Examples of the the word, tire , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tire ), is the 7173 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In a battery. * Tire balance, the distribution of mass within an automobile, tire ,and/or the wheel to which it is attached. * Weighing scale, also known as a
  2. In 1888,Scotsman John Boyd Dunlop introduced the first practical pneumatic, tire , which soon became universal. Soon after, the rear freewheel was developed
  3. Then, and she chose Ida's on the grounds that Apollo, being immortal, would, tire , of her when she grew old. Castilian was a nymph whom Apollo loved. She fled from
  4. Car drives up a mountain (atmospheric air pressure decreases),the (gauge), tire , pressure goes up. Some standard values of atmospheric pressure such as 101.325
  5. Pump cycle. Another solution is to insert an inner tube of a car or bicycle, tire ,into the pressure vessel with some air in it and the valve closed. This tube is
  6. To light beams on the track, which when broken by the vehicle's front, tire ,(s) indicate that the driver has pre-staged (approximately from the starting
  7. Conserving his/her own. If successful, the attacking opponent will eventually, tire , creating defensive flaws which the boxer can exploit. In modern boxing, the
  8. Firms from its inception, explaining why Canadians use the American spelling of, tire ,and American terminology for the parts of automobiles (for example, truck
  9. Is chosen to go the Heaviside Layer. She does so by ascending on a flying, tire ,until she reaches a structure resembling clouds, into which she disappears
  10. Shortened radio bezel, aluminum gas filler cap, a more aggressive wheel &, tire ,package (15" x 6" Passport rims),and a rear spoiler (which became
  11. Which provide a good spread of support on the ground and safety in case of, tire ,blow-outs. The redundant main gear allows for landing on two opposing landing
  12. A (base V-Rod: discontinued),AW (base V-Rod + W for Wide with a 240 mm rear, tire ,), B (discontinued),D (Night Rod: discontinued),R (Street Rod:
  13. Frictional losses in the universal joint/s, differential,wheel bearings, tire ,and chain, ( if present),equals: Effective, True (THP) or commonly referred
  14. Roll at LAX and the plane, bound for Honolulu, veered off the runway. A third, tire ,burst and the DC-10's left landing gear collapsed, causing a fuel tank to
  15. Two old friends, who noted that Nansen was slower than usual and appeared to, tire ,easily. On his return to Oslo he was laid up for several months, with influenza
  16. Adjoining the Mittellandkanal and Freeway A2. Jointly with a factory of German, tire ,and automobile parts manufacturer Continental AG, they have a coal-burning
  17. Building of the architecture of a novel—the craft of it—is something I never, tire ,of. " *" In this way, in increments both measurable and not, our childhood is
  18. Taxes, severance taxes, liquor and tobacco taxes, gaming (pull tabs) taxes, tire ,taxes and fuel transfer taxes. A part of the revenue collected from certain
  19. Pressure is an absolute quantity, everyday pressure measurements, such as for, tire ,pressure, are usually made relative to ambient air pressure. In other cases
  20. Sandals, which were until recently made from cowhides. They are now soled with, tire ,strips or plastic. Both men and women wear wooden bracelets. The Masai women
  21. Observed in her memoirs that he was never the same man after that: he seemed to, tire ,more easily and frequently took opium for pain relief. The murder of Rasputin
  22. Granifera (spike tailed trumpet snail) * Hitting semiotic (red onion or, tire ,tracked ne rite snail) * Exterior violates" Red Lips" ( Red lips meriting
  23. The final lap, Earnhardt ran over a piece of metal in the final turn, cutting a, tire , Cope, in an upset, won the race while Earnhardt finished fifth. The #3
  24. Of having an FX model designation: with the fatter fork tubes, wide front, tire , and full fender, this new front end resembled the big-twin FL models from
  25. With regard to exercise; their inbred stamina means they do not easily, tire ,when exercised, but they also do not need to be worked to exhaustion before
