Examples of the the word, keyword , in a Sentence Context

The word ( keyword ), is the 7181 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Returned. Some symbols evaluate to themselves, for example all symbols in the, keyword ,package are self-evaluating. Boolean values in Common Lisp are represented by
  2. Scoping). JavaScript 1.7,however, supports block-level scoping with the let, keyword , Like C, JavaScript makes a distinction between expressions and statements. One
  3. Languages allow the programmer to specify, though not necessarily by a, keyword , which classes are considered abstract and will not allow these to be
  4. Technology The master Gopher space search engine is Veronica. Veronica offers a, keyword ,search of all the public Internet Gopher server menu titles. A Veronica search
  5. Icon is most similar to Pascal, using: = syntax for assignments, the procedure, keyword ,and similar syntax. On the other hand, Icon uses C-style brackets for
  6. Noted for their impact upon search engine optimization included heavier, keyword ,weighting and the importance of the domain's age. The move was interpreted in
  7. As used in Iverson's notation and not be forced to use awkward English, keyword ,representations of them. Falloff and Iverson had the special APL Selectric
  8. Is defined using the rescue keyword . Within the rescue section, the retry, keyword ,executes the routine again. For example, the following routine tracks the
  9. To) a command where a filename is normally used. When using the 'function ', keyword , Bash function declarations are not compatible with Bourne/Born/POSIX scripts (
  10. Features of early Dartmouth BASIC, such as line numbers and the INPUT, keyword , remain (although Visual Basic still uses INPUT to read data from files, and
  11. And will not allow these to be instantiated. For example, in Java and PHP,the, keyword ,abstract is used. In C++, an abstract class is a class having at least one
  12. Objects. Dylan supports multiple inheritance, polymorphism,multiple dispatch, keyword ,arguments, object introspection, pattern-based syntax extension macros, and
  13. Sequences. In the statement if token is then result token, there is both a, keyword ,if and a variable named if. Because of this keyword stropping, it was possible
  14. 6 story basements is required, therefore a diaphragm wall design came out. *The, keyword ,to this project is: time. With a briefing in a limited detail, the structural
  15. Static methods cannot access any class members that are not also static. The, keyword ,void indicates that the main method does not return any value to the caller. If
  16. Tokens. Each token is a single atomic unit of the language, for instance a, keyword , identifier or symbol name. The token syntax is typically a regular language
  17. Logical conjunction is commonly represented by an infix operator, usually as a, keyword ,such as" AND ", an algebraic multiplication, or the ampersand symbol" & ".
  18. By Tibet et al. Once routines A routine's result can be cached using the once, keyword ,in place of do. Non-first calls to a routine require no additional computation
  19. Environment) as a result of evaluating the main function, is an integer. The, keyword ,void as a parameter list indicates that the main function takes no arguments.
  20. While we still index the meta keyword tag, the ranking importance given to meta, keyword ,tags receives the lowest ranking signal in our system .... it will actually
  21. Q= keyword : must sequences of values of a multiplicative function have the, keyword ," must ". See arithmetic function for some other examples of non-multiplicative
  22. String scanning environment. The string scanning environment consists of two, keyword ,variables, &subject and EPOS. Where subject is the string being scanned, and
  23. Named this. ) The method tests the expression input % 2 == 0 using the if, keyword ,to see if the remainder of dividing the input field belonging to the instance
  24. Token, there is both a keyword if and a variable named if. Because of this, keyword ,stropping, it was possible for AA to allow spaces in variable names, such as
  25. I to j) ) Users can build new generators easily using to suspend, keyword ,: procedure findOnlyOdd (pattern, theString) every i: = find (pattern
  26. X: y, difference: x: y, quotient: x: y. Infix is also available. Help ", keyword ,; (will bring up a full description of the expression). Logo allows for
  27. Of a deferred class). A feature can also be deferred by using the deferred, keyword ,in place of a do clause. If a class has any deferred features it must be
  28. More sophisticated. This is due in part to the nearly infinite re-occurrence (, keyword ,stuffing) of meta elements and/or to attempts by unscrupulous website
  29. Of the class. * To calculate () method is declared without the static, keyword , This means that the method is invoked using a specific instance of the Even
  30. Is related to the name of the directory in which the. Java file is located. The, keyword ,static in front of a method indicates a static method, which is associated only
  31. Call with new creates a new object and calls that function with its local this, keyword ,bound to that object for that invocation. The constructor's prototype property
  32. They work more like C functions and can return values; there is no function, keyword ,in Icon. Procedure something (string) write (string) end Goal-directed
  33. excluded content Academic studies Google does not use HTML, keyword ,or meta tag elements for indexing. The Director of Research at Google, Monika
  34. To strop keyword s by placing a" %" sign in front of them, for example the, keyword ,endofprogramme could be typed as end of programmed or %endofprogramme There
  35. Tables, which are much more scalable but support only exact-match, rather than, keyword , search. To address the problems of bottlenecks, gnutella developers
  36. Concatenation of the name of their enclosing class, a $, and an integer. The, keyword ,public denotes that a method can be called from code in other classes, or that
  37. Takes a relational operator as an argument and key function as an optional, keyword ,argument. This can be used not only to sort any type of data, but also to sort
  38. An implementation syntax. The different syntaxes permitted it to use different, keyword ,names and conventions for decimal points (commas vs periods) for different
  39. And the body copy (note: the higher up in the page, presumably the better its, keyword ,prominence and thus the ranking). Too many occurrences of the keyword , however
  40. Number by first creating an instance of the Even class, using the new, keyword ,and the Even () constructor, and then assigning this instance to the
  41. It must call System. Exit () explicitly. The method name" main" is not a, keyword ,in the Java language. It is simply the name of the method the Java launcher
  42. Java and C#, support a variant of abstract classes called an interface via a, keyword ,in the language. Such a class can only contain abstract publicly accessible
  43. Its keyword prominence and thus the ranking). Too many occurrences of the, keyword , however, cause the page to look suspect to Google's spam checking algorithms.
  44. When a function is called as a method of an object, the function's local this, keyword ,is bound to that object for that invocation. Miscellaneous; run-time
  45. Changed with Yahoo's ranking algorithms is that while we still index the meta, keyword ,tag, the ranking importance given to meta keyword tags receives the lowest
  46. Data-input mistakes. An Eiffel exception handler is defined using the rescue, keyword , Within the rescue section, the retry keyword executes the routine again. For
  47. engine's results page, for some consumers it now implies a relationship with, keyword ,spamming or optimizing a site's internal search engine for improved
  48. Statement in computer programming; control statement that may include the, keyword ," case ". * Use case in software engineering and systems engineering; a
  49. Counterpart to the America Online portal for MTV content, which existed at AOL, keyword ,MTV until approximately the end of the 1990s. After this time, the website
  50. Functions In a format similar to C, function definitions consist of the, keyword ,function, the function name, argument names and the function body. Here is an

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