Examples of the the word, preceding , in a Sentence Context

The word ( preceding ), is the 7180 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It also influenced most of the microcomputers that followed it. Unlike, preceding ,home microcomputers, it was sold as a finished consumer appliance rather than
  2. Alone. Although its estimated budget was lower than the films immediately, preceding ,it, Japanese studios were still unwilling to back one of his productions, so
  3. Also affected. Word endings -a or -e will (even if they are the endings of a, preceding ,suffix) change to -á and -é, respectively,before -t. E.g.: fa (tree) →
  4. To prevent damage either in its own right, or under one or both of the, preceding ,classes of defense in that a threat or attempt to damage property might be
  5. Those who had made a significant contribution to cinema who had died in the, preceding ,12 months, a selection compiled by a small committee of Academy members. This
  6. To have been obliterated by sustained, heavy,British shelling during the, preceding ,week; however, as the battalion advanced it met with fierce resistance. 235 men
  7. Nasal allophones of its vowels. The pattern is that vowels are nasal only when, preceding ,a nasal consonant within the same syllable; elsewhere they're oral. Therefore
  8. 81,000 Harris (pro-French Algerians serving in the French Army). In the days, preceding ,the bloody conflict, a group of Algerian Rebels opened fire on a marketplace in
  9. Alchemists can be found during this period. Most of the Greco-Roman alchemists, preceding ,Cosmos are known only by pseudonyms, such as Moses, Isis,Cleopatra
  10. The amplitude and/or frequency of the signal. All broadcast television systems, preceding ,digital transmission of digital television (DTV) were systems utilizing
  11. From the fact that Arabic typography usually features a glyph without the, preceding , which only occurs phrase-initially (or with style" line-height:200 %;
  12. With respect to their aberrations. Analytic treatment of aberrations The, preceding ,review of the several errors of reproduction belongs to the Abbé theory of
  13. And 1968. The powerful array of bowlers that both countries boasted in the, preceding ,decade moved into retirement, and their replacements were of lesser quality
  14. Land, arrived at the banks of the River Jordan, the Ark was carried in the lead, preceding ,the people and was the signal for their advance (Joshua 3:3,6). During the
  15. Is æ-tensing before a nasal consonant—The nasal sounds create changes in, preceding ,vowels because air can flow into the nose during the vowel. Nasal consonants
  16. Post-vocalic, so that and remain phonemically distinct. In such cases,the, preceding ,vowel becomes nasalized, and is followed in cases where the former was present
  17. Common fate of other esoteric disciplines such as astrology and movement of the, preceding ,centuries. Indian alchemy According to Multan & Gilbert (2008): The oldest
  18. Credits journalized in a form, and contains balances carried forward from the, preceding ,year, and therefore enjoy general recognition as a double-entry system. Luca
  19. In general, where the valid range of each index depends on the values of all, preceding ,indices. It also saves one multiplication (by the column address increment)
  20. Though this is mostly due to the prevailing westerly winds. The circumstances, preceding ,the mutiny on the Bounty and Jack London's story" Make Westing" poignantly
  21. Western policy change. Communists attempted to disrupt the elections of 1948, preceding , large losses therein, while 300,000 Berliners demonstrated for the
  22. Even within a word. The has a single form, since it is never linked to a, preceding ,or following letter. However, it is sometimes combined with a, or,and in that
  23. More" successful" ones, should exist an infinite number of times on the ", preceding ," and the" following" pages of the Book of the Universe. Yet this should not
  24. Control and Prevention. Of these,93 % reported being ill in the three weeks, preceding ,onset of Reye's syndrome, most commonly with a respiratory infection
  25. Allomorph does not appear after stem-final voiceless phonemes is because the, preceding ,clause for the takes' priority. Irregular past tense forms, such as" broke" or
  26. Method of treating wounds based on chlorine (Dakin's solution) which, preceding ,the development of antibiotics, was a major medical advance in the care of
  27. Including a century before lunch. Brahman himself thought that his 254 in the, preceding ,match, at Lord's, was a better innings. England managed to stay in contention
  28. By an even more disappointed reaction than had been the case with his two, preceding ,works. Kurosawa nevertheless continued to work. He wrote the original
  29. Using argon reduces gas leakage, compared with the helium used in the, preceding ,five decades. Laboratory equipment Argon may be used as the inert gas within
  30. Test at The Oval to take the series 1–0,having narrowly evaded defeat in the, preceding ,Test at Heading. This was the beginning of one of the greatest periods in
  31. Part per billion (ppb) by weight, it is much less abundant than all elements, preceding ,niobium,except boron, which has a similar abundance. Beryllium
  32. Can be seen most clearly in verse 24 of chapter five. The plagues in the, preceding ,chapter, chapter four, were supposed to be seen as acts of discipline that
  33. The Morales administration has spurred growth higher than at any point in the, preceding ,30 years. The growth was accompanied by a moderate decrease in inequality.
  34. Closely on the Tibetan abused, but all vowel marks were written after the, preceding ,consonant rather than as diacritic marks. Although short a way not written, as
  35. Back to the continent. Military reorganization Wessex's history of failures, preceding ,his success in 878 emphasized to Alfred that the traditional system of battle
  36. i.e. their distance from the axis. This distance replaces the angle u in the, preceding ,considerations; and the aperture,i.e. the radius of the entrance pupil, is
  37. Spelling would have no sign above the final, but instead a miniature above the, preceding ,consonant, which is a valid Unicode character but most Arabic computer fonts
  38. Rooms were substantial, with higher ceilings than Anasazi works of, preceding ,periods. They were well-planned: vast sections or wings erected were finished
  39. Have accounted for perhaps 50 % of battlefield casualties. In the sixty years, preceding ,1914,this figure was probably as low as 10 percent. The remaining 90 percent
  40. Of the Sick, as revised in 1972,puts greater stress than in the immediately, preceding ,centuries on the sacrament's aspect of healing, and points to the place
  41. Cases where the former was present, by a distinct. This stop-absorption by the, preceding ,nasal does not occur when the second syllable is stressed, as in entail. * The
  42. New leader, and already began calling him as Ahmad Shah. Meanwhile, in the, preceding ,three years, the Sikhs had occupied the city of Lahore, and Ahmad Shah had to
  43. The masses (Plato in the Seventh Epistle does remark that the Thirty made the, preceding ,democratic regime look like a Golden Age). Whether the democratic failures
  44. Before, or. 8 When the next consonant in the word was. 9 When the, preceding ,consonant was, or,or when the next consonant was. 10 Before, or any
  45. Perhaps the chief value of Aelian's work lies in his critical account of, preceding ,works on the art of war, and in the fullness of his technical details in
  46. Heavy; in a two-syllable word, the final syllable can be stressed only if the, preceding ,syllable is light; and in longer words, the final syllable cannot be stressed.
  47. Homophones through this process is maintained by vowel lengthening in the vowel, preceding ,the formerly voiced consonant, e. g., for " ladder" as opposed to for" latter
  48. And some top distributors, had donated at least $7 million to GOP causes in the, preceding ,decade. Dick DeVos, son of Amway founder Richard DeVos and past president of
  49. And also because its side chain interferes sterically with the backbone of the, preceding ,turn - inside a helix, this forces a bend of about 30° in the helix axis. Phase
  50. Even ships. By the help of these discoveries, Angle civilization in the age, preceding ,the invasion of Great Britain can be fitted together. Angle kingdoms in England

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