Examples of the the word, disguise , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disguise ), is the 7183 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Since the original ATA interface is essentially just a 16-bit ISA bus in, disguise , the bridge was especially simple in case of an ATA connector being located on
  2. Throne Cross. Director Mascot NATO originally planned for Magus to appear in, disguise ,as Guile, but scrapped the idea due to plot difficulties. Development Square
  3. Ship, Odin whispered in his ear. This was to be a key riddle asked by Odin (in, disguise ,) of the giant Vafthrudnir (and which was, of course, unanswerable ) in the
  4. Crude in that they described the brain as essentially a digital computer in, disguise , as in John von Neumann's 1958 book, The Computer and the Brain. Warren
  5. Ancient alabaster is identical to the modern stone. Alabaster may be stained to, disguise ,it, by being heated in various commentary solutions. In this way a very
  6. In her archaic form as a mare-goddess. She resisted Poseidon, but she could not, disguise ,her divinity among the horses of King Onion. Poseidon became a stallion and
  7. Referred to as Frost. In chapter 13 of Gylfaginning, Gangleri (King Golf in, disguise ,) asks the enthroned figure of High what way exists between heaven and earth.
  8. Sees the Well-Dressed Man coming up the stairs and recognizes him as Frank in, disguise , Jeffrey talks to Detective Williams,Sandy's father, over the Yellow Man's
  9. The injury for the rest of his life and was badly scarred, styling his hair to, disguise ,it as much as possible. As their commander recovered, his men stripped the
  10. Enough. " Criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot," Wayne remarks," so my, disguise ,must be able to strike terror into their hearts. I must be a creature of the
  11. Flag, then collecting one such flag in the future to be used as a Tentacle, disguise ,to allow that character to roam freely. In Maniac Mansion, the playable
  12. It has skin and blood (cellular organic systems),these serve mainly as a, disguise ,and are not symbiotic with the machine components, a trait of true cyborgs. The
  13. Tail of these aircraft were regularly changed to confuse observers and, disguise ,their true mission. C-130E model The extended range C-130E model entered
  14. Nuns or matrons, virgins or widows as the fancy seized him, sometimes in, disguise , " On 1 November 1285. But the sudden death of the king dashed all such hopes.
  15. Her first. Fay refuses to take her wig off, and confesses to him that this, disguise , left over from a college play, is the only way she can break out of her rigid
  16. Years. Most military and civilian leaders of the former regime who failed to, disguise ,their pasts were executed. Within the CPK, the Paris-educated leadership—Pol
  17. Director of the first Reeve movie, stated that he believes Clark Kent to be the, disguise , *Clark Kent is the person, Superman the identity: With John Byrne's more
  18. The Prussian, Captain Pomodoro (Hardy Kruger),who seeing through his, disguise ,offers him the choice of being shot as a deserter or enlisting in the Prussian
  19. Thor's sons. When the gods discovered that the giantess Took had been Loki in, disguise , they hunted him down and bound him to three rocks. Then they tied a serpent
  20. Genre in France. In Monsieur Leon (1868),the title character is adept at, disguise , a key characteristic of detectives. Gaboriau's writing is also considered to
  21. Introduction in 1938 to the mid-1980s," Clark Kent" was seen mostly as a, disguise ,for Superman, enabling him to mix with ordinary people. This was the view in
  22. Stranger, a French woman in a feathered coat appears. It is really Fay Apple in, disguise , She introduces herself as the Lady from Lourdes, a professional Miracle
  23. When Josepha Sherman's Son of Darkness has an elf living in New York City, in, disguise , ) on the other. In works such as Robert A. Heinlein's Magic, Incorporated
  24. Christopher Reeve in the Superman film series, who was praised for making the, disguise ,'s effectiveness credible to audiences, portrayed Clark Kent as massively
  25. Through the speech, the Preacher directs himself at Asia, seeing through her, disguise , and eventually whispers in her ear and addresses her as" sister. " Asia is
  26. In the poem Grímnismál that mentions the bridge, Grímnir (the god Odin in, disguise ,) provides the young Agar with cosmological knowledge, including that First
  27. Their names (in one episode the two wore horn rimmed glasses in an absurd, disguise ,which Anderson did not notice). He served in the Navy during World War II and
  28. Then the one usually presented by the dresser. Cross-dressing has been used for, disguise , performance art and as a literary trope in modern times and throughout history
  29. Get Hapgood's help in exposing the miracle. Hap good, however,sees through her, disguise ,and wants to question her first. Fay refuses to take her wig off, and confesses
  30. By himself in order to rescue his imprisoned teammates. He is a master of, disguise , often gathering information under the identity of Matches Malone, a notorious
  31. Serious car accident, after which he started to grow his signature mustache to, disguise ,his scar. Frustrated by the difficulties of working with musicians from
  32. Animal to blend in with its surroundings, while another is for the animal to, disguise ,itself as something uninteresting or something dangerous. There is a permanent
  33. On the staircase leading to Tulkinghorn's office that night, some of them in, disguise , and Inspector Bucket must penetrate these mysteries to identify the murderer.
  34. Summary Web pages with the. Asp file extension use ASP, although some Websites, disguise ,their choice of scripting language for security purposes (e.g. still using
  35. Superman costume. Then, the superhero emerges having transformed from his meek, disguise ,to his true self. In the comic books and in the George Reeves television series
  36. Bills hat with the Charging Buffalo emblem in the center and uses it to help, disguise ,himself. Dean Cain, who played Clark Kent/Superman, had previously tried out
  37. Some men have cross-dressed to escape from mandatory military service or as a, disguise ,to assist in political or social protest, as men did in the Rebecca Riots.
  38. By the Wakanda Design Group with the ability to change its color for, disguise ,purposes (red, white and blue),and fitted to store and conceal the custom
  39. Was introduced, since it had various flaws (such as stories where Batman would, disguise ,himself as Clark Kent, among others). *Another reason given in the 1987 story
  40. A beautiful youth in Greek mythology with whom Zeus fell in love and, in the, disguise ,of an eagle (represented by the constellation Aquila) carried off to Olympus
  41. Odysseus and plays a role in his eventual escort to Ithaca. Athena appears in, disguise ,to Odysseus upon his arrival, initially lying and telling him that Penelope
  42. Had given him. * As" Stupendous Man" he pictures himself as a superhero in, disguise , wearing a mask and a cape made by his mother, and narrating his own adventures
  43. Italy bear witness. He mentions meeting an abbé whom he took for a girl in, disguise , only later discovering that" she" was a famous castrate. In Rome in 1762 he
  44. A portion of his telepathic abilities to the Changeling to complete the, disguise , Deadly Genesis X-Men When the X-Men are captured by the sentient island Krakow
  45. Unfortunately, many manufacturers have added additional coloring to, disguise ,their unstable cyanine CD-Rs in the past, so the formulation of a disc cannot
  46. Honours. His brother Julian wrote, I believe his blindness was a blessing in, disguise , For one thing, it put paid to his idea of taking up medicine as a career ...
  47. In their capacity as citizens. Whatever professionalism there was tended to, disguise ,itself; it was possible to pay for the services of a speechwriter (monographs
  48. Shock others or challenge social norms. Both men and women may cross-dress to, disguise ,their physical sex. Historically, some women have cross-dressed to take up
  49. S head of security, Allan Pinkerton. On February 23, 1861,he arrived in, disguise ,in Washington’D. C., which was placed under substantial military guard.
  50. Goods. When Achilles instantly takes up the spear, Odysseus sees through his, disguise ,and convinces him to join the Greek campaign. In another version of the story

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