Examples of the the word, alleviate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( alleviate ), is the 7179 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Infant Eleanor, daughter of King Edward of Portugal, whose dowry helped him to, alleviate ,his debts and cement his power. In 1442,Frederick allied himself with Rudolf
  2. With a concept should be eliminated. A classroom tone of support helps to, alleviate ,fears and encourages students to have the courage to explore concepts and
  3. Disorder found that 16.5 % were taking an antipsychotic drug, most commonly to, alleviate ,mood and behavioral disturbances characterized by irritability, aggression,and
  4. Of natural phenomena but the efforts could be made to avoid disasters and, alleviate ,their effects on human lives, infrastructure and property. Rising frequency
  5. That Diabetics can increase intelligence, eliminate unwanted emotions and, alleviate ,a wide range of illnesses he believed to be psychosomatic. Among the conditions
  6. By a number of different drugs. For example, anticholinergics are often used to, alleviate ,the motor side effects of antipsychotics. Some side effects will appear
  7. Diagnosis: the occasional use of drugs (opiates, barbiturates,and so on) to, alleviate ,acute episodes of distress, prolonged baths (greatly admired by Kraepelin as a
  8. Accidents and incidents An antidepressant is a psychiatric medication used to, alleviate ,mood disorders, such as major depression and dysthymia and anxiety disorders
  9. Had to all operate at the same speed, making phased-in upgrades impossible. To, alleviate ,these problems, bridging was created to communicate at the data link layer
  10. Gibraltar (albeit spelled Gibraltar) was issued by Robert Keeling in order to, alleviate ,a shortage of copper. * 1803 June - Admiral Nelson arrived in Gibraltar as
  11. Doors and gates, striking projected hinges. Piano hinges are not recommended to, alleviate ,this problem as they tend to sag over time with heavy use. Instead, an
  12. Either take an oath of loyalty to Belarus, or leave. This oath however did not, alleviate ,concerns regarding loyalty to Russia in time of crisis, especially since nearly
  13. Ahmad Shah did not have enough resources to check Qing forces. In an effort to, alleviate ,the situation in East Turkestan, Ahmad Shah sent envoys to Beijing, but the
  14. Reverse-anesthetic effect; adding a small amount of nitrogen to the mixture can, alleviate ,the problem. In organic chemistry, a hydrocarbon is an organic compound
  15. And with the Protestant majority in general, and it had the potential to, alleviate ,concerns brought about by the King's Catholic marriage. However,Charles's
  16. To be re-set. In the mid-19th century, numerous modifications were attempted to, alleviate ,these problems, as well as improve holding power, including one-armed mooring
  17. Near the confluence of the rivers in downtown Fort Wayne, all implemented to, alleviate ,future flooding. 21st century In recent history, the focus of citizens has been
  18. Ever seen of present racial conditions in the South and of those who try to, alleviate ,them. I cannot recommend it too vehemently .... Incidentally, the other stories
  19. Airflow was striking the sailplane, causing the buffeting. In an attempt to, alleviate ,the buffeting the company experimented with special aerodynamic slots fitted to
  20. However, it should be noted that the increased link speeds by themselves do not, alleviate ,jitter due to queuing. Additionally, the hardware for implementing the service
  21. As a supporter of using greenbacks and Free Silver to inflate the currency and, alleviate ,economic distress in the rural districts, Stevenson balanced the ticket headed
  22. Alexander, who,in the 1890s,developed its principles as a personal tool to, alleviate ,breathing problems and hoarseness during public speaking. He credited the
  23. Path there is not clear. Separation from a corrupt social system in order to, alleviate ,human suffering, as Canada does, is the only honorable course. " Many
  24. And oppression. Fox petitioned Cromwell over the course of 1656,asking him to, alleviate ,the persecution of Quakers. Later that year, they met for a second time at
  25. A lonely figure. As his condition worsened, he underwent numerous procedures to, alleviate ,the condition, but with no enduring success. In early January, the last of a
  26. He also made explicit the turn away from socialism, but this did little to, alleviate ,poverty and the country showed no immediate signs of moving towards democracy.
  27. Acceptable terms. Though some trade restrictions were lifted on the north to, alleviate ,economic isolation for the Turkish Cypriots, further negotiations have not been
  28. In recent years to stem excess liquidity, increase labor incentives, and, alleviate , serious shortages of food, consumer goods, and services. To alleviate the
  29. Farmers were placed in a disadvantageous economic position. Disraeli sought to, alleviate ,this disadvantage by differentially raising income tax rates against
  30. Had grown out of the Panic of 1873,which Mackenzie's government was unable to, alleviate , In 1874,Mackenzie negotiated a new free trade agreement with the United
  31. Concluded that, while cats were not shown to promote positive moods, they do, alleviate ,negative ones. One study found that cat ownership is associated with a reduced
  32. Painless, happy death, during which it was a" physician's responsibility to, alleviate ,the 'physical sufferings' of the body. " Bacon referred to an" outward
  33. Aircraft presented a flexing problem due to air turbulence at low altitude. To, alleviate ,this, Rockwell included small triangular fin control surfaces or vanes near the
  34. And other administrative entities in the public sector. This would also help, alleviate ,the financial problems of depopulation due to limited job opportunities, high
  35. And the Roosevelt Administration, officials began numerous initiatives to, alleviate ,some social and economic conditions in the South. The 1933 Special
  36. Greater frequency than the SSRIs. One advantage of benzodiazepines is that they, alleviate ,the anxiety symptoms much faster than antidepressants, and therefore may be
  37. Fox (see family tree below). He experimented with the use of air and gases to, alleviate ,infections and cancers in patients. A Pneumatic Institution was established at
  38. From the herb St John's Wort have long been used (as a" nerve tonic" ) to, alleviate ,depression. Isoniazid and iproniazid In 1951,two people from Sea View Hospital
  39. Springs Airport. Two grade separated interchanges were built in order to, alleviate ,congestion at some of the city's the worst intersections. Both the intersection at
  40. That used for animal nutrition is employed in the human nutrition industry to, alleviate ,symptoms of mineral deficiencies, such as anemia, by improving mineral
  41. And alleviate serious shortages of food, consumer goods, and services. To, alleviate ,the economic crisis, the government introduced a few market-oriented reforms
  42. Worsened as it grew much larger, and he felt compelled to seek outlets to, alleviate ,the stress. Area was also suffering from diverticulitis. Ball divorced him in
  43. Had to hire other RCA producers like Bob Ferguson and Elton Jarvis to, alleviate ,his workload. In later years he even went back to radio, appearing on Garrison
  44. Sufficient resources to check the advance of Qing forces. In an effort to, alleviate ,the situation in East Turkestan, Ahmad Shah sent envoys to Beijing, but the
  45. Shortages of honey bees and increasing the price of insect pollination. To, alleviate ,almond growers from the rising cost of insect pollination, researchers at the
  46. Cities. Program Expansion,1935-1936 Responding to favorable public opinion to, alleviate ,unemployment Congress approved the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935
  47. The word itself. Thus, they do not resolve the ambiguities that E-Prime seeks to, alleviate ,without an additional rule, such as that all sentences must contain a verb.
  48. Protruding noses (which remove the pressure from the urogenital area) will, alleviate ,any potential health problems. A Spanish study of top triathletes found those
  49. Shimmies were exempted from the Zapata tax, paid by Muslims and used to, alleviate ,the suffering of the poor and the funding of Jihad. Later, the Kara emerged
  50. Of which salicylic acid was the active ingredient, had been known to help, alleviate ,headaches, pains and fevers since antiquity. The father of modern medicine

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