Examples of the the word, fisherman , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fisherman ), is the 7189 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Windiest and roughest in the Hawaiian Islands. Paolo translates to" crazy, fisherman ," referring to the typical sea surface conditions and who would attempt to
  2. Ted Lemme, American film director (b. 1963) * 2002 – Gregorio Fuentes, Cuban, fisherman , Ernest Hemingway's first mate (b. 1897) * 2002 – Frank Shutter, Canadian
  3. In the One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights). In this tale,a, fisherman ,discovers a heavy locked chest along the Tigris river, and he sells it to the
  4. Grown disillusioned with violence and retired to Dominate to make a living as a, fisherman , Nichiren makes no such claim in his authenticated writings. Nichiren began his
  5. Losses are included with German casualties. 722 Danish merchant sailors and, fisherman ,died, mostly due to vessels torpedoed by German submarines Norway and Sweden
  6. See also etymology of Wrocław. Folk etymology attributes the city name to a, fisherman ,Wars and his wife Saw. According to legend, Sawa was a mermaid living in the
  7. Rashida Taro ", first described in the Nixon (720). It was about a young, fisherman ,named Rashida Taro who visits an undersea palace and stays there for three
  8. Of seaweed. In other telling, the drug is described as being a headless, fisherman , dressed in oilskin and sailing in half a boat. This trait is common in the
  9. Recovery from Bronze Age Minoan Crete at Knossos has a depiction of a, fisherman ,carrying an octopus. Octopuses were often depicted in the art of the Roche
  10. S dilemma, Devavrata agrees to relinquish his right to the throne. As the, fisherman ,is not sure about the prince's children honoring the promise, Devavrata also
  11. As the attack caused the death of three fishermen. Ten of the fourteen injured, fisherman ,were then abducted by the Guatemalan army against their will and interrogated.
  12. Huancayo is a village along the Peruvian coast in which, even today, the local, fisherman ,use the reed canoes called" little reed horses" to ride the waves. A link to
  13. But which had special developments on each island. Saratoga is known for its, fisherman ,'s gods and staff-gods, Atiu for its wooden seats, Mitiaro, Ma'use and AIU for
  14. Lemon. " Williams was much more successful in fishing. An avid and expert fly, fisherman ,and deep-sea fisherman , he spent many summers after baseball fishing the
  15. Hemingway's nature is a place for rebirth, for therapy, and the hunter or, fisherman ,has a moment of transcendence when the prey is killed. Robert Holes admits
  16. All sixty-two of these theories contain errors and create obstacles … A good, fisherman ,places his net in the water and catches all the shrimp and fish he can. As he
  17. American politician, senator elect from Ohio * 1956 – Phil Harris, American, fisherman , ( The Deadliest Catch) (d. 2010) *1957 – Cyril Collard, French film director (
  18. Have shifted from sailing boats to outboard motors, the annual tuna catch per, fisherman ,has risen from 1.4 metric tons in 1983 to 5.6 in 1999. Agriculture Due to the
  19. Relations between Mexico and Guatemala, as the attack caused the death of three, fisherman , Ten of the fourteen injured fisherman were then abducted by the Guatemalan
  20. Siberia in pursuit of strange languages, encountered some Japanese castaways, fisherman , hardly ideal mentors for the study of 8th century poetry. Not surprisingly
  21. Cone contains a small lake. Most of the estimated 1,900 inhabitants are, fisherman ,specializing in traditional, smallscale tuna fishing and whaling. The climate
  22. Pisces, which may have been treated as two fish caught by Dirty the, fisherman ,who was brother of Polyester, king of Serifs, the place where Perseus and
  23. A clothesline. They are often caught by spear fishing close to the shore. The, fisherman ,brings his prey to land and tenderizes the flesh by pounding the carcass
  24. King Santana goes hunting, he sees Amravati, the daughter of the chief of, fisherman , and asks her father for her hand. Her father refuses to consent to the
  25. And the federal government. (Judd) Some writers credit sportsman, hunters and, fisherman ,with the increasing influence of the conservation movement. In the 1870s
