Examples of the the word, namespace , in a Sentence Context

The word ( namespace ), is the 12836 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To exactly zero or one file. However, any file may be represented within any, namespace ,by zero, one or more names. Any string of characters may or may not be a
  2. Identifiers residing in different namespace s. For many programming languages,a, namespace ,is a context for their identifiers. In an operating system, an example of
  3. Generic Functions and Methods than described above. The function namespace The, namespace ,for function names is separate from the namespace for data variables. This is a
  4. Consists generally of words separated by a period ('. '). Although the, namespace ,notation resembles the library notation in Java at a first glance, it differs
  5. N::) if (n = 0) 1 else n * factorial (n - 1) end method; Modules vs., namespace ,In many object-oriented languages, classes are the primary means of
  6. Items that should be compiled and handled together, while a module defines the, namespace , Classes can be placed together in modules, or cut across them, as the
  7. Packages. The following is an example of unwanted capture in the operator, namespace , occurring in the expansion of a macro: ;; expansion of
  8. The function namespace The namespace for function names is separate from the, namespace ,for data variables. This is a key difference between Common Lisp and Scheme.
  9. To Featured Articles, was moved to the Wikipedia Namespace from the article, namespace , * Around 15 October 2003,the current Wikipedia logo was installed. The logo
  10. Name mangling. Below is an example of a namespace in C++:, namespace ,Box1 namespace Box2 int main () Nahum (, or;) was a minor prophet whose
  11. Multiply; ... end complex_number; Cluster names are global, and no, namespace ,mechanism was provided to group clusters or allow them to be created" locally
  12. List. However, in CL it is necessary to explicitly refer to the function, namespace ,when passing a function as an argument—which is also a common occurrence, as in
  13. Can be replicated). Domains are identified by their DNS name structure,the, namespace , A tree is a collection of one or more domains and domain trees in a contiguous
  14. File or subdirectory, but one file may have the same name multiple times. The, namespace ,consists generally of words separated by a period ('. '). Although the
  15. Monobook stylesheet at. * Also on 30 May 2004,with MediaWiki 1.3,the Template, namespace ,was created, allowing transfusion of standard texts. * On 7 June 2005 at
  16. Is a context for their identifiers. In an operating system, an example of, namespace ,is a directory. Each name in a directory uniquely identifies one file or
  17. Are the primary means of encapsulation and modularization; each class defines a, namespace ,and controls how and which definitions are externally visible. In addition
  18. In the same region of program text, since tag body labels are in a separate, namespace ,from variable names. A special form or macro form has complete control over the
  19. Namespace. Following are other characteristics of namespace s: * Names in the, namespace ,can represent objects as well as concepts, be the namespace a natural or ethnic
  20. Below is an example of a namespace in C++: namespace Box1, namespace ,Box2 int main () Nahum (, or;) was a minor prophet whose prophecy is recorded
  21. On the argument. Scheme's evaluation model is simpler: there is only one, namespace , and all positions in the form are evaluated (in any order) -- not just the
  22. That is, different meanings cannot share the same name in the same namespace . A, namespace ,is also called a context, because the same name in different namespace s can
  23. Compatible with original Pascal according to ISO 7185. It features modules with, namespace ,control, including parallel tasking modules with semaphores, objects,dynamic
  24. To add prefixes to their class names, which are traditionally shorter than, namespace ,names and thus more prone to collisions. As of 2007,all Mac OS X classes and
  25. A short (local) name and a unique long" qualified" name for use outside the, namespace , * Some compilers (for languages such as C++) combine namespace s and names in
  26. A tree is a collection of one or more domains and domain trees in a contiguous, namespace , linked in a transitive trust hierarchy. At the top of the structure is the
  27. Termed" Masculine" ( after Pascal's calculator). It includes objects, namespace ,controls, dynamic arrays, along with many other extensions, and generally
  28. And path. Where a file is anonymous, named references to it will exist within a, namespace , In most cases, any name within the namespace will refer to exactly zero or one
  29. Compile against all String. Some languages also include a separate, explicit, namespace , or module system that performs encapsulation in a more general way. Dylan is
  30. One meaning; that is, different meanings cannot share the same name in the same, namespace , A namespace is also called a context, because the same name in different
  31. And names in a process called name mangling. Below is an example of a, namespace ,in C++: namespace Box1 namespace Box2 int main () Nahum (
  32. With an asterisk. If adhered to, this convention effectively creates a separate, namespace ,for special variables, so that variables intended to be lexical are not
  33. Names in the namespace can represent objects as well as concepts, be the, namespace ,a natural or ethnic language, a constructed language, the technical terminology
  34. Different namespace s can have different meanings, each one appropriate for its, namespace , Following are other characteristics of namespace s: * Names in the namespace
  35. Between branches as if they were true cognates. Notes In general,a, namespace ,is a container that provides context for the identifiers (names, or technical
  36. In Scheme, as they would locally shadow function names. Whether a separate, namespace ,for functions is an advantage is a source of contention in the Lisp community.
  37. A symbolic reference which the macro writer assumed will resolve in a global, namespace , but the code where the macro is expanded happens to provide a local, shadowing
  38. Standards organization. Since September 2007,there is a proposal for a common, namespace ,within OSC for communication between controllers, synthesizers and hosts. This
  39. To be included in strings, the functionality has to be added to the String, namespace ,itself. As soon as you do this, the String class becomes larger, and people who
  40. 1.5 -target jsr14" switches to Java. * Capabilities: A set of attributes in a, namespace ,in a module's meta information, such as OSI. Wiring. Package Export-Package.
  41. Capture, including the operator and function namespace , the tag body label, namespace , catch tag, condition handler and restart namespace s. Variable capture can
  42. New object-oriented features, numerous language enhancements, plus a consistent, namespace ,model used for both its Microsoft Automation interface,and native
  43. Features to Generic Functions and Methods than described above. The function, namespace ,The namespace for function names is separate from the namespace for data
  44. To it will exist within a namespace . In most cases, any name within the, namespace ,will refer to exactly zero or one file. However, any file may be represented
  45. May have either indefinite extent or dynamic extent, depending on the type of, namespace , Lexical scope means that visibility is physically restricted to the block in
  46. Sort example above refers to the function named by the symbol > in the function, namespace , with the code #'>. Conversely, to call a function passed in such a way, one
  47. Lisp and Scheme. For Common Lisp, operators that define names in the function, namespace ,include defund, flet, labels,def method and def generic. To pass a function by
  48. XML's built in language-defining functionality attribute. # Remove the XML, namespace ,(XML=URI). HTML has no facilities for namespace s. # Change the document
  49. The case in namespace s, where a period and asterisk (. As a rule, names in a, namespace ,cannot have more than one meaning; that is, different meanings cannot share the
  50. Are vulnerable to unwanted capture, including the operator and function, namespace , the tag body label namespace , catch tag, condition handler and restart

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