Examples of the the word, plunge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( plunge ), is the 7191 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Baptizô),from which the English verb" baptize" is derived, as " dip, plunge ,", and indicates that the dipping or plunging need not be complete, as when a
  2. Perpendicular). Both CDs survived both the shuttle destruction and the 39-mile, plunge , Charley also traded e-mails with the band while in space, making the tragedy
  3. Their own objectives, and JC is forced to choose between them. Tong seeks to, plunge ,the world into a second Dark Age by destroying the global communications hub
  4. Use the telephoto lenses to get under the horses, in between their hooves, to, plunge , us into the chaos of that battle in a visual way that is really quite
  5. Terrorists detonate a nuclear bomb in Denver during the Super Bowl and nearly, plunge ,the world into a Soviet-American nuclear war. Ryan defuses the nuclear crisis
  6. And urbanization, the percentage of religious believers took a dramatic, plunge , Connections between religious belief and nationality posed a serious threat to
  7. The 1994 re-introduction of" The Wonderbra" brand, and a spike in push-up, plunge ,bras around the world. * Additional fashion trends of the 1990s include the
  8. A swim in Lake Superior in the middle of winter. This is known as the Arctic, plunge ,
  9. Steal a ship from there, which turns out to be a stunt ship pre-programmed to, plunge ,into a star as a special effect in a stage show. Unable to change course, the
  10. A spherical cloud of icy bodies in the outer Solar System. Long-period comets, plunge ,towards the Sun from the Oort cloud because of gravitational perturbations
  11. Hubbard says: (OT III says" In December 1967 I knew someone had to take the, plunge ,", but the material was publicized well before this. ) He emphasized later that
  12. Their Exclusive Economic Zone. * January 21 – Stock markets around the world, plunge ,amid growing fears of a U. S. recession, fueled by the 2007 subprime mortgage
  13. In a Simona, Israel shopping center. * February 5 – U. S. stock market indices, plunge ,more than 3 % after a report shows signs of economic recession in the service
  14. And lizards crawl away into the undergrowth, and turtles and crocodiles will, plunge ,into water and sink out of sight. Reptiles may also avoid confrontation through
  15. Seven members of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s mobile search team will, plunge ,into some of the most forbidding wilderness in southwestern Florida. … The work
  16. Of progress in rebuilding Iraq. However, post-election violence threatened to, plunge ,the nation into civil war, before the situation began to calm in 2007. The
  17. Conditions on 11 May suggested that freak weather caused oxygen levels to, plunge ,approximately 14 %. The storm's impact on climbers on the North Ridge of Mount
  18. Milwaukee, Wisconsin,and 19 inches (487 mm) in Chicago, where temperatures, plunge ,to -13 °F (-25 °C); 68 deaths are reported *2001 – Silk Calderón becomes the
  19. Claimed, in 1985,that Wicca had" reacted to secularization by a headlong, plunge ,back into magic" and that it was a reactionary religion which would soon die
  20. Man who carries a hyphen about with him carries a dagger that he is ready to, plunge ,into the vitals of this Republic whenever he gets ready. " Of the $5,500,000
  21. Change for the past millennium, even the smallest exchange modeled would, plunge ,the planet into temperatures colder than the Little Ice Age (the period of
  22. Just underneath the axis of the jet. Clear air turbulence can cause aircraft to, plunge ,and so present a passenger safety hazard that has caused fatal accidents, such
  23. Greek verb baptize which is understood to mean to dip, immerse,submerge or, plunge , Submersion is seen as more closely conforming to the death, burial and
  24. As in. Although the Greek verb baptize in does not exclusively mean dip, plunge ,or immerse (it is used with literal and figurative meanings such as" sink "
  25. Were killed in the incident. Elevator operator Betty Lou Oliver survived a, plunge ,of 75 stories inside an elevator, which still stands as the Guinness World
  26. An unjust doubling of taxation instituted by Testing in 1065 that threatened to, plunge ,England into civil war, Harold supported Northumbrian rebels against his
  27. Brunhilde, newly become tenor and soprano, will sing a concerted cadenza;, plunge ,on from that to a magnificent love duet ... The work which follows, entitled
  28. Of that country would set off a scramble for its territory and possibly, plunge ,Europe into war. Most importantly, Britain wanted at all costs to keep the
  29. Plunge is measured in dip and dip direction (strictly, plunge and azimuth of, plunge ,). The orientation of a fold axial plane is measured in strike and dip or dip
  30. Used and is the deviation of a plane from vertical i.e. (90°-dip). Fold axis, plunge ,is measured in dip and dip direction (strictly, plunge and azimuth of plunge )
  31. That the Seal of Solomon was thrown into the sea. He then convinces them to, plunge ,in and attempt to retrieve it, for if they do, they would take the throne as
  32. Weekend of 1997. However, the film rapidly declined with a 63 % second week, plunge , Many observers based the second week drop on negative word of mouth. In
  33. An auditorium, ship restaurant, and dance hall, constructed a hot salt-water, plunge , and built a block-long arcade business street with Venetian architecture.
  34. First released without the extra fire button, before that only the downwards, plunge ,motion was connected and acted as the fire button, the pull-up and twist
  35. This was an unprecedented and disastrous event in the financial world. Enron's, plunge ,occurred after it was revealed that much of its profits and revenue were the
  36. In Uruguayan banks after bank deposits in Argentina were frozen, which led to a, plunge ,in the Uruguayan peso, a banking crisis, and a sharp economic contraction. Real
  37. If I started on some other subject, he would say something polite and then, plunge ,back into logic and mathematics. " Arrival at Cambridge Wittgenstein wanted to
  38. Arrival at Jupiter. The probe included six instruments for taking data on its, plunge ,into Jupiter: * an atmospheric structure instrument group measuring temperature
  39. Wide. The plain stops abruptly in the north, where Mount Love and Mount Often, plunge ,into the inlet of the Bay of Motor. Montenegro's large Kart region lies
  40. Were contributing to a significant rise in unemployment which had helped, plunge ,Britain's economy into recession earlier in 1980. As a result, Labour had
  41. D'Artist, with whom the queen had a good rapport. This caused the queen to, plunge ,further into the costly diversions of buying her dresses from Rose Berlin and
  42. Force near Quench, at the Battle of Torque. Eventually, Civil War would, plunge ,the country and the army into disorder. In 1941 the Ecuadorian Military found
  43. Handwashing for everyone entering the maternal wards and was rewarded with a, plunge ,in maternal and fetal deaths, however the Royal Society in the UK still
  44. The Heritage USA Theme Park solvent, including a well-publicized waterslide, plunge ,there. Falwell called Baker a liar, an embezzler, a sexual deviant, and " the
  45. Had been destroyed, then it was inevitable that Germany would once more, plunge ,the world back into another world war. Although the French did succeed in
  46. Word Submersion comes from the late Latin (sub-" under, below " + merger ", plunge , dip" ) and is also sometimes called" complete immersion ". It is the form of
  47. An interview with Kevin Hines who, as a 19-year-old in 2000,survived a suicide, plunge ,from the span and is now a vocal advocate for some type of bridge barrier or
  48. 90°-dip). Fold axis plunge is measured in dip and dip direction (strictly, plunge ,and azimuth of plunge ). The orientation of a fold axial plane is measured in
  49. Of their business to indigenous Zimbabweans. Many economists predict this will, plunge ,the country into deeper economic woes. In response to inflation the government
  50. Made of metal) and smiles down at her. The angelic figure is not preparing to, plunge ,the arrow into her heart — rather, he has withdrawn it. St. Theresa's face

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