  26. Whose book bag hits Peter Parker in the back of the head),a hitchhiking, fisherman ,accompanied by Robert Taper in The Evil Dead. Rail also wears a suit with
  27. By service as a U. S. Marine Corps fighter-bomber pilot. An avid sport, fisherman , he hosted a television program about fishing, and he was inducted into the
  28. Line deals with mill worker Carrie Peppering and her romance with ambitious, fisherman ,Enoch Snow. The show includes the well-known songs" If I Loved You "," June
  29. To air and sea bombardment of the UK Losses at sea were 908 UK civilians and 63, fisherman , killed by U-Boat attacks United States The official figures of military war
  30. He was driving overturned three kilometers underground. * In the 1990s,a crab, fisherman ,got his arm caught in the winch during a storm and had to amputate it at the
  31. It is based on a traditional Brazilian legend involving the loss of a, fisherman ,in a sea-faring accident Important measures *Manuel dos Was Machado (Master
  32. Away from home, taking an array of odd jobs—including, by age eighteen," tuna, fisherman ,off the coast of Galveston, itinerant crop-picker down in New Orleans, hired
  33. Moved to Demand, Florida,in Volusia County where a niece lived. An avid trout, fisherman , she died of a heart attack on July 7,1988,either in Demand (says her New
  34. Much more successful in fishing. An avid and expert fly fisherman and deep-sea, fisherman , he spent many summers after baseball fishing the Mirach River, in Mirach
  35. On Dolphin Island a few hours after the drowning death of Jed's grandfather, fisherman ,Ezra Paulsen. They take him to live with their own children, Bruce and Susie.
  36. Had an economic boom. Whitefish have figured into the regional diet after a, fisherman ,introduced them to the Amended over 110 years ago. Fishing was once prominent
  37. The next morning when … ". For instance Thomas Nash wrote in 1599 about a, fisherman ,from Lothingland in the Great Yarmouth area who discovered smoking herring by
  38. Of Bucharest with the name of Bu cur who was either a prince, an outlaw,a, fisherman , a shepherd, or a hunter, according to different legends. In Romanian the word
  39. Without having, technically,to set foot on Japanese soil. He and his aide the, fisherman ,Manjaro set off for Raga, forging a band of friendship through the exchange of
  40. Shogun, Kayama himself is killed by a cloaked assassin - his former friend,the, fisherman ,Manjaro. In the ensuing turmoil the puppet Emperor seizes the real power from
  41. Book was canceled with issue #125 as Shang-Chi retired to a passive life as a, fisherman ,in a village. Shang-Chi had two more short series: the Master of Kung Fu:
  42. 1972) **John Quick's manuscript Cones Sacra Anglican, which gives the, fisherman ,anecdote on the personal authority of one who was present; **Life by Matthias
  43. Of a" blind, begging singer who hangs around with little people: shoemakers, fisherman , potters, sailors,elderly men in the gathering places of harbor towns ". The
  44. Vegetative state for 17 years (b. 1970) *2010 – Phil Harris, American, fisherman , from Discovery Channel's Deadliest Catch (b. 1956) * 2010 – Walter Frederick
  45. Arrested Bubo Na Chute. He later returned to Guinea-Bissau disguised as a, fisherman ,and took refuge at a UN compound. Although the UN agreed to surrender him to
  46. From 17 % from 2004. Colorado Governor Bill Ritter commented:“ As an avid, fisherman ,and bike rider, I know first-hand that Colorado provides a great environment
  47. His life as an adventurer, and retired to remote Yang-Tin, China,to live as a, fisherman , Return Some time later, Shang-Chi returned from China, and rejoined Carr
  48. The sons of one of the Dragon Kings (a ruler-god of the sea) was caught by a, fisherman ,while taking the form of a fish. Being stuck on land, he was unable to
  49. The genie was helpless to free himself, until freed many centuries later by a, fisherman ,who discovered the bottle. In other stories which are found in One Thousand and
  50. Of Ecuador between 9,000-6,000 bc. The earliest people were hunter-gathers and, fisherman , Approximately 6,000 bc the culture were among the first to begin farming. The

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