Examples of the the word, subsidize , in a Sentence Context

The word ( subsidize ), is the 7187 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The water because of negligence by owner and unwillingness of the county to, subsidize ,rehabilitation) Notable residents *Emory L. Bennett, medal of honor recipient;
  2. Fees to the Fund, which uses the money to set firm prices for recyclables and, subsidize ,local recycling efforts. Until 2008,the recycling rate has increased from 6
  3. Has fought for what it calls the exception culturally, meaning the right to, subsidize ,or treat favorably domestic cultural production and to limit or control foreign
  4. 100 people by the early 19th century. The Church in Germany could no longer, subsidize ,such a small village. Moravians worldwide were selling possessions and even
  5. A person or corporation using CD-R's for data archival should not have to, subsidize ,the producers of popular music. Excises (or exemptions from them) are also
  6. Can be prevented. One hedge against bridge damage in riverine cities is to, subsidize ,a" tourist ferry" that performs scenic cruises on the river. When a bridge is
  7. Development. The city invested heavily in the sports complex and continues to, subsidize ,its operations each year. The stadium draws many tourists, concerts,weddings
  8. New York, and a bus rapid transit system in Springfield, Oregon. The funds, subsidize ,a heavy rail project in northern Virginia, completing the Washington
  9. Between 1793 and 1797,while living in France. He asked the government to, subsidize ,its construction, but he was turned down twice. Eventually he approached the
  10. At a slightly reduced rate. Often this is done when it is deemed cheaper to, subsidize ,private tuition than build a whole new school when a private one already exists
  11. Of previous expeditions, the States-General announced they would no longer, subsidize ,similar voyages - but instead offered a high reward for anybody who
  12. To perceived environmental benefits, the United States has not, continuing to, subsidize ,some but not all traditional commercial crops, such as corn and sugar. As a
  13. The European Union, the United States, Japan and many developing countries, subsidize ,domestic production and maintain high tariffs on imports. Sugar prices in these
  14. By policymakers. Ryan White programs are" payer of last resort," which, subsidize ,treatment when no other resources are available. The act was reauthorized in
  15. Association In January 2009,the European Commission proposed €300 million to, subsidize ,the development of HVDC links between Ireland, Britain,the Netherlands
  16. The large intake of Asiatics, which seems to have occurred partly in order to, subsidize ,the extensive building work, may have encouraged the so-called Hyssop to settle
  17. Realizing how important the railroad was to the future of Long Island, began to, subsidize ,the railroad gradually throughout the 1950s and 60s. In 1966,New York State
  18. To give aid indefinitely would see nations with industrious populations, subsidize ,those with idle populations and would create a moral hazard problem where
  19. And towns was expanded to 78 cities and towns. The MTA was formed partly to, subsidize ,existing commuter rail operations. As this happened, the MTA acquired lines in
  20. Like many Bolshevik artists, Eisenstein envisioned a new society which would, subsidize ,artists totally, freeing them from the confines of bosses and budgets, leaving
  21. S cause was aided by France which, together with England, had agreed to help, subsidize ,the war. Christian had himself appointed war leader of the Lower Saxon Circle
  22. Risks, and a show that is likely to attract a large audience will effectively, subsidize ,a show that is less likely, especially if season tickets are sold. Drawbacks to
  23. Stemming from vaccine injury claims. More affluent countries are able to, subsidize ,vaccinations for at-risk groups, resulting in more comprehensive and effective
  24. Of people from agriculture into cities, the government started to massively, subsidize ,the cooperatives in order to make the standard of living of farmers equal to
  25. Result, Minister of Culture André Malraux announced that his cabinet would not, subsidize ,any films to which Tiara and the others may contribute, and the signatories
  26. Of the voice telephone economics (the CCC is the mechanism used to, subsidize ,the cost of local telephone service from long distance revenue). The FCC
  27. Companies in the United States that charge a small fee to collect CRTs, then, subsidize , their labor by selling the harvested copper, wire,and printed circuit boards.
  28. By people and increases profits. Some entities such as the European Union, subsidize ,organic farming, in large part because these countries want to account for the
  29. Pa. The $13,000 subsidy will be separated into two parts. $10,000 is used to, subsidize ,the school fee and the remaining $3,000 is used for kindergarten teachers to
  30. This watershed was named Rupert's Land, after Prince Rupert, who helped to, subsidize ,the Hudson's Bay Company. York Factory was founded in 1684 after the original
  31. Less than the world prices for their cotton and wheat, using the difference to, subsidize ,capital intensive industrial concerns, such as factories producing automobiles
  32. Funding from sources, other than tuition. For example, some churches partially, subsidize ,private schools for their members. Some people have argued that when their
  33. Hours. As the capabilities grow for all types of UAS, nations continue to, subsidize ,their research and development leading to further advances enabling them to
  34. So even after the increases. It argues that it is not obligated to effectively, subsidize ,the economies of post-Soviet states by offering them resources at below-market
  35. And 1950s,housing shortages caused by wartime destruction led many cities to, subsidize ,housing blocks. Planners used the opportunity to implement the modernist ideal
  36. Media. The laws gave the government the authority to use unlimited budgets to, subsidize ,war production, and to compensate manufacturers for losses caused by wartime
  37. Company) launched the Cummins Foundation, a charitable program that helps, subsidize ,many architectural projects throughout the city by up-and-coming
  38. Guyana and Brazil intended to facilitate cargo traffic: Brazil is expected to, subsidize ,the paving of the Lethem-to-Georgetown road, a development that would have
  39. Said that the government must maintain neutrality in labor dispute and not, subsidize ,strikers. As the Agriculture Committee chairman, Helms proposed repeal of the
  40. Means of social mobility, given the large proportion of the budget spent to, subsidize ,students from poor families. The University of Costa Rica has been awarded the
  41. In overcoming the problem. At the same time, the government continued to, subsidize ,state-run industries and agriculture by uncovered monetary emission. The loose
  42. Is to tax currency holders and lenders (savers) and use the proceeds to, subsidize ,borrowers, including governments. (These inflationary benefits for
  43. Of around 35 kg per person per year in middle income countries. Many countries, subsidize ,sugar production heavily. The European Union, the United States, Japan and many
  44. Of Soviet-era state-controlled wages and prices, high state spending to, subsidize ,priority sectors of the economy, protection from competition with foreign
  45. And the Washington Dulles International Airport. (DOT had previously agreed to, subsidize ,the Silver Line construction to Reston, Virginia. ) President Barack Obama's
  46. From such a comparatively high carbon tax, the government is planning to, subsidize ,low income families and public transportation by using the revenues from carbon
  47. They must consume electricity to run pumps and compressors. Some governments, subsidize ,geothermal projects. Geothermal power is highly scalable: from a rural village
  48. a hundred thousand to a few million. The church and its members own, operate,and, subsidize ,organizations and projects involved in political, cultural,commercial, media
  49. The following year, North Coup and ORD voted for $9,000 worth of bonds to help, subsidize ,the railroad's extension through the two towns. The rail connection from St.
  50. Decline of the minus was not a straightforward process. Emperors continued to, subsidize ,their performance as a matter of undiminished public interest. In the early 3rd

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