Examples of the the word, dominance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dominance ), is the 7188 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are omnivorous generalists, but a few are specialist feeders. Their ecological, dominance ,may be measured by their biomass, and estimates in different environments
  2. Fore circa 1720 BC and completely freed Assyria from the pretence of Babylonian, dominance , This also brought to an end the Favorite presence in Assyria, although they
  3. And Art Gallery on 21 January 2007. In the 1990s,given Australia's long, dominance ,of the Ashes and the popular acceptance of the Darnley urn as ‘ The Ashes ’
  4. Number of other leagues, including the venerable Eastern League, threatened the, dominance ,of the National League. The Western League, founded in 1893,became
  5. Empires, internal squabbling, and a tussle between Hinduism and Buddhism for, dominance , Islam was introduced to the Bengal region in the 12th century by Arab Muslim
  6. 1884 to 1896 After Bligh's victory, there was an extended period of English, dominance , The tours generally had fewer Tests in the 1880s and 1890s than people have
  7. To Washington’D. C., and began play as the Washington Nationals. Pitching, dominance ,and rules changes By the late 1960s,the balance between pitching and hitting
  8. Genetic evidence suggests Britons still formed the bulk of the population. This, dominance ,creating what is now England and leaving culturally British enclaves only in
  9. Partnerships to further its business interests as well as to tackle Intel's, dominance ,and resources. A partnership between AMD and Alpha Processor Inc. developed
  10. The Audi Type K, with left-handed drive. Left-hand drive spread and established, dominance ,during the 1920s because it provided a better view of oncoming traffic, making
  11. And marketing. Nonetheless, the 7800 failed to help Atari regain its, dominance ,in the video game industry. Technical Specifications ** Speed: 1.79 MHz, drops
  12. The degree and pattern of, dominance ,varies among loci. For a further discussion see Dominance (genetics). This
  13. Of the musical are circumstantial at best. Ruth's career mirrors the shift in, dominance ,from pitching to hitting at this time. He started his career as a pitcher in
  14. Play, Karpov lost only two games out of 68 played. To illustrate Karpov's, dominance ,over his peers as champion, his score was +11 −2 20 versus Spas sky, +5 12
  15. Of US economic superiority. Globalization historians claim that dollar, dominance ,has been achieved also by political agreements such as the Bretton Woods System
  16. Years, there has been a major shift in the nature of OED’s work program from a, dominance ,of evaluations of individual projects to one focusing on broader and more
  17. Printing, specializing in binding alone. At that time, largely because of the, dominance ,of letterpress printing, the pattern of the industry was for typesetting and
  18. Higher) are effectively insoluble in water because of the hydrocarbon chain's, dominance , All simple alcohols are miscible in organic solvents. Because of hydrogen
  19. Enlil-nasir II in 1420 BC. Assyrian kings seemed to have been free of this, dominance ,regarding international affairs at times also, as evidenced by the treaty
  20. In 20 varsity sports. Historically, the university has shown great athletic, dominance ,in men's,women's, and mixed archery; men's,women's, and mixed badminton;
  21. Might some day want to expand in other territories and threaten his league's, dominance , After 1902 both leagues and the NAB PL signed a new National Agreement which
  22. And was particularly opposed. Serbia also feared this would diminish its, dominance ,in the region. In addition,Serbia's ruler Milan Obrenović IV was annoyed that
  23. An ecological ethic that replaced an earlier wilderness ethic where human, dominance ,is stressed. In addition, he included the farm as a place of conservation and
  24. Culture A brief summary of Athena's evolution of myriad motifs after her, dominance ,in Greece may be seen as follows: The rise of Christianity in Greece largely
  25. Grammatical consistency. The Civil War was a significant force in the eventual, dominance ,of the singular usage by the end of the nineteenth century. In recent years
  26. Within species). Birds sometimes use plumage to assess and assert social, dominance , to display breeding condition in sexually selected species, or to make
  27. Migration the following year, it signalled the end of six centuries of Germanic, dominance ,in the Antonia Basin. Preparations and departure from Antonia Despite his
  28. Was to submit gracefully to an historical inevitability — the long-term, dominance ,of Europe by Germany. Many people, however,became members of the French
  29. WSC came after an era during which the duopoly of Australian and English, dominance ,dissipated; the Ashes had long been seen as a cricket world championship but
  30. Year, at WrestleMania 2 on April 7,1986,André continued to display his, dominance ,by winning a twenty-man battle royal which featured top NFL stars and wrestlers
  31. Language, began to develop from this in the eastern regions of Arm. Oddly,the, dominance ,of Neo Assyrian Empire under Tiglath-Pileser III over Arm in the middle
  32. Rebellion, and then swiftly more than doubled the size of lands under Aztec, dominance , He conquered the Mixtec, Zapotec,and other peoples from Mexico's Pacific
  33. Strong kingdom and imperial power based in northern Mesopotamia, competing for, dominance ,with Babylonia to the south and with the Hittites and Ara means to the west, the
  34. Regions, and a military intended to defeat foreign enemies and assert Egyptian, dominance , Motivating and organizing these activities was a bureaucracy of elite scribes
  35. Cycle, part of amino acid catabolism (see below). A rare exception to the, dominance ,of amino acids in biology is the amino acid beta alpine (3-aminopropanoic
  36. Disregarded the public dissatisfaction. It was in the 1960s that the bipolar, dominance ,of England and Australia in world cricket was seriously challenged for the
  37. Boston of the American League. *Lastly, it established a system of control and, dominance ,for the major leagues over the independents. There would not be another Ban
  38. The latter his defeat of the Genius and his departure from Antonia ended the, dominance ,of the Germanic peoples. The period of Alboin's reign as king in Antonia
  39. So that each contributor might function as a kind of foil, checking the, dominance ,of any one person’s point-of-view. " In addition to the actual script, Kurosawa
  40. A kingdom of northern Mesopotamia (modern-day northern Iraq),competing for, dominance ,with its fellow Akkadian speaking southern Mesopotamian rival, Babylonia which
  41. The instrument was often called the" Fender bass ", due to Fender's early, dominance ,in the market. Gibson introduced the short-scale (30.5" ) bass the Gibson
  42. Plants about 100 million years ago they diversified and assumed ecological, dominance ,around 60 million years ago. In 1966,E. O. Wilson and his colleagues
  43. 19th century In the 19th century, the city gained more independence from the, dominance ,of Copenhagen and Hamburg. While it had been the third-largest city in Jutland
  44. In the Battle of Memorial by the Republic of Genoa, thus losing its naval, dominance ,in the Mediterranean. *1506 – The Grand Duchy of Lithuania defeated the Crimean
  45. Began in the late 6th century; this may indicate a period in which Anglo-Saxon, dominance ,was interrupted in some way. Charters are documents which granted land to
  46. Advantage in the global economy because of dollar hegemony, and that dollar, dominance ,is not just a consequence of US economic superiority. Globalization historians
  47. Rated the team that won the series 2–1 as England's best ever. England's, dominance ,was not to last. Australia won 4–0 in 1958–59,having found a high-quality
  48. In more than 100 years and started Republicans on the road to political, dominance ,in the state. One million voters cast ballots in the 1986 Democratic primary.
  49. The series 2–1,and this marked the end of England's longest period of Ashes, dominance , 1897 to 1902 Australia resoundingly won the 1897–98 series by 4–1 under the
  50. 1864 – The Union Navy captures Fort Morgan, Alabama,thus breaking Confederate, dominance ,of all ports on the Gulf of Mexico. *1866 – Austro-Prussian War ends with the

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