Examples of the the word, scheduled , in a Sentence Context
The word ( scheduled ), is the 12835 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Essentially a gift from the taxpayers. (Passenger carriers operating, scheduled ,service received approximately $4 billion, subject to tax. ) In addition, the
- Box cutters, had made it through the airport security checkpoint. Flight 77 was, scheduled ,to depart for Los Angeles at 08:10; 58 passengers boarded through Gate D26
- Scheduled to fly on Apollo 13,but in 1969 NASA officials switched the, scheduled ,crews for Apollo 13 and 14. This was done to place the more experienced Apollo
- Magnate Emmanuel N. Bahrain on December 3,1930,making it Asia's oldest, scheduled ,carrier still in operation. Commercial air service commenced three weeks later
- To have involved detonating a car bomb in the town of Cebu where the summit was, scheduled ,to take place. On December 27, 2006,the Philippine military reported that
- LIST, local charter airlines and others; and although there are no direct, scheduled ,flights to or from continental America or Europe the airport can handle large
- Can also be helpful in assisting the child to understand when regularly, scheduled ,events may not occur. Outcomes In a pilot study, Researchers Lava, Golan
- The Moon. Another of the original seven, L. Gordon Cooper, had originally been, scheduled ,to command the mission, but according to author Andrew Chaitin, his casual
- Are not capable of intercepting an ICBM, even if it is in range. A new system, scheduled ,for deployment during 2009,is U. S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (
- Only airport in the islands is VIR Bavaria Airport in Port Blair, which has, scheduled ,services to Kolkata and Chennai. The airport is under control of the Indian
- Sold-out dates, thirteen in the United States and four in Canada. The last, scheduled ,ABBA concert in the United States in Washington, DC was canceled due to
- Failed during this mission. Prior to the accident, the crew had moved their, scheduled ,entry into the Lunar Module forward by three hours. This was done so that they
- Was in working order and that they were on course. During this time, NASA, scheduled , a television broadcast at 31 hours after launch. The Apollo 8 crew used a 2 kg
- World at the time. In 1931,the airship Graph Zeppelin began offering regular, scheduled ,passenger service between Germany and South America, usually every two weeks
- And Frontier Flying Service. The smallest towns and villages must rely on, scheduled ,or chartered bush flying services using general aviation aircraft such as the
- Listed as such in the Guinness Book of Records). Apollo 16 was originally, scheduled ,for splashdown at 3:30 pm EST on April 28. The mission was shortened by a day (
- Broadcasting company in the United States. Other African American networks, scheduled ,to launch in 2009 are the Black Television News Channel founded by former
- A metro ride from the center and includes an IMAX auditorium. Path City is, scheduled ,to reopen in 2010. Art films can be found at Tuschinski, and the independent
- However there are some overlaps. Commercial aircraft include types designed for, scheduled ,and charter airline flights, carrying both passengers and cargo. The larger
- In using that same airport as a preferred focus (or" hub" ) for its, scheduled ,flights. Assets and financing Airline financing is quite complex, since
- Craft crashed on the lunar surface at 15:50 UT — just a few hours before the, scheduled ,American liftoff. In a race to reach the Moon and return to Earth, the parallel
- Year. In 1820,Schopenhauer became a lecturer at the University of Berlin. He, scheduled ,his lectures to coincide with those of the famous philosopher G. W. F. Hegel
- By the normal rotation in place during Apollo, the backup crew would have been, scheduled ,to fly on Apollo 13. However, Alan Shepard was given the command slot instead.
- The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Austria initiated the first regularly, scheduled ,airmail service on March 31, 1918 in the midst of World War I. The route
- Her death, Aaliyah had filmed part of her role in The Matrix Reloaded and was, scheduled ,to appear in The Matrix Revolutions as ZEE. In 2005,Aaliyah's second
- Met with the Macintosh marketing team to start working on the launch, which was, scheduled ,for January 1984. The idea eventually became the famous 1984 commercial which
- Filming the music video for the single" Rock the Boat ". They had a flight, scheduled ,the following day, but with filming finishing early, Aaliyah and her entourage
- S zenith. Apollo 1 (also designated Apollo Saturn-204 and AS-204) was, scheduled ,to be the first manned mission of the Apollo manned lunar landing program, with
- Were printed in SR1. American Airlines Flight 77 was American Airlines' daily, scheduled ,morning transcontinental flight, from Washington Dulles International Airport
- Director will be announced before the film's shoot in late 2012. The remake is, scheduled ,for release sometime in 2013 with Daniel Radcliffe starring as Bauer. Music
- First commercial flight with biofuel in 2009. Call signs Each operator of a, scheduled ,or charter flight uses an airline call sign when communicating with airports or
- Gave them a 60° field of view. Preparation required longer than the two hours, scheduled , Armstrong initially had some difficulties squeezing through the hatch with his
- Demand, they were even forced to cancel a few shows, including a sole concert, scheduled ,in Switzerland. The second leg of the tour, which took them through Scandinavia
- Gang, the Hells Angels, and their leader, Sonny Larger. The day prior to the, scheduled ,march, the Hell's Angels attacked the front line of a smaller scale protest
- S nephew Sir John Dermot Turing acting as CAC Honorary President. Events are, scheduled ,in many countries around the world including the USA, Brazil,China, Czech
- 1939-40 New York World's Fair opens. * 1939 – NBC inaugurates its regularly, scheduled ,television service in New York City, broadcasting President Franklin D.
- Was held from 30 July 2009 to 1 August 2009. The next National Conference is, scheduled ,for early December 2011. It was brought forward six months in order to have a
- And bad igniter lines took place on December 18,a mere three days before the, scheduled ,launch. The standard lunar orbit for Apollo missions was planned as a nominal
- Disease which grounded him from 1964 to 1968. He and his crew were originally, scheduled ,to fly on Apollo 13,but in 1969 NASA officials switched the scheduled crews
- Terms. Somersault, the absurdist hero of L'Stranger, has killed a man and is, scheduled ,to be executed. Caligula ends up admitting his absurd logic was wrong and is
- Was not yet ready to make its first flight. This meant Borman's crew was, scheduled ,to fly two to three months sooner than originally planned, leaving them a
- Crew at this point was to perform the Trans-Earth Injection (TEI),which was, scheduled ,for 2½ hours after the end of the television transmission. The TEI was the most
- Will face the other two division winners in the AFC divisions that they are not, scheduled ,to play) The NFC operates according to the same system. At the end of each
- Ada's tasks are either mapped to operating system tasks or processes, or are, scheduled ,internally by the Ada runtime. Tasks can have entries for synchronization (a
- HMS Hermes (launched 1953),purchased in 1986 and commissioned in 1987, scheduled , to be decommissioned in 2019.; Italy (2) * Giuseppe Garibaldi (551): 14,000
- Industry Early development Tony Janus conducted the United States' first, scheduled ,commercial airline flight on 1 January 1914 for the St. Petersburg-Tampa
- One game behind the St. Louis Cardinals in the Wild Card race after the final, scheduled ,game of the season, which consequently eliminated them from postseason
- The 2009 Frankfurt motor show is based on the platform of the R8 and has been, scheduled ,for limited production. Power is provided by electric motors at all four wheels
- Intra-continental, domestic,regional, or international, and may be operated as, scheduled ,services or charters. History The first airlines American aviation pioneers
- Were staying in a different hotel altogether, and they went on to Somalia as, scheduled , However, little noticed, the attack was pivotal as it was the beginning of
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