Examples of the the word, hull , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hull ), is the 7184 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Substance identified which would withstand the pressures needed, at the design, hull ,thickness. Outside illumination for the craft was provided by quartz arc-light
  2. Treaty: USS Lexington and Saratoga were both designed as battlecruisers (the, hull ,designations were originally CC-1 and CC-3) but converted part-way through
  3. Nicolas Louis de Lacaille subdivided it into Carina (the keel, or the, hull , of the ship),Puppies (the poop deck),and Vela (the sails). When Argo
  4. The hawsepipesand the flukes against the hull (or inside a recess in the, hull ,). While there are numerous variations, stockless anchors consist of a set of
  5. Artillery gun, mounted in a fully rotating turret atop a tracked automotive, hull , with various additional machine guns throughout. Philosophically, the tank is
  6. Launched Warrior, which was twice the size and had iron armor over an iron, hull , After the first battle between two ironclads took place in 1862 during the
  7. Coming clash between modern dreadnoughts, but he was attracted by the drifting, hull ,of the crippled Wiesbaden. With Warrior, Defence closed in for the kill, only
  8. Includes barley malt as the majority of the starch. This is because its fibrous, hull ,remains attached to the grain during threshing. After malting, barley is milled
  9. His rudder and was taking on over of water an hour. Emergency repairs to the, hull ,and fashioning a replacement rudder from a spare topmast took most of the next
  10. By Douglas Trumbull. The freighter featured the then-new" AA" logo on the, hull , along with the crew uniforms and several set pieces. On March 30, 1973 AA
  11. A board, a set of nails, and a rubber band as a model of finding the convex, hull ,of a set of points; and strings tied together as a model of finding the
  12. Leathery Eva Green coat (with a downy exterior),called the hull . Inside the, hull ,is a reticulated hard woody shell (like the outside of a peach pit) called
  13. To model smooth curves. As the curve is completely contained in the convex, hull ,of its control points, the points can be graphically displayed and used to
  14. By which a steel or iron wire framework is built in the shape of a boat's, hull ,and covered (troweled) over with cement. Reinforced with bulkheads and other
  15. Linda, a member of hip hop group The Black Eyed Peas *APL, United States Navy, hull ,classification symbol for Barracks Craft *Applied Physics Letters, journal
  16. By modern and efficient diesel engines, while conventional ferries have a steel, hull ,and are powered by heavy oil. Fast ferries travel relatively fast (in excess
  17. Service well after World War II. The only dedicated American-origin, casemate, hull ,design fighting vehicle of any type to be built during the war, that resembled
  18. Characters are also contrasted to Jonah's passivity. While Jonah sleeps in the, hull , the sailors pray and try to save the ship from the storm (1:4-6). While
  19. Armour on the hull front and the turret, lighter armor on the sides of the, hull ,and the thinnest armor on the top and bottom of the tank. Other vehicles -
  20. From a more electrically reactive (less noble) metal attached to the vessel, hull ,and electrically connected to form a cathodic protection circuit. A less
  21. Shipbuilding Early Egyptians knew how to assemble planks of wood into a ship, hull ,as early as 3000 BC. The Archaeological Institute of America reports that some
  22. Essays. JPG|thumb|alt=A large, almost rectangular black ship with a red, hull ,creates a mild wake as it moves away from the shore into a very large river.
  23. The threat from Beds and so will have heavy, sloped armor on the bottom of the, hull , Weaponry varies by a very wide degree between AFIS - lighter vehicles
  24. For the boat. The roughly horizontal, but chambered structures spanning the, hull ,of the boat are referred to as the deck. In a ship there are often several
  25. The poop deck, rather than properly stowed away after paintwork on the ship's, hull ,had been completed shortly before the battle. Burning wadding from one of the
  26. 15th century. The first ironclad battleship, with iron armor over a wooden, hull , La Loire, was launched by the French Navy in 1859; she prompted the British
  27. The resin sets. Layers are built up thus to create the required thickness of, hull , People have even made their own boats or watercraft out of materials such as
  28. Became obsolete with an advent of guided missiles. Only a central armored, hull ,section of the first cruiser Stalingrad was launched in 1954 and then used as a
  29. The aircraft and survived the crash. The aircraft was completely destroyed,a, hull ,loss valued at US$1.4 billion. After the accident, the Air Force took the B-2
  30. A zinc sacrificial anode, which will dissolve into the seawater and prevent the, hull ,from being corroded. Sacrificial anodes are particularly needed for systems
  31. There was armor 6 or 7 inches (150 to 180 mm) thick along the side of the, hull ,and over the gun houses, whereas Dreadnoughts armor was 11 inches (280 to 300
  32. To the landing gear, the wing roots, and the engines, resulting in the first, hull ,loss of a Boeing 777. There were 136 passengers and 16 crew on board. One
  33. During threshing. After malting, barley is milled, which finally removes the, hull , breaking it into large pieces. These pieces remain with the grain during the
  34. Completely enclosing the crew compartment in armor that was integral to the, hull , The first of these Jagdpanzers was the Ferdinand (later renamed the Elephant)
  35. Built during the war, that resembled the German and Soviet tank destroyers in, hull ,and general gun mounting design, was the experimental T28 Super Heavy Tank
  36. Since a ship of this size would leak a considerable amount of water through the, hull , the Archimedes screw was purportedly developed in order to remove the bilge
  37. The fruit of the almond is not a true nut, but a drupe, consisting of an outer, hull ,and a hard shell with the seed (" nut" ) inside. Shelling almonds refers to
  38. A floating boat displaces its weight in water. The material of the boat, hull ,may be denser than water, but if this is the case then it forms only the outer
  39. For example, a main battle tank will usually have the heaviest armor on the, hull ,front and the turret, lighter armor on the sides of the hull and the thinnest
  40. From bow to stern, and then soaked in epoxy or polyester resin to form the, hull ,of the boat. Whether hand laid or built in a mold, FRP boats usually have an
  41. They rest with the shank inside the hawse pipes, and the flukes against the, hull ,(or inside a recess in the hull ). While there are numerous variations
  42. War; she was constructed as a case mate ironclad using the raised and cut down, hull ,of the scuttled. Virginia was one of the participants in the Battle of Hampton
  43. Instead a thick leathery Eva Green coat (with a downy exterior),called the, hull , Inside the hull is a reticulated hard woody shell (like the outside of a
  44. Metal of the system it is connected to. As an example, an iron or steel ship's, hull ,may be protected by a zinc sacrificial anode, which will dissolve into the
  45. Several key components make up the main structure of most boats. The, hull ,is the main structural component of the boat which actually provides buoyancy
  46. Where the burned structures were removed. The wreck was surveyed and her lower, hull ,and machinery were undamaged, so she was selected for conversion into an
  47. Special operations attack submarines and given attack submarine (SSN), hull , numbers. USS Kamehameha was decommissioned on 2 April 2002,the last ship of
  48. Was damaged beyond repair by an earthquake and was broken up on the slips,the, hull ,of one of the proposed Rosa class battleships, Kaga, being converted in her
  49. And 1940,replacement of heavy equipment and an increase in the length of the, hull ,by 26 ft (8.0 m) allowed them to reach up to once again. They were
  50. Sail for most journeys, La Loire was fitted with a propeller, and her wooden, hull ,was protected by a layer of thick iron armor. Loire prompted further

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