Examples of the the word, insulate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( insulate ), is the 7172 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are soft, smooth,cool, comfortable,and highly absorbent, but they do not, insulate ,body heat, making them ideal for use in hot and humid climates. The highest
  2. World as it exists for itself, the nominal realm, which included free will. To, insulate ,theology from reductionism,19th century post-Enlightenment German theologians
  3. Approach. Free will and religion Philosophers of the Enlightenment worked to, insulate ,human free will from reductionism. Descartes separated the material world of
  4. Heat storage. His designs run an isolated thermosiphon 3 m under a house, and, insulate , the ground with a 6 m waterproof skirt. Insulation Thermal insulation or
  5. New York City, published in the 1930s, described Linwood as: rivers and hills, insulate ,a suburban community that is as separate an entity as any in Manhattan. Linwood
  6. An industry group that Gaines himself had suggested to the industry in order to, insulate ,themselves from outside censorship, but he soon lost control of the
  7. Definition of marriage as well as the notwithstanding clause in order to, insulate ,the definition from Charter challenges. However, the provinces may use the "
  8. Cues to other people; to store, secure,and protect possessions; and to soften, insulate , and decorate living spaces and surfaces. The persistence of ancient textile
  9. Years, he designed some 42 patterns, many of which were used to decorate (and, insulate ,) the bare stone walls of El Social and the Palacios Real del Pardon, the newly
  10. The 1930 season, Mara transferred ownership of the team over to his two sons to, insulate ,the team from creditors, and by 1946,he had given over complete control of the
  11. The NPL, which eventually merged into the Democratic Party, attempted to, insulate ,North Dakota from the power of out-of-state banks and corporations. In addition
  12. Ukraine's Supreme Council confirms their positions for life in an attempt to, insulate ,them from politics. Although there are still problems with the performance of
  13. Proposed to build main thoroughfares north and south, and east and west, to, insulate , all the churches in conspicuous positions, to form the most public places into
  14. Protections, just as any other group of persons. The 14th Amendment does not, insulate ,corporations from all government regulation, any more than it relieves
  15. A layer of air is preserved, ensuring buoyancy. The air layer also helps, insulate ,the birds in cold waters. On land, penguins use their tails and wings to
  16. If so, what diameter is the sunbeams to be .... and will it be necessary to, insulate ,them against the weather ..... until (the public) sees a man going through
  17. At which objects are constructed. The intent in employing the pattern is to, insulate ,the creation of objects from their usage. This allows for new derived types to
  18. Copper wire ( insulate d wire didn't exist yet). The iron was varnished to, insulate ,it from the windings. When a current was passed through the coil, the iron
  19. Flexible insulating materials such as PVC (polyvinyl chloride) are used to, insulate ,the circuit and prevent human contact with a 'live' wire – one having voltage
  20. Uncoiled and coated in a layer of alumina (aluminum oxide) in order to, insulate ,it electrically from the actual cathode. This form of construction allows for a
  21. In a shared processing environment, it is difficult to completely, insulate ,one process from the effects another process can have on the operating
  22. Thatch is also a natural insulator, and air pockets within straw thatch, insulate ,a building in both warm and cold weather. A thatched roof will ensure that a
  23. Was that the heater power supply often required special arrangements to, insulate ,it from the high voltages of the rectifier circuit. Solid state Crystal
  24. Freezes and deep-water drainage is uninterrupted. While snow and ice act to, insulate ,the surface from large energy losses in winter, they also act to retard warming
  25. Pervaded with the spirit of Swabian Pietism, with its strong tendency to, insulate ,believers into small, deeply thoughtful groups. Furthermore, Hesse described
  26. Fatty acids). Fats are needed to keep cell membranes functioning properly, to, insulate , body organs against shock, to keep body temperature stable, and to maintain
  27. These newer versions of PGP software eliminate the use of e-mail plug-ins and, insulate ,the user from changes to other desktop applications. All desktop and server
  28. Buildings or electrical devices, such as transformers or circuit breakers, to, insulate , the wire from the case. These hollow insulators with a conductor inside them
  29. Even in the middle of summer, and clothing issued to RAF aircrew did little to, insulate ,them against these freezing conditions. A conference in 1939 had placed air-sea
  30. That it was the best way to soothe the long-standing divides in Ireland, insulate ,Ireland from further radical disaffection, and protect Britain from French
  31. Under the structural members of the roof. The purpose of a ceiling is to, insulate ,against heat and cold, noise,dirt and often from the droppings and lice of
  32. In other mammals whose fur fluffs up to create air pockets between hairs that, insulate ,the body from the cold. The opposite actions occur when the body is too warm;
  33. During the winter. Other animals have adapted layers of fur or feathers to, insulate ,them from the cold. A number of wildlife species threatened or endangered with
  34. 149 W·m−1·K−1,silicon conducts heat well and as a result is not often used to, insulate ,hot objects. In its crystalline form, pure silicon has a gray color and a
  35. Was damaged by a deranged man with a hammer. In 2008,plans were proposed to, insulate ,the statue from the vibration of tourists' footsteps at Florence's Galleria
  36. Electrostatic charges, hindering dispersion. So the material must be treated to, insulate ,and neutralize the charges. The weaponized agent must be resistant to
  37. Quickly, reducing time on the surface or on snorkel. It was then possible to, insulate ,the noisy diesel engines from the pressure hull, making the submarine quieter.
  38. Construction, to build straw bale houses. When bales are used to build or, insulate ,buildings, the straw bales are commonly finished with plaster. The plastered
  39. Pushed out when the normal feathers (teleoptiles) emerge. Functions Feathers, insulate ,birds from water and cold temperatures. They may also be plucked to line the
  40. Set foot on its ground. As Buys later explained: ‘ I wanted to isolate myself, insulate ,myself, see nothing of America other than the coyote. ’ In 1982 he was invited
  41. Bankers and merchants had been working on for centuries, which was how to, insulate ,their lawful property from the ravages of local violence. " Henceforth their
  42. Times. Hughes insisted on using tissues to pick up objects, so that he could, insulate ,himself from germs. He would also notice dust, stains or other imperfections on
  43. Glazing, shading,and orientation. Windows are particularly difficult to, insulate ,compared to roof and walls. Convective heat transfer through and around window
  44. Age 1842. JPG|Thomas Cole,1842,The Voyage of Life Old Age Theology To, insulate ,theology from reductionism in science,19th century post-Enlightenment German
  45. Or other accessories, adding realism or whimsy. Three-rail systems often, insulate ,one of the common rails on a section of track, and use a passing train to
  46. And thus from choline),because this material is used to delicate (, insulate ,) nerve fibers. Choline is also in demand for the production of the
  47. This is the same principle by which air containing cloth fabrics or feathers, insulate ,). Indeed, some modern wetsuits incorporate Merino wool and titanium fibers to
  48. Bulk resistivity, a much larger class of materials are still" good enough" to, insulate ,electrical wiring and cables. Examples include rubber-like polymers and most
  49. O'Connor, writing a separate dissent, stated: No judicially crafted rule should, insulate ,from liability the involuntary and unknowing human experimentation alleged to
  50. Mudbrick also used today to save energy and is an environmentally safe way to, insulate ,a house. This type of house tends to stay cool in the summer and warm in the

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