Examples of the the word, minus , in a Sentence Context

The word ( minus ), is the 7186 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Affinity ", symbolized by A, as introduced by Theophilus de Donder in 1923. The, minus ,sign comes from the fact the affinity was defined to represent the rule that
  2. And Development uses" Western Balkans" to refer to the above states, minus ,Croatia. Today Western Balkans is more of a political than geographic
  3. Chinese dynasties (or, more recently, republics ) have ruled all of China (, minus ,Xinjiang and Tibet) (and, in some eras, including the present, they have
  4. Axis of rotation. This gives a term -\bold symbol\Omega\times\bold symbol v. The, minus ,sign arises from the traditional definition of the cross product (right hand
  5. The Bank of Canada sets a target overnight rate, and a band of plus or, minus ,0.25 %. Qualified banks borrow from each other within this band, but never
  6. Is nearly identical to the film's version of Vladimir in both appearance (, minus ,the belt-mounted suspensory) and personality, and also dies by poisoning.
  7. Conformed fairly closely to the order Alismatales as defined by APG, minus ,the Tracheae. The Dahlgren system placed the Alismatales in the super order
  8. Information. " The balance factor of a node is the height of its left subtree, minus ,the height of its right subtree (sometimes opposite) and a node with balance
  9. Dynamite, was released. The album's cover shows the group as a four-piece (, minus ,Donovan); the full group is pictured on the back cover. 1986's No. 10,Upping
  10. Separated radioactive emissions into two types: alpha and beta (now beta, minus ,), based on penetration of objects and ability to cause ionization. Alpha rays
  11. Clinical research, can be estimated by the formula 220 beats per minute, minus ,patient's age. This linear relation is accurate up to about age 30,after
  12. Increase since the last census of 67,427 people (that is 222,222 births, minus ,154,795 deaths) and an increase due to net migration of 41,718 people into the
  13. To copy if quotient was 0 End outer skip loop (jump to here if (( character, minus ,1)/32) was not 2 or 3) ← Clear remainder from first division if second
  14. U. S. and China; however, Canada ranks fourth in land area (i.e., total area, minus ,the area of lakes and rivers)—China is and the U. S. is The northernmost
  15. Practice. In Summat Arithmetic, Pacioli introduced symbols for plus and, minus ,for the first time in a printed book, symbols that became standard notation in
  16. Products. Driving the capitalist economy is the search for profits (revenues, minus ,expenses). This is known as the profit motive, and it helps ensure that
  17. n),and if n is even it is the sum of the KTM powers of the even divisors of n, minus ,the sum of the KTM powers of the odd divisors of n.: r_8 (n) = 16\sigma_3^
  18. Additionally, in some fonts the underscore character can be confused with a, minus ,sign; it can be overlooked because it falls below the string of characters or
  19. The sum of the squared deviations from the mean divided by the number of scores, minus ,one" The standard deviation allows us to reach some conclusions about specific
  20. Is emitted. In the case of electron emission, it is referred to as beta, minus ,(), while in the case of a positron emission as beta plus (). In electron
  21. Natural increase since the last census of 60,994 people (that is 86,062 births, minus ,25,068 deaths) and a decrease due to net migration of 5,469 people out of the
  22. The range and the standard deviation. The range is simply the highest value, minus ,the lowest value. In our example distribution, the high value is 36 and the low
  23. Increase since the last census of 52,214 people (that is 198,800 births, minus ,146,586 deaths) and an increase due to net migration of 57,611 people into the
  24. Between a plane and an intersecting straight line is equal to ninety degrees, minus ,the angle between the intersecting line and the line that goes through the
  25. That is too small to contain a normal-sized keyboard. A corded keyboard, minus ,the board, typically designed to be used while held in the hand, is called a
  26. Value. Here, the sum is 350. Next, we divide this sum by the number of scores, minus ,1. Here, the result is 350 / 6 58.3. This value is known as the variance. To
  27. States define the" Western Balkans" as Albania and the former Yugoslavia, minus ,Slovenia. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development uses" Western
  28. The Byzantine historian Penance Gruel used negative years (identified by a, minus ,sign, − ) to label BC years and unsigned positive years to label AD years in a
  29. Etc. Similarly, some minor products can be placed below the arrow, often with a, minus ,sign. Retrosynthetic analysis can be applied to design a complex synthesis
  30. e. The floor below ground, the basement),which may also be numbered" −1" (, minus ,one). American (AME) apartment buildings / (BRE) blocks of flats
  31. Of Day clock (TOD),with programmable alarm clock **64 KB, of which 38 KB (, minus ,1 byte) were available for BASIC programs **512 bytes color RAM (memory
  32. The graphs of two functions is equal to the integral of one function, f (x), minus , the integral of the other function, g (x). *an area bounded by a function r =
  33. Dividend copy remainder divisor quotient zero) <+← Set up dividend (x, minus ,1) and enter division loop >+>+>→>> Increase copy and remainder / reduce
  34. About four inches wide and seven inches long (10 × 18 cm),the skull was, minus ,its lower jaw but possessed two sharp, prominent canines that suggested that it
  35. Increase since the last census of 205,321 people (that is 353,091 births, minus ,147,770 deaths) and an increase due to net migration of 159,957 people into
  36. Solved for, giving: r = r_0 \cos (\theta - \phi) + \sort, the solution with a, minus ,sign in front of the square root giving the same curve. Complex plane In the
  37. For other response tolerances are sometimes quoted (, etc.) or" plus or, minus ,1dB" ( roughly the sound level difference people usually can detect). The
  38. Four Legions, each corresponding to one of the four numbered military regions, minus ,the temporary military operational zone on the western border. Navy Cote
  39. A lot of people came into the airline business. Most of them promptly exited, minus ,their money ", he said. Miami became a hub after American bought Central and
  40. Four separate bets, and pays off depending on which number is actually rolled, minus ,three units for the other three losing bets. Many players, in order to
  41. And today resides in the collection of the Chicago Historical Society, minus ,three of its stars. The USS Monitor was lost on December 31 of the same year
  42. That was eventually printed into the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon, minus ,the first 116 pages of the Book of Levi, which were lost after Smith lent the
  43. A surface is painted with a pigment, light hitting the surface is reflected, minus ,some wavelengths. This subtraction of wavelengths produces the appearance of
  44. Of the present council area are exactly the same as those of the old county, minus ,the City of Dundee. Parliamentary representation Areas similar to that of the
  45. A partial order nor a total preorder is, therefore,the number of preorders, minus ,the number of partial orders, minus the number of total preorders, plus the
  46. Increase since the last census of 121,054 people (that is 502,457 births, minus ,381,403 deaths) and an increase due to net migration of 104,991 people into
  47. Is, therefore,the number of preorders, minus the number of partial orders, minus ,the number of total preorders, plus the number of total orders: 0,0,0,3,and
  48. 1S orbit, and these orbit at Z 2. Each one sees the nuclear charge of Z 3, minus , the screening effect of the other, which crudely reduces the nuclear charge by
  49. 2000 and 2009,there was a natural increase of 3,090,016 (5,058,440 births, minus ,2,179,958 deaths). During this time period, international migration produced a
  50. in addition. Subtraction finds the difference between two numbers, the minuend, minus ,the subtrahend. If the minuend is larger than the subtrahend, the difference is

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