Examples of the the word, crow , in a Sentence Context

The word ( crow ), is the 7192 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are especially vociferous, crow ing almost constantly, while others only, crow ,a few times a day. These differences are dependent both upon the rooster's
  2. Children, appear in animal form: cow, lion,fox, monkey,horse, dog,pig, cat, crow , pheasant, owl,and snake. But apart from these" nightmare shapes," the
  3. A pub in Crow borough, East Sussex called The Crow and Gate has an image of a, crow ,with gates as wings. A http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php? Id=595 British
  4. And the Zuid-Willemsvaart. Distances to other cities These distances are as the, crow ,flies and therefore not represent actual overland distances. Local anthem In
  5. Denied knowing him three times, but after the third denial, heard the rooster, crow ,and recalled the prediction as Jesus turned to look at him. Peter then began to
  6. The monster lifted its head so high that it seemed to be higher than the, crow ,'s nest on the mainmast. The head was small and the body short and wrinkled.
  7. U. S. -Northern Africa) * 5,100 Mm — Distance from Dublin to New York as the, crow ,flies * 6.270 Mm — Length of the Mississippi-Missouri River system * 6.762 Mm —
  8. Mórrígan, like Alec to of the Greek Furies, appears to the bull in the form of a, crow ,and warns him to flee. Cúchulainn defends Ulster by fighting a series of single
  9. On most doors. The lever could be as small as a screwdriver or big as a, crow ,bar. Fully implemented access control systems include forced door monitoring
  10. Crow lives out nine generations of aged men, but a stag's life is four times a, crow ,'s, and a raven's life makes three stags old, while the phoenix outlives nine
  11. Most are omnivorous. The ravens look similar to another common bird,the, crow , being related. The Roman, who are known collectively in the Roman language
  12. Cuckoo are not aggressive on their own, but if repeatedly attacked, they will, crow , causing a swarm of cuckoo to fly in and attack the violator until he or she
  13. Frank Grain took the roles of the fox and crow then Paul Frees became the, crow ,while Grain was still the fox till the last short in 1950) *Wile E. Coyote (
  14. Pregnant with Asclepius, Coronis fell in love with Inches, son of Elates. A, crow ,informed Apollo of the affair. When first informed he disbelieved the crow and
  15. Stone with his own entrails, so he can die upright, and it is only when a, crow ,lands on his shoulder that his enemies believe he is dead. Mythological Cycle
  16. Other birds (in the Western hemisphere the American robin and the American, crow ,are the most common carriers) and also humans. The infected mosquito species
  17. Cantan dos gallons en un gallery:: Literal translation:::: two roosters do not, crow ,in a hen house:: Meaning/use:::: Peace is disrupted when two want to impose
  18. A crow informed Apollo of the affair. When first informed he disbelieved the, crow ,and turned all crow s black (where they were previously white) as a punishment
  19. Debut short" Fox and Grapes" until Frank Grain took the roles of the fox and, crow ,then Paul Frees became the crow while Grain was still the fox till the last
  20. Longest on Earth * 8,200 Mm — Distance from Dublin to San Francisco as the, crow ,flies Astronomical * 1,000 Mm — Estimated shortest axis of trivial dwarf
  21. The whooping crane and the whip-poor-will. In Tamil and Malayalam, the word for, crow ,is katakana. This practice is especially common in certain languages such as
  22. Versailles is located west-southwest from the center of Paris (as the, crow ,flies). The city sits on an elevated plateau,130 to 140 meters (425 to 460
  23. Latin in the New Latin period was (and not),as in Julius" wound ", corvus ", crow ,". Where the pronunciation remained, as after g, q and s, the spelling u
  24. Zambia. Fatima Mulilo is about 130 km from the nearest railway in Zambia as the, crow ,flies, once the Zambezi has been bridged. The lightly laid Mulobezi branch from
  25. Of life of the nymphs, in the form of an ancient number puzzle: A chattering, crow ,lives out nine generations of aged men, but a stag's life is four times a crow
