Examples of the the word, systematically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( systematically ), is the 7176 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. N-O (1) bits. However, consider the short but never halting algorithm which, systematically ,lists and runs all possible programs; whenever one of them halts its
  2. Dutch book in economics and gambling, a set of prices or transactions which, systematically ,favor one party *Ditching, in gambling, betting on more than one outcome *Dutch
  3. 40 empty Iroquois villages in central and western New York. Sullivan's forces, systematically ,burned the villages and destroyed about 160,000 bushels of corn that comprised
  4. And thought to have served important ceremonial purposes to the culture, were, systematically , dismantled. Doorways were sealed with rock and mortar. Diva walls show marks
  5. Of the Book of Mormon have led some critics to claim that evidence has been, systematically ,removed that could have proven that Smith fabricated the Book of Mormon, or are
  6. Able to convince Prince Maurice of Nassau to deal with the situation. Maurice, systematically ,removed Arminian magistrates from office and called a national synod at
  7. Alleged that Americas Watch gave too much credence to alleged Contra abuses and, systematically ,tried to discredit Nicaraguan human rights groups such as the Permanent
  8. On the verge of collapse. There was no new equipment and raids on both sides, systematically ,destroyed key bridges,and locomotives and freight cars. Spare parts
  9. Add more top level classes and subdivisions. Many subclasses arranged, systematically , with common divisions, such as those by geography and language, following a
  10. The uppermost (5th) level is a notional ideal state where processes would be, systematically ,managed by a combination of process optimization and continuous process
  11. Scale from 10 (most free) to 99 (least free),because the Lukashenko regime, systematically ,curtails press freedom. This score placed Belarus 9th from the bottom of the
  12. To the Austrian School, central banking tends to wreak havoc on an economy by, systematically ,devaluing a currency by over creating this currency against nothing of
  13. Which the Native Americans held in collective stewardship. The United States, systematically ,obtained Choctaw lands for conventional European-American settlement through
  14. Published by Ess Publications, Delhi,India, A census is the procedure of, systematically ,acquiring and recording information about the members of a given population. It
  15. The Thirties, similar “ brainwashing” techniques were intermittently and less, systematically ,used by most Stalinist regimes of the twentieth century. By contrast, the
  16. Larvae released a 48-page report describing her allegations that Ortega had, systematically ,sexually abused her from 1979,when she was 11,until 1990. Ortega and his wife
  17. Psychological coercion – along with the other varieties - was extensively and, systematically ,used by the government of the People’s Republic of China during the“ Thought
  18. Bach wrote most of his music incorporating counterpoint, and explicitly and, systematically ,explored the full range of contrapuntal possibilities in such works as The Art
  19. To compute the Kolmogorov complexity, then it would also be possible to, systematically ,generate paradoxes similar to this one,i.e. descriptions shorter than what
  20. Shared partly with Catalan, partly with Spanish: *Open O, E from Romance result, systematically ,in diphthongs,e.g. VET'LA > (" old woman ", Sp., Cat. ). This includes
  21. During smallpox epidemics. The native Taint people of the island were, systematically ,enslaved via the encomienda system. The pre-Columbian population is estimated
  22. Of unknown origin. A climactic battle ensues, after which the universe is, systematically ,deleted and reset. However, this ending has been thoroughly debated. Many fans
  23. In the society's cultural life is a history of racial/ethnic tensions which, systematically ,excluded non-Whites. Within the colonial framework established by the British
  24. Is known in the Aegean. Melts, long marked as a source of early objects but not, systematically ,excavated until taken in hand by the British School at Athens in 1896,yielded
  25. Possible circumstances that could arise. That is, any conditional steps must be, systematically ,dealt with, case-by-case; the criteria for each case must be clear (and
  26. Done by the means of definitions, which are implicit axioms. It can be done by, systematically ,making explicit all the axioms, as in the case of the well-known book Naive Set
  27. But by the three principles that the elder generation of the Halophiles, systematically ,recommended—nationality, Eastern Orthodoxy and autocracy. His political ideal
  28. Between individual and social reproduction. At the same time, the Grundlegung, systematically ,integrated previous specialized work done at Free University of Berlin in the
  29. Based on the assumption that the players follow basic strategy and do not, systematically ,change their bet size. Most blackjack games have a house edge of between 0.5 %
  30. Their own Labor faction. In some areas, the Militant tendency were held to be, systematically ,targeting weak local party branches in safe seat areas in order to have their
  31. The case in earnest. Unedited interviews in which the prosecution's witnesses, systematically ,contradicted themselves were used as testimony in Adams's 1986 habeas corpus
  32. The sleeping sickness epidemic in Africa was arrested due to mobile teams, systematically ,screening millions of people at risk. In the 20th century, the world saw the
  33. As an outgrowth of the Age of Enlightenment, a period when Europeans attempted, systematically ,to study human behavior, the known varieties of which had been increasing since
  34. George Washington was so appalled by them that he told Patrick Henry that if ", systematically ,and pertinaciously pursued ", they would" dissolve the union or produce
  35. To neighboring Chad. Those who remained in the CAR told of government troops, systematically ,killing men and boys suspected of cooperating with rebels. In March 2010
  36. Others had used these ideas in practice, but he was the first to present them, systematically ,as a lexicon of themes accompanied by extensive taxonomic observations.
  37. Transcription of the Chinese words used by Rich was not very consistent, he, systematically , used Latin p and t for aspirated Chinese sounds that Pinyin renders as b and
  38. Hydrocarbon chains. Unbranched, saturated hydrocarbon chains are named, systematically ,with a Greek numerical prefix denoting the number of carbons and the suffix "
  39. Subsequently became part of Human Rights Watch - stated that" the Contrast, systematically ,engage in violent abuses ... so prevalent that these may be said to be their
  40. An extensive propaganda campaign followed, during which Mauritius' image was, systematically ,purged from all public places. Mauritius was written up as a" tyrant ", and
  41. The unitary value of art? But to approach the question of the value of art, systematically , one ought to ask: for whom? For the artist? For the audience? For society at
  42. By heart the works of Bach, Mendelssohn,Wider, César Franck, and Max Refer, systematically , It became his custom to play during the lunch hour and on Sunday afternoons.
  43. Fails to find a solution, then that subgoal is backtracked, and another path is, systematically ,attempted. The form in which a program is created may be textual or visual. In
  44. Simple system of reference vowels which for many years has been taught, systematically ,to students within the British tradition. It is worth pointing out, however
  45. New York during the summer of 1779. There was little fighting as Sullivan, systematically ,destroyed the Indians' winter food supplies, forcing them to flee permanently
  46. And the history of mentalities. Impact outside France The Annals school, systematically ,reached out to create an impact on other countries. Its success varied widely.
  47. Then from later alphabets, such as Greek, that represent vowels more, systematically , This is to avoid the notion that a writing system that represents sounds must
  48. Later work, in the 3rd century BC, of Archimedes and Apollonian studied more, systematically ,problems on conic sections, and also involved the use of coordinates.
  49. Which governs least '; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and, systematically , Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe,'That
  50. And study and many Christadelphians use the Bible Companion to help them, systematically ,read the Bible each year Hymned and music Christadelphians are a

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