Examples of the the word, thermometer , in a Sentence Context
The word ( thermometer ), is the 12837 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Metals to highlight Harrison's the most widespread invention, the bimetallic strip, thermometer , The strip is engraved with its own longitude of 0 degrees,7 minutes and 35
- The freezing point of water () a thin film of ice formed on the surface of the, thermometer ,'s bulb and that the ice mass was about a quarter inch thick when they stopped
- To Cornelius Rebel, Robert Fluid, Galileo Galilei or Antonio Antonio. The, thermometer ,was not a single invention, however,but a development. Phil of Byzantium and
- Change color. Liquid crystals have been used in such paints, such as in the, thermometer ,strips and tapes used in fish tanks. Phototropic paints and coatings contain
- Are delineated below and primarily involve using ammonia as an interstellar, thermometer , Observations of nearby dark clouds By balancing and stimulated emission with
- In Uppsala, the oldest Swedish scientific society, founded in 1710. His, thermometer ,was calibrated with a value of 0° for the boiling point of water and 100° for
- With water. The sensible heat of the incoming air, as measured by a dry bulb, thermometer , is reduced. The total heat (sensible heat plus latent heat) of the entering
- In 1617 by Giuseppe Bianca: the first showing a scale and thus constituting a, thermometer ,was by Robert Fluid in 1638. This was a vertical tube, with a bulb at the top
- Such as the calorimeter, and improved versions of old ones, such as the, thermometer , Experiments also produced new concepts, such as the University of Glasgow
- Was yet to arise). Though Galileo is often said to be the inventor of the, thermometer , what he produced were thermoscopes. Galileo Galilei also discovered that
- Porter breweries pioneered many technological advances, such as the use of the, thermometer ,(about 1760) and the hydrometer (1770). The use of the latter was to
- Sydney, Australia swelters through its hottest New Year's Day on record. The, thermometer ,peaked at, sparking bushfires and power outages. (Same as 1939) *2007 –
- Wind measurements, and humidity are the variables that are measured by a, thermometer , barometer, anemometer,and hygrometer, respectively. Upper air data are of
- Engineer, and glassblower who is best known for inventing the alcohol, thermometer ,(1709) and the mercury thermometer (1714),and for developing a temperature
- Are typically contained in one unit. A standard example is a Resistance, thermometer , The compare and computer functions are completed within the controller which
- Did not begin until the 1930s. Developed during the 16th and 17th centuries,a, thermometer ,(from the Greek thermometer ) in which some physical change occurs with
- Point of water. They conducted their experiment with the bulb of a mercury, thermometer ,as their object and with a bellows used to" quicken" the evaporation; they
- Heat to which it was exposed. Amnions therefore argued that the zero of his, thermometer ,would be that temperature at which the spring of the air in it was reduced to
- Densities would rise and fall, which is nowadays the principle of the Galileo, thermometer ,(shown). Today such thermometer s are calibrated to a temperature scale. The
- Blood, complete assessment (including blood pressure cuff, pulse oximeter, ear, thermometer , ),two-way radio, specific cases (bites, stings,intoxication, blast
- Report that the same room is cool, though both observe the same reading on the, thermometer , The use of empirical evidence negates this effect of personal (i.e.
- Evidence that appears the same regardless of the observer. For example,a, thermometer ,will not display different temperatures for each individual who observes it.
- Be examined occurs. The temperature of the chamber is monitored either using a, thermometer ,or thermocouple, and the temperature plotted against time to give a graph from
- And using bellows to evaporate the ether. With each subsequent evaporation,the, thermometer ,read a lower temperature, eventually reaching 7 °F (−14 °C). Another
- At Ghazi the snow has been known to lie long beyond the vernal equinox; the, thermometer ,sinks as low as, and tradition relates the destruction of the entire population
- Guillaume Amnions in 1702,in connection with his improvements in the air, thermometer , In his instrument, temperatures were indicated by the height at which a column
- Scientist John Hadley experimented by continually wetting the ball of a mercury, thermometer ,with ether and using bellows to evaporate the ether. With each subsequent
- The thermometer falls below the freezing-point. At extremely rare intervals the, thermometer ,has fallen below zero (-18 °C),as was the case in the remarkable cold wave
- When Grouchy himself was on his deathbed, and a nurse came around with a, thermometer , explaining that she wanted to see if he had a temperature, he responded," Do
- Value (e.g. the scale on a mercury thermometer ). There are many types of, thermometer ,and many uses for thermometer s, as detailed below in sections of this article.
- Who observes it. Temperature, as measured by an accurate, well calibrated, thermometer , is empirical evidence. By contrast, non-empirical evidence is subjective
- As detailed below in sections of this article. Temperature While an individual, thermometer ,is able to measure degrees of hotness, the readings on two thermometer s cannot
- Duke of Tuscany (d. 1737) *1686 – Gabriel Fahrenheit, German inventor and, thermometer ,maker (d. 1736) *1689 – Daniel Finch,8th Earl of Winchelsea, English
- Approximately. Development Various authors have credited the invention of the, thermometer ,to Cornelius Rebel, Robert Fluid, Galileo Galilei or Antonio Antonio. The
- To this parameter in a particular digital representation (e.g. digital, thermometer ,or table in a printed report) the quantizing error is: 0.234456544453. This
- Taken as 0 °F. The second reference point was selected as the reading of the, thermometer ,when it was placed in still water when ice was just forming on the surface.
- Read a lower temperature, eventually reaching 7 °F (−14 °C). Another, thermometer ,showed the room temperature to be constant at 65 °F (18 °C). In his letter
- Is best known for inventing the alcohol thermometer (1709) and the mercury, thermometer ,(1714),and for developing a temperature scale now named after him. Daniel's
- As 32 °F. The third calibration point, taken as 96 °F, was selected as the, thermometer ,'s reading when the instrument was placed under the arm or in the mouth.
- A thermodynamic technique that relies on the measurement of temperature using a, thermometer ,or of intensity of radiation using a kilometer. Units Throughout the history of
- In 1872,asserts that it is possible to measure temperature. An idealized, thermometer ,is a sample of an ideal gas at constant pressure. From the ideal gas law PV=NRT
- This physical change into a numerical value (e.g. the scale on a mercury, thermometer ,). There are many types of thermometer and many uses for thermometer s, as
- Developed during the 16th and 17th centuries, a thermometer (from the Greek, thermometer ,) in which some physical change occurs with temperature, plus some means of
- Latin for" a hundred steps ". For years, it was simply referred to as the Swedish, thermometer , Celsius conducted many geographical measurements for the Swedish General map
- Red part of the spectrum, through an increase in the temperature recorded on a, thermometer , He was surprised at the result and called them" Calorific Rays ". The term
- And ammonium chloride (a salt),and waiting for it to reach equilibrium. The, thermometer ,then was placed into the mixture and the liquid in the thermometer allowed to
- Used to" quicken" the evaporation; they lowered the temperature of the, thermometer ,bulb to while the ambient temperature was. Franklin noted that soon after they
- The thermometer then was placed into the mixture and the liquid in the, thermometer ,allowed to descend to its lowest point. The thermometer 's reading there was
- And the liquid in the thermometer allowed to descend to its lowest point. The, thermometer ,'s reading there was taken as 0 °F. The second reference point was selected as
- Is 35 °F (2 °C),and there is an average of 35 days in each year in which the, thermometer ,falls below the freezing-point. At extremely rare intervals the thermometer has
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