Examples of the the word, conditional , in a Sentence Context

The word ( conditional ), is the 7157 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Red, and green; the granting of concessions to religious leaders; and the, conditional ,restoration of confiscated property. However, from the beginning, his
  2. Which supports" preprocessor instructions" to set variables, and make, conditional ,tests on their values. Note that unlike certain previous macro processors
  3. If AC holds, the decomposition in the Banach–Tarski paradox exists. " Such, conditional ,statements are provable in ZF when the original statements are provable from ZF
  4. Jesus through faith, simultaneously allowing all men to resist. * Election is, conditional ,: Arminius defined election as" the decree of God by which, of Himself, from
  5. Is true. Statements such as the Banach–Tarski paradox can be rephrased as, conditional ,statements, for example," If AC holds, the decomposition in the Banach–Tarski
  6. Imputed to them for their justification before God. * Eternal security is also, conditional ,: All believers have full assurance of salvation with the condition that they
  7. To be employed by users was akin to modern day assembly languages. Loops and, conditional ,branching were possible, and so the language as conceived would have been
  8. Encapsulation and safe mutual exclusion from monitors, and entry guards against, conditional ,critical regions. The main advantage over classical monitors is that
  9. Algorithm analysis indicates why this is the case:" Elegant" does two, conditional ,tests in every subtraction loop, whereas " Inelegant" only does one. As the
  10. Moore was later arrested and detained for four days before being granted a, conditional ,release, while Charlton was not arrested. England began the tournament with two
  11. Jefferson Davis ordered the surrender of the fort. Union Maj. Anderson gave a, conditional ,reply which the Confederate government rejected, and Davis ordered Beauregard
  12. Be' is also used as an auxiliary for forming the perfect, the passive and the, conditional ,: Two alternate forms of съм exist: *бъда – interchangeable with съм in most
  13. Got as a verb for these meanings—for example, I got two cars, I got to go. * In, conditional ,sentences, US spoken usage often substitutes would and would have (usually
  14. Himself taught, maintaining strong doctrines of original sin, total depravity, conditional ,election, prevenient grace, unlimited atonement, and possibly apostasy. Wesley
  15. Succession. " This was a statement issued by Cardinal Basil Hume to explain the, conditional ,character of his ordination of Graham Leonard, former Anglican bishop of the
  16. I would study' ). The past future conditional and the past future perfect, conditional ,coincide in form with the respective indicative tenses. The subjunctive mood is
  17. Protected objects are a monitor-like construct, but use guards instead of, conditional ,variables for signaling (similar to conditional critical regions). Protected
  18. To Jürgen Schmidhuber, the anthropic principle essentially just says that the, conditional ,probability of finding yourself in a universe compatible with your existence is
  19. The way it applies in all possible circumstances that could arise. That is, any, conditional , steps must be systematically dealt with, case-by-case; the criteria for each
  20. Eternal life is secured in Christ and protected from all external forces but is, conditional ,on remaining in Christ and can be lost through apostasy. Traditional Calvinists
  21. Consequent derives from the premise Q, which affirms the" then" clause of the, conditional ,premise. Examples One way to demonstrate the invalidity of this argument form
  22. But use guards instead of conditional variables for signaling (similar to, conditional ,critical regions). Protected objects combine the data encapsulation and safe
  23. Addresses were automatically calculated, and other conveniences (such as, conditional ,assembly, macros,optimizations, etc.) established. This was how the early
  24. Christians founded on the teachings of William Miller. They adopted the ", conditional ,immortality" views of Charles F. Hudson and George Stores formed the" Advent
  25. Plans for two aircraft carriers will go ahead as planned and were in no way, conditional ,on French participation. India started the construction of a 40,000-tonne
  26. Be" ) and the past participle (бих учил,'I would study' ). The past future, conditional ,and the past future perfect conditional coincide in form with the respective
  27. And lacked the Analytical Engine's most prescient architectural feature, conditional ,branching. J. Prosper Expert and John W. Muchly similarly were not aware of
  28. Engine incorporated an arithmetical unit, control flow in the form of, conditional ,branching and loops, and integrated memory, making it the first Turing-complete
  29. Treaty. But Bulgaria, by making the acceptance of Russian arbitration, conditional , in effect denied any discussion and caused Russia to repudiate its alliance
  30. States that salvation cannot be earned or achieved and is therefore not, conditional ,upon any human effort, so faith is not a condition of salvation but the
  31. And past tenses in the indicative and subjunctive moods, in three tenses in the, conditional ,and potential moods, and in one tense in the imperative. Colloquial Basque
  32. S against gun control, and he's not a Republican. B attempts to falsify A's, conditional ,statement (" if Republican then against gun control" ) by providing evidence
  33. Conformity with strict Reformed Protestant principles would have resulted in a, conditional ,formulation. The continued inconsistency between the Articles of Religion and
  34. Penance (if the dying person is physically unable to confess, absolution, conditional , on the existence of contrition, is given); next, Anointing; finally, Viaticum
  35. His machine is Turing complete with only four general types of instructions:, conditional ,GOT, un conditional GOT, assignment/replacement/substitution, and HALT.
  36. Protected objects (a monitor-like construct with additional guards as in, conditional ,critical regions) and nondeterminism (via select statements). Ada was
  37. Amendment Act 1885. Turing was given a choice between imprisonment or probation, conditional ,on his agreement to undergo hormonal treatment designed to reduce libido. He
  38. All these tenses' forms are gender-specific in the singular. There are also, conditional ,and compound-imperative crossovers. The existence of inferential forms has been
  39. And then performing xor with the initial unsifted value. After shifting,a, conditional ,xor with 0x11B should be performed if the shifted value is larger than 0xFF. In
  40. Arminius proposed that the election of God was of believers, thereby making it, conditional ,on faith. Arminius's views were challenged by the Dutch Calvinists, especially
  41. Of which are not grammatically distinguishable. The present, future and past, conditional ,use a special past form of the stem би- (bi –" be" ) and the past participle
  42. Its five (or six depending on how one counts) instructions unless either a, conditional ,IF–THEN GOT or an un conditional GOT changes program flow out of sequence.
  43. S followers formulated in 1610 state the above beliefs regarding (I), conditional , election,(II) unlimited atonement, ( III) total depravity, ( IV) total
  44. The rarely used present pluperfect compound imperative (да е бил играл, ). The, conditional ,mood consists of five compound tenses, most of which are not grammatically
  45. Изявително, ) imperative (повелително),subjunctive (подчинително) and, conditional ,(условно, ) – in Bulgarian there is one more to describe a generalist
  46. And Kurtz observe that while" undisciplined" use of un conditional Goths and, conditional ,IF-THEN Goths can result in" spaghetti code" a programmer can write
  47. Types are required to execute Euclid's algorithm—some logical tests (, conditional ,GOT),un conditional GOT, assignment (replacement),and subtraction. * A
  48. Няма below): The past tense of this verb – щях is conjugated to form the past, conditional ,('would have' – again, with да, since it is Israelis): Имам and нямам The
  49. Critical regions. The main advantage over classical monitors is that, conditional ,variables are not required for signaling, avoiding potential deadlocks due to
  50. Of the block it closes (e.g. if. End if, loop ... end loop). In the case of, conditional ,blocks this avoids a dangling else that could pair with the wrong nested

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