Examples of the the word, unpaid , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unpaid ), is the 7194 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2003 and 2004,Love faced several court cases over alleged drug possession and, unpaid ,bills. In 2006,Love stated that she was planning on selling the rights to
  2. The corporation“ outsources” its labor not to other countries, but to the, unpaid ,consumer, such as when we do our own banking through an ATM instead of a teller
  3. S one-time liabilities are. In late 2009,they are at least $34M in debts and, unpaid ,judgments by the city to various parties in addition to the upcoming projected
  4. Factor in unpaid work were made, then it would in part undo the injustices of, unpaid ,(and in some cases, slave ) labor, and also provide the political
  5. Zimbabwe relies on Mozambique for some of its electricity and that due to an, unpaid ,bill of $35 million Mozambique had reduced the amount of electrical power it
  6. Him as a former computer programmer),and he got his first radio job, albeit, unpaid , working for WRR (AM) in Dallas. There, he presented the second hour of the
  7. From Westminster, she never took her seat. Since the 17th century, MPs had been, unpaid , Most of the men elected to the Commons had private incomes, while a few relied on
  8. 1993 on February 5,which required large employers to allow employees to take, unpaid ,leave for pregnancy or a serious medical condition. This action had bipartisan
  9. Forum role On 22 April 2011 it was announced that Brown would be taking on an, unpaid ,advisory role at the World Economic Forum. Other positions Brown was appointed
  10. The Haitian army. Boyer's occupation troops, who were largely Dominicans, were, unpaid , and had to" forage and sack" from Dominican civilians. Haiti imposed a "
  11. Overwhelmed the Patriots and put the stadtholder firmly back in control. A small, unpaid ,Prussian army was billeted in the Netherlands and supported themselves by
  12. Was not an official Olympic sport until 1976. The Grads' players were, unpaid , and had to remain single. The Grads' style focused on team play, without
  13. In service thereby exacerbating the total capital cost of construction with, unpaid ,interest, at that time around $15 billion, and another $3.5 billion in debts
  14. Not provided through the market, such as household production and volunteer or, unpaid ,services. As a result, GDP is understated. Unpaid work conducted on Free and
  15. Interest in the work. Oxford's standing in court was further compromised by, unpaid ,debts. The Close Rolls contains record of a recognizance in the amount of £2000
  16. Of the Parish municipality. Each parish as an Honorary Police force of elected, unpaid ,civilians who exercise police and prosecution powers. International relations
  17. The degree of Doctor of Law on 18 June 1906 and performed an obligatory year of, unpaid ,service as law clerk for the Civil and criminal courts. — as it made it
  18. Typically resume pursuit of state law remedies to the extent a debt remains, unpaid , In Chapter 11,the debtor retains ownership and control of its assets and is
  19. So the Americans were on their own in 1782-83. The treasury was empty, and the, unpaid ,soldiers were growing restive, almost to the point of mutiny or possible coup
  20. Model, with an elected arranging committee for each individual ecclesial. This, unpaid ,committee is responsible for the day-to-day running of the ecclesial and is
  21. Henry was old enough, but Henry VII procrastinated so much about Catherine's, unpaid ,dowry that it was doubtful if the marriage would ever take place. She lived as
  22. Members of the family that help to cultivate land are classified as ", unpaid ,family business workers ". The use of this methodology produces relatively low
  23. Chickasaw moved in 1837. The $3 million that the U. S. owed the Chickasaw went, unpaid ,for nearly 30 years. Aftermath As a result, the five tribes were resettled in
  24. Costello, and record companies, and he was being chased by Inland Revenue for, unpaid ,taxes dating back many years. He suffered from bipolar disorder, and
  25. Within a diocese. Provincial and diocesan paid officials (there were, unpaid ,supernumeraries) numbered about 13-15,000 based on their staff establishments
  26. On the verso side of old manuscripts. An outstanding warrant for assault and, unpaid ,debts led to his being a fugitive in New York City for a while. Several people
  27. But if one counts some major activities such as child-rearing (generally, unpaid ,) as production, GDP ceases to be an accurate indicator of production.
  28. The 1926 level. Common and political prisoners in labor camps were forced to do, unpaid ,labor, and communists and Kokomo members were frequently" mobilized" for
  29. Avocational euphonium players participating in many higher-caliber, unpaid ,ensembles. College climate in the United States Unlike a generation or two ago
  30. Damaged the skin, soft tissue or surrounding body cavity * Compound interest, unpaid ,interest that is added to the principal so that subsequent interest is
  31. So the Americans were on their own in 1782-83. The treasury was empty, and the, unpaid ,soldiers were growing restive, almost to the point of mutiny or possible coup
  32. Elections were to take place on an annual basis and representatives were to be, unpaid , It is also important to note that the ideal commonwealth laid out by Hume was
  33. The Ministry of the Interior. The next three years Augustin-Louis was mainly on, unpaid ,sick leave, and spent his time quite fruitfully, working on mathematics (on
  34. Ems worth held an annual Ems worth Food Festival in September. Run entirely by, unpaid ,volunteers this was the largest event of its type in the UK with 55,000
  35. Marilyn Waring has highlighted that if a concerted attempt to factor in, unpaid ,work were made, then it would in part undo the injustices of unpaid (and in
  36. When filing civil claims against a diplomat, especially in cases of, unpaid ,rent, alimony,and child support. Rents The bulk of diplomatic debt lies in the
  37. Of the Mercenaries, Berber soldiers participated from 241 to 238 BC after being, unpaid ,following the defeat of Carthage in the First Punic War. Berbers succeeded in
  38. Factor behind the FARDC's poor performance, with soldiers frequently going, unpaid ,and unfed while the Government purchased advanced weaponry which could not be
  39. Lieu of paying a road tax. This system, known as the corvée, originated in the, unpaid ,labor that French peasants provided to their feudal lords. In 1915,Haiti had
  40. In the harbor was the brig Clementine — Sutter managed to be signed on as, unpaid ,supercargo of this brig freighted with a cargo of provisions and general
  41. Poverty has forced at least 225,000 Haitian children to work as restates (, unpaid ,household servants); the United Nations considers this to be a modern-day form
  42. Payable at some convenient days. Because Oxford's lands were security for his, unpaid ,debt to the Queen in the Court of Wards, Oxford had had to enter into bonds to
  43. Of the Peace were key enforcers of law and order for Henry VII. They were, unpaid , which, in comparison with modern standards, meant a lesser tax bill to pay for
  44. While Wilson failed to regain his copyrights, he was awarded $25 million for, unpaid ,royalties. The second lawsuit stemmed from Wilson's reclamation of his
  45. Controversial. In London, embassies have amassed approximately £28 million in, unpaid ,charges as of 2009,with the American embassy comprising approximately £3
  46. Of government, one or more businesses, or by individuals. It is typically, unpaid ,and voluntary. However, it can be part of alternative sentencing approaches in
  47. At world-class levels, the members of the top brass bands are in most cases, unpaid ,amateurs. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of brass bands in Britain
  48. That the Government of the U. K. believed the United States owed £3,500,000 in, unpaid ,congestion charge fees. It was also reported in 2006 that at least one embassy
  49. On the one hand while Denmark found itself left with the Fare Islands ', unpaid ,bills on the other. The measures largely worked. Unemployment peaked in January
  50. Ride http://www.hayling-cycle-ride.org.uk. This event, run entirely by local, unpaid ,volunteers, was started in 1986 and has been run every year since. Up to 2008

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