- Schizophrenia, smoking cessation, acute stroke, stroke rehabilitation, tennis, elbow , and vascular dementia. Positive results from some studies on the efficacy of
- At the end of the verse, Campbell would nudge Tape or the guest with his, elbow ,as a form of slapstick timing, who would then spin around (Tape would react as
- Unitas lived most of the final years of his life severely hobbled. Due to an, elbow ,injury suffered during his playing career, he was unable to use his right hand
- By the river Salamander. He cast two spears at once, one grazed Achilles ', elbow ," drawing a spurt of blood ". Also, in the fragmentary poems of the Epic Cycle
- Have committed the crime even if there were a policeman standing at his, elbow , ). The Durham/New Hampshire Test The strict M'Heighten standard for the
- Thought to mean 'resting place '. In some dialects, balla means" bent, elbow ," which is translated to mean reclining or resting and art meaning" place ".
- And effective application of technique. * a control using one hand on the, elbow ,and one hand near the wrist which leverages use to the ground. This grip
- The arm other than the knuckles of a closed fist (including hitting with the, elbow , shoulder or forearm, as well as with open gloves, the wrist, the inside, back
- Is called the drawing hand or string hand. Terms such as bow shoulder or string, elbow ,follow the same convention. Right-eye-dominant archers hold the bow with their
- Spine mobilization to a treatment regimen for lateral epicondylitis (tennis, elbow ,) resulted in significantly better pain relief and functional improvements in
- Khmer Prada Mary – Possible predecessor of Muay Thai with an emphasis on, elbow ,techniques (Ring-wise). **Thai May Born (Ancient boxing) – Predecessor of
- Tips of toes to high stockings). Currently, white stockings that go above the, elbow ,joint are considered disqualifying features in France, as is a white collar or
- Toward the target. The elbow of this arm should be rotated so that the inner, elbow ,is perpendicular to the ground, though archers with hyper extendable elbow s
- The ground, though archers with hyper extendable elbow s tend to angle the inner, elbow ,toward the ground as exemplified by the Korean archer Gang Yong-Ho. In modern
- And Chinese keno. Karate is a striking art using punching, kicking,knee and, elbow ,strikes, and open-handed techniques such as knife-hands. Grappling, locks
- This usually includes a helmet (cage worn if certain age),shoulder pads, elbow ,pads, mouth guard, protective gloves, heavily padded shorts (also known as
- In Jewish law. This includes long, conservative skirts and sleeves past the, elbow , In keeping with Jewish law, married women will cover their hair using either a
- Features a figure of Newton reclining on top of a sarcophagus, his right, elbow ,resting on several of his great books and his left hand pointing to a scroll
- Is drawn back with a horizontal fist (knuckles pointing forward) and the, elbow ,bent. The rear hand is tucked firmly against the jaw to protect the chin. The
- Or Muay Thai – the modern Thai martial art with strong emphasis on knee and, elbow ,strikes. **Burmese Lethe, a traditional Burmese martial art of which has now
- Leg sweeps, with some ground and aerial acrobatics, knee strikes, take-downs, elbow , strikes,punches and headbutts. The word capoeira comes from Tupi, referring to
- Preferred shooting style. The bow arm is held outwards toward the target. The, elbow ,of this arm should be rotated so that the inner elbow is perpendicular to the
- His game. His performance may have also been affected by a pitch he took in the, elbow ,in an exhibition game a few days earlier. Either way, in his only World Series
- Says she. *Tinkle bury Snap driver and Honey gander Guidebook: two counsel. The, elbow ,of one has a mysterious tendency to become jammed in the jaws of the other.
- Above the thoracic inlet. * Upper limb – includes the hand, wrist,forearm, elbow , arm, and shoulder. * Thorax – the region of the chest from the thoracic inlet
- Carriage accident in his youth, his left arm was shortened and stiffened at the, elbow , while his right hand was thinner than his left and frequently hidden. Yakov
- Curving around the head and body rather than extending, often with a bent, elbow , " Flamenco pro" is considered the form of performance flamenco closest to
- Accurate frame size calculators use several measurements (wrist circumference, elbow ,width, neck circumference and others) to determine what category an individual
- Throwers can become extremely injury prone, especially in the shoulder and, elbow , Core stability can help in the transference of physical power and force from
- Rotational wrist lock that directs upward-spiraling tension throughout the arm, elbow ,and shoulder. * a shoulder control similar to Tokyo, but with both hands
- In front of the face with the glove of one arm being on the top of the, elbow ,of the other arm. This style is greatly varied when the backhand rises
- Wrist, medial rotation of the arm and shoulder, and downward pressure on the, elbow , Common in knife and other weapon takeaways. * The hand is folded back past
- Counts. Shag Position: the man's left arm is held straight up with his left, elbow ,touching the woman's right elbow . Her arm should be fully or almost fully
- Rushes a behind. The goal umpire signals a goal with two hands raised at, elbow ,height, a behind with one hand, and then confirms the signal with the other
- The face at eye level. The rear (right) fist is held beside the chin and the, elbow ,tucked against the rib cage to protect the body. The chin is tucked into the
- Wrists, back injuries, head injuries (sometimes concussions),broken arms, elbow ,injuries, knee injuries, broken noses, and broken collarbones. The journal
- The first two games with Ruth in the lineup. However, Ruth badly scraped his, elbow ,during Game 2,sliding into third base (he had walked and stolen both second
- Could not be adequately protected by plate, such as the armpit, crook of the, elbow ,and groin. Another advantage of plate was that a lance rest could be fitted to
- Timing, who would then spin around (Tape would react as if awoken by the, elbow ,) to join him on the chorus:: :"Where, oh where, are you tonight?: :Why did you
- Mouth is cavernous, the throat itself is only four inches wide and has a sharp, elbow ,or bend behind the opening. This gullet would not permit the passage of a man
- Warm-up and training exercises such as stretching of the calves, ankle circles, elbow ,flexion, and quadriceps sets. Alternative medicine While not a replacement for
- The Horthy Soraya, the borzoi is basically a very sound breed. OCD, hip and, elbow ,dysplasia have remained almost unknown, as were congenital eye and heart
- Suffers a gunshot wound from Mystique, which severs one of his arms above the, elbow , Mister Sinister, who takes Cannonball prisoner, attempts to telepathically
- Most Capoeira moves are used, but capoeiristas usually avoid using punches or, elbow ,strikes. The game usually does not focus on knocking down or destroying the
- Into 10 bilateral minor chakras that correspond to the foot, hand,knee, elbow , groin, clavicular, navel,shoulder and ear. The spleen may also be classified
- Tops are available with shorter sleeves which reach to just below the, elbow , Most aikido systems add a pair of wide pleated black or indigo trousers called
- His peaceful intentions. * Hugh Pious Glamour (17). Shot through his right, elbow , the bullet then entering his chest as he ran from the paratroopers on
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