  26. And, with the guidance of a three-legged bird, Yatagarasu (lit. " Eight-span, crow ,"),they moved to Yamato. There, they once again battled Nagasunehiko and were
  27. However, this idea is more romantic than real, as a rooster can and will, crow ,at any time of the day. Some roosters are especially vociferous, crow ing almost
  28. Was slow: Whose hair was whiter than the snow, : Whose face was very like a, crow ,: With eyes, like cinders, all aglow, : Who seemed distracted with his woe, : Who
  29. Bat considered a local delicacy. It is also home to the New Caledonian, crow , a bird noted for its tool-making abilities, which rival that of primates. Less
  30. The heat of noon a white heifer near a bull; when the heifer is pecked by a, crow , it leaves the bull for a meadow with other bulls. The interpreter interprets
  31. Animated film Fritz The Cat contained his song" BO Diddle ", in which a, crow ,idly finger-pops along to the track. BO Diddle spent many years in New Mexico
  32. Original birds probably were doves, symbol of peace. In 1934,the idea of the, crow ,was launched, since the nickname of the inhabitants was ' crow s '. The arms were
  33. For example" Corvus cf. spenders" indicates" a bird similar to the house, crow ,but not certainly identified as this species ". In some contexts the dagger
  34. 1,600 feet (490 m). Nazareth is about from the Sea of Galilee (17 km as the, crow ,flies) and about west from Mount Tabor. The Nazareth Range, in which the town
  35. The writer, other feathers used for quill-pen making include feathers from the, crow , eagle, owl,hawk, and turkey. The barbs are always stripped off partially or
  36. Run for 1,000 km: Nature * 2,000 Mm — Distance from Beijing to Hong Kong as the, crow ,flies * 2,800 Mm — The Narrowest width of the Atlantic Ocean (Brazil-West Africa) *
  37. Of battle, strife,and fertility. She sometimes appears in the form of a, crow , flying above the warriors, and in the Ulster cycle she also takes the form of
  38. Falcon, lanner falcon, European kestrel, tawny owl, little owl, hooded, crow , alpine though, red-billed though, and the hope. Reptiles and amphibians
  39. Home to one of England's rarest breeding birds — the Though. This species of, crow ,is distinctive due to its red beak and legs and haunting" cheetah" call.
  40. S notes call for" a man who looks like a coyote and a woman who looks like a, crow ,". ) She wrote several poems," for Sam Shepard" and" Sam Shepard: 9 Random
  41. And passes just under the string. Historically, plectra were normally made of, crow ,quill or leather; most modern harpsichords based on historic instruments have
  42. Explain the meaning of the closing refrain of the song," Over and over the, crow ,cries uncover the cornfield. " After a heated debate, Parks walked out of the
  43. Ratum" ), when appearing from the left (CIC. , de Div. ii.26),like the, crow ,and the owl. For the oracle" ex tripods" according to Cicero (CIC. De Div.
  44. Him an apple, which is dropped on his lap by Frigg's servant in the form of a, crow ,while Rear is sitting on a mound. Rerir's wife eats the apple and is then
  45. By suiting up for battle, only to be frightened away by an enormous, crow , as the nursery rhyme about my predicts. Alice next meets the White Queen
  46. Are always extremely pejorative * Romanian: Nehru is neutral, cioroi (little, crow ,) is pejorative * Russian: near (“ негр” ) is neutral, chyornyi (“ чёрный ”
  47. Stories, Apollo himself had killed Coronas). As a result he also made the, crow ,sacred and gave them the task of announcing important deaths. Apollo rescued
  48. And feminine respectively, even in reference to a female raven or a male, crow , All neuter words have identical nominative and accusative forms, and all
  49. And Hus, house,is neuter, so also are ran and drama, for " raven" and ", crow ,", masculine and feminine respectively, even in reference to a female raven or
  50. As a love allegory; the bull represents the poet, the heifer a girl, and the, crow ,an old woman. The old woman spurs the girl to leave her lover and find someone

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