Examples of the the word, thrive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thrive ), is the 5931 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At the same time, some earlier Mesozoic gymnosperms like Conifers continued to, thrive ,; peahens (Monkey Puzzle trees, Araucaria) and other conifers being notably
  2. Eradicated at times 90 % of the Jewish population. Jewish communities also, thrive ,in Canada, France,the UK, Australia,New Zealand, South Africa and Latin
  3. Of speciation, an aspect of evolution. New varieties of organisms arise and, thrive ,when they are able to find and exploit an ecological niche – and species become
  4. Dwarf desert poppy and a variety of asters. Fremont cottonwood and valley oak, thrive ,in the Central Valley. The upper Sonoran zone includes the chaparral belt
  5. Ground easily grow into large trees, and taller; but when kept pruned, it can, thrive ,as a small bush. Bay laurel can also be grown in containers, the size of which
  6. Both of whom believed that capitalism is vital for freedom to survive and, thrive , Self-organization Austrian School economists have argued that capitalism can
  7. Also provides a cleaner and healthier environment for farmed fish to grow and, thrive , Species groups Fish The farming of fish is the most common form of aquaculture
  8. Water. They need an aquarium of or more, and they do well in schools. They also, thrive ,as shoals of six or more, and interact well with other fish types in the
  9. Temperatures and high rainfall. As a result of this climate, flora and wildlife, thrive ,in the region, while many birds annually migrate from colder climates to Africa
  10. Playful nature and broad availability all contribute to their popularity. They, thrive ,best in water. They need an aquarium of or more, and they do well in schools.
  11. Emotional. They need a master that provides firm but fair leadership. Arawak, thrive ,on companionship of other Arawak. Temperament Unlike other sight hounds, the
  12. Climates. Bay leaf is not grown in northern regions, as the plants do not, thrive ,in cold climates. Turkey is one of the main exporters of bay leaves, although
  13. East Alligator River are just a few of the water bodies where the barracuda, thrive , Blue-water fishing is also available off the coast of Darwin; Spanish mackerel
  14. To become once again non-technological. In other ways it could persist and even, thrive ,according to evolutionary standards, which postulate producing offspring as the
  15. Difficult to over water coir due to its perfect air-to-water ratio, plant roots, thrive ,in this environment, coir has a high cation exchange, meaning it can store
  16. Indigenous ants are Antarctica and a few remote or inhospitable islands. Ants, thrive ,in most ecosystems, and may form 15–25 % of the terrestrial animal biomass. Ant
  17. Some human parasites, e. g.: Escherichia Bancroft and Antonella Persians, thrive ,in their hosts because of an obligate endosymbiosis with Malachi SPP. They
  18. By wolves, and are often observed foraging in suburban garbage bins. Coyotes, thrive ,in suburban settings and even some urban ones. A study by wildlife ecologists
  19. To burn out every once in a while so that new organisms can begin to grow and, thrive , Even though it is healthy for an ecosystem, a wildfire can still be considered
  20. Discovery of large varieties of extremophiles with extraordinary capability to, thrive ,in the harshest environments on Earth, have led to speculation that life may
  21. Volcanic features known as black smokers. It is now known that extremophiles, thrive ,in ice, boiling water, acid,the water core of nuclear reactors, salt crystals
  22. Around Kinsman, certain species of fern trees, mushrooms and even pine trees, thrive ,well. Rice comes in many varieties. Other plants with agricultural value
  23. Rest of Tasmania. The last 15–20 years has also seen Hobart's wine industry, thrive ,as many vineyards have developed in countryside areas outside the city in
  24. The cool relatively wet climate, forests of the endemic pine Minus Canaries, thrive , Many of the plant species in the Canary Islands, like the Canary Island pine
  25. Capable of resisting nuclear radiation; Thermophile: An organism that can, thrive ,at temperatures between 60–80 °C; that prefer temperatures of 70–80 °C and pH
  26. In the deep subsurface.;) for growth; Hyperthermophile: An organism that can, thrive ,at temperatures between 80–122 °C, such as those found in hydrothermal systems;
  27. g. Fejervarya Raja) can inhabit brackish water and even survive (though not, thrive ,) in seawater, but there are no true marine amphibians. Several hundred frogs
  28. Told the famous When a White Horse is Not a Horse dialogue. This school did not, thrive ,because the Chinese regarded sophistry and dialectic as impractical.
  29. Living low on the ground in a certain area, if there is rice there, it will, thrive ,in the wet conditions. Another example of this is in, phytoplankton and
  30. Air and trucking operations, and the railway's freight operations continued to, thrive ,hauling resource traffic and bulk commodities. However, passenger trains
  31. By the Quebec Act of 1774,which allowed Francophone culture to survive and, thrive ,within Canada. In 1867,the British North America Act was designed to meet the
  32. That lines the small intestine to get to the intestinal walls, where they can, thrive , V. cholera bacteria start up production of the hollow cylindrical protein
  33. Immune system allows life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to, thrive , Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen,vaginal fluid
  34. Primarily self-centered but are co-operative, that people are more likely to, thrive ,in communities in which they play a full role and that people have talents and
  35. Organisms produced the arsenals that allowed the arsenate-reducing bacteria to, thrive , One strain PHS-1 has been isolated and is related to the γ-Proteobacterium
  36. Value; the violet flowers are often used in ornamental dry bouquets. Chives, thrive ,in well drained soil, rich in organic matter, with a pH of 6-7 and full sun. In
  37. plant's water supply artificially, soil is no longer required for the plant to, thrive , Almost any terrestrial plant will grow with hydroponics. Hydroponics is also a
  38. Called typical or an" evil spirit object. " Traditional art-making practices, thrive ,in the Ammassalik. Sperm whale ivory remains a valued medium for carving.
  39. Of citizenship in a democratic republic. Our political institutions cannot, thrive , they may not even survive, if we do not produce a greater number of thinking
  40. Is a plant family, comprising mostly calcium (lime-hating) plants that, thrive ,in acidic soils. Many well-known plants of the Ericeira live in temperate
  41. As they thought was the case of ecosystems) the most potent individuals would, thrive ,and in turn society would prosper (in analogy to the observed biodiversity and
  42. Are very effective on the margins of lakes or by running streams, where they, thrive , They may be propagated from offsets or by dividing the rootstock in early
  43. Common too. Birds such as the kingfisher, chickadee,towhee, and hummingbird, thrive ,here as well. The Canadian zone mammals include the Mountain Weasel, Snowshoe
  44. The Great Key River of South Africa. Sorghum, a major Bantu crop, could not, thrive ,under the winter rainfall of Namibia and the Western Cape. Khoisan people
  45. Against the common Spanish enemy. Anglo-Turkish piracy also started to, thrive ,during that time. Later years The period after the defeat of the Spanish Armada
  46. Tribes of the north, such as the Bianca, and their civilization continued to, thrive , In southern China, fierce debates about whether Buddhism should be allowed to
  47. But they are rarely seen during the summer months. Feral animals such as camels, thrive ,in central Australia, brought to Australia by the early Afghan drivers. Feral
  48. Nevertheless, after the rebellion, the Tang civil society would recover and, thrive ,amidst a weakened imperial authority. From about 860,the Tang Dynasty began to
  49. Neither being consists of functioning organs; these are living beings who, thrive ,on the consumption of other living creatures and human beings. The creature
  50. Of the Canadian zone allow the Jeffrey Pine, red fir, and Lodge pole Pine to, thrive , Brushy areas are abundant with dwarf Manzanita and acanthus; the unique

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