  26. For consumer vehicles due to ability to enhance fuel efficiency, increase, tire , longevity,and provide more safety and stability. This has not yet been
  27. As it rolls on the ground. Even though the wheel is in motion, the patch of the, tire ,in contact with the ground is stationary relative to the ground, so it is
  28. A track will do significant more damage to a wheeled vehicle then a flat, tire ,(such as destroying the axles in which case the vehicle will have to be towed
  29. Classified as an accessory Many cyclists carry tool kits. These may include a, tire ,patch kit (which, in turn, may contain any combination of a hand pump or CO2
  30. Maritime channel, hazard and administrative area * Skid mark, a mark left by a, tire ,tread during a skid * A fan of professional wrestling, notably,one who treats
  31. Race while Earnhardt finished fifth. The #3 Good wrench Chevy team took the flat, tire ,that cost them the win and hung it on the shop wall as a reminder of how close
  32. Aggressive styling like a new 2–1–2 exhaust, twin headlamps, a 180 mm rear, tire , and, for the first time in the Dana lineup, a 130 mm front tire . For the 2012
  33. Chevrons covered 50 percent of the contact area to provide traction. Inside the, tire ,was a diameter bump stop frame to protect the hub. Dust guards were mounted
  34. Kit (which, in turn, may contain any combination of a hand pump or CO2 Pump, tire ,levers, spare tubes, self-adhesive patches, or tube-patching material, an
  35. Rear drive wheel are the same size, then the ratio of the output force on the, tire ,to the input force on the pedal can be calculated from the law of the lever to
  36. This is analogous to hydroplaning, the loss of friction observed when a car, tire ,is separated from the road surface by moving through standing water. This is
  37. Bar or trigger dynamic stability control *Silicon pressure sensors e.g., car, tire , pressure sensors, and disposable blood pressure sensors *Displays e.g., the
  38. An article in Businessweek in 2006,Lego could be considered the world's No. 1, tire , manufacturer; the factory produces about 306 million tiny rubber tire s a year.
  39. Three Ford showrooms; Peugeot and IKA-Renault showrooms; Goodyear and Firestone, tire ,distributors, the pharmaceutical manufacturers River and Eli Lilly, the Union
  40. Laboratories. They consisted of a spun aluminum hub and a diameter, wide, tire , made of zinc coated woven diameter steel strands attached to the rim and discs
  41. Of Manila (actual date and location is disputed). *1904 – The automobile, tire ,chain is patented. *1914 – World War I: Japan declares war on Germany and bombs
  42. Goods are often used. Luggage carriers and panniers mounted above the rear, tire ,can be used to carry equipment or cargo. Parents sometimes add rear-mounted
  43. A pump (or a CO2 cartridge),a puncture repair kit, a spare inner tube, and, tire , levers. Cycling can be more efficient and comfortable with special shoes
  44. Danish – steadily advanced towards the enemy (taking care not to prematurely, tire ,the horses),before breaking into a trot to gain the impetus for their charge.
  45. It to Ellis, but a strong crosswind caused a hard landing and the left main, tire ,suffered a blowout. The runway was again closed to clear it, and Bill Dana was
  46. Or a heavy vehicle to tow it out. However, tracks cannot be punctured like a, tire ,so are more difficult to immobilize. A weapon that destroys a track will do
  47. Of post-race celebrations. He spun the car twice, throwing grass and leaving, tire ,tracks in the shape of a #3 in the grass. Earnhardt then spoke about the
  48. A 180 mm rear tire , and,for the first time in the Dana lineup, a 130 mm front, tire , For the 2012 model year, the Dana Switchback (FLD) became the first Dana to
  49. Chrysler also developed a wheel with a ridged rim, designed to keep a deflated, tire ,from flying off the wheel. This wheel was eventually adopted by the auto
  50. Kerrville, Middleton,Lawrence town, and Dig by. Michelin has an important truck, tire ,manufacturing plant in Waterville and the Department of National Defense has

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