Examples of the the word, tradeoff , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tradeoff ), is the 12834 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Not the cost of lamps. In flood lamps used for photographic lighting,the, tradeoff ,is made in the other direction. Compared to general-service bulbs, for the same
  2. Risk minimize includes a penalty function that controls the bias/variance, tradeoff , In both cases, it is assumed that the training set consists of a sample of
  3. Toward the minimum-loss window at approximately 1550 nm. The engineering, tradeoff ,is a slight increase in the minimum attenuation coefficient. Such fiber is
  4. Ready access to instrument packages or sensors at the focus. The engineering, tradeoff ,of an off-axis optical system is an increase in image aberrations. In telephony
  5. A and B). However, it may be in one form or another including the possible, tradeoff ,of foreign control of assets. In his view, the " worst case scenario" of the
  6. Propellant not used yet. Higher exhaust velocity has both benefit and, tradeoff , increasing propellant usage efficiency (more momentum per unit mass of
  7. Over time. Some desktop and laptop computer systems allow the user to make a, tradeoff ,between seek performance and drive noise. Faster seek rates typically require
  8. Are" fast," their circuits are not immune to the classic speed-power, tradeoff , High speed comparators use transistors with larger aspect ratios and hence
  9. Distortion (See: Crossover distortion). In practical design, the result of a, tradeoff ,is the class AB design. Modern Class AB amplifiers commonly have peak
  10. Of the bias and the variance of the learning algorithm. Generally, there is a, tradeoff ,between bias and variance. A learning algorithm with low bias must be "
  11. Stealth technology has advanced to the point where it can be employed without a, tradeoff ,with aerodynamics performance, in contrast to previous stealth efforts. Some
  12. R_ (g) + \lambda C (g). The parameter \lambda controls the bias-variance, tradeoff , When \lambda = 0,this gives empirical risk minimization with low bias and
  13. Good learning algorithms therefore automatically adjust the bias/variance, tradeoff ,based on the amount of data available and the apparent complexity of the
  14. Function may have several algorithms ". Unfortunately there may be a, tradeoff ,between goodness (speed) and elegance (compactness)—an elegant program may
  15. Storage to speed up the resulting calculation by a factor of k, a space-time, tradeoff , For the special purpose of searching for a counterexample to the Collate
  16. Sizes; unfortunately, this comes at the cost of many more additions,a, tradeoff ,no longer favorable on modern processors with hardware multipliers. In
  17. If the argument had been reduced first, there would now be none). The positive, tradeoff ,of using application order is that it does not cause unnecessary computation
  18. Takes place in a few tens of nanoseconds. There is, as expected, somewhat of a, tradeoff ,between speed and precision. Flash ADC's have drifts and uncertainties
  19. Epigeal plants, the meristem is clipped off if the seedling is grazed). The, tradeoff ,is whether the plant should produce many small seeds, or a smaller
  20. Of simple machines; the balance of forces, and did not include dynamics; the, tradeoff ,between force and distance, or the concept of work. During the Renaissance the
  21. There are four major issues to consider in supervised learning: Bias-variance, tradeoff ,A first issue is the tradeoff between bias and variance. Imagine that we have
  22. By the high schools in which the instrument is the most common due to the, tradeoff ,in durability, cost,and weight. Despite the disdain of sousaphones held by
  23. Avoid consuming too much of any one type of defensive chemical. This involves a, tradeoff ,however, between foraging on many plant species to avoid toxins or specializing
  24. Are not necessarily in direct competition with the larger chain stores. The, tradeoff ,between sprawl and economic development continues to be debated throughout the
  25. Image). The degree of compression can be adjusted, allowing a selectable, tradeoff ,between storage size and image quality. JPEG typically achieves 10:1
  26. Aspect of many supervised learning methods is that they are able to adjust this, tradeoff ,between bias and variance (either automatically or by providing a
  27. Filters, a custom design is sometimes desirable, that can offer the best, tradeoff ,between different design criteria, which may include component count and cost
  28. As most manufacturers felt the marginal quality improvement did not justify the, tradeoff ,in speed. Most 24-pin printers offered 2 or more NLQ typefaces, but the rise of
  29. Significant cost when compressed segments need to be split or merged, and some, tradeoff ,has to be made between the smallest size of the compressed train and the speed
  30. To consider in supervised learning: Bias-variance tradeoff A first issue is the, tradeoff ,between bias and variance. Imagine that we have available several
  31. Any moving components, increasing long-term reliability. With early SSR's,the, tradeoff ,came from the fact that every transistor has a small voltage drop across it.
  32. Limit, the exact choice of the constant is determined by the same space-time, tradeoff ,as for dynamic arrays. Resizing is accompanied by a full or incremental table
  33. Design called for, the temperature is more stable, in many ways a better, tradeoff , Servicing Mission 4 Servicing Mission 4 (SM4),which took place in May 2009
  34. Ability to sound like a horn, while being used like a trumpet or flügelhorn; a, tradeoff ,that sacrifices acoustic properties for ergonomics. Marching horn The marching
  35. For economic advantage. " Other It is widely believed that there is a, tradeoff ,between economic security and economic opportunity. Notes and references
  36. Considered high-quality for standard-definition video. Video compression is a, tradeoff ,between disk space, video quality, and the cost of hardware required to
  37. one's stability of stance. The practicality of kicks is thus a question of the, tradeoff ,between the power that can be delivered vs. the cost incurred to balance. The
  38. Gauges, and from novel formats, because its size allows for a relatively good, tradeoff ,between the cost of the film stock and the quality of the images captured. The
  39. Property members. Python's property descriptors are similar, but come with a, tradeoff ,in the development process. If one begins in Python by using a publicly exposed
  40. As C++ where such optimizations are possible. However, this is an unavoidable, tradeoff ,because such optimizations would be rendered ineffective by categories or other
  41. So that QuakeWorld performed well for users with high and low latency. The, tradeoff ,to client-side prediction was that sometimes other players or objects would no
  42. However, so diffraction is a greater issue in close-up photography, and the, tradeoff ,between DOF and overall sharpness can become quite noticeable (Gibson 1975,53
  43. Manufacturers have returned to the turbocharger in an attempt to improve the, tradeoff ,between performance and fuel economy by using a smaller turbocharged engine in
  44. Generation "," mediocre" ), so that sentences will not be too long. Such a, tradeoff ,in word length is analogous to data compression and is the essential aspect of
  45. To decrease sharpness even at DOF limits (Gibson 1975,64). There is thus a, tradeoff ,between sharpness in the POF and sharpness at the DOF limits. But the sharpness
  46. Frets that are located on top of the sound box past the heel of the neck. The, tradeoff ,is reduced sound box volume, and often a change in bracing, which can change the
  47. About per tank. Its top speed is, which although not very fast is a welcome, tradeoff ,for the huge savings in fuel consumption. In May 2011 Volkswagen inaugurated
  48. RAM outside of reach of the LA, the CPU could always access it at 2 MHz. The, tradeoff ,was that the screen could not be located in that 8 KB. In practice the
  49. Regulations seem appealing on an intuitive level, but critics decry the, tradeoff ,cost in terms of slowing access to life-saving developments. Training and
  50. A digit. Pre-computed dictionary attack It is possible to achieve a time-space, tradeoff ,by pre-computing a list of hashes of dictionary words, and storing these in a

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