Examples of the the word, periodic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( periodic ), is the 5938 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the periodic table. However, research has shown this element follows, periodic ,trends, being the heaviest known halogen, with melting and boiling points being
  2. Table is actually arranged in order of atomic number. (See History of the, periodic ,table). The much greater atmospheric abundance of argon relative to the other
  3. Resulted in early conceptions of chemical elements and the first rudimentary, periodic ,tables. They learned how to extract metals from ores, and how to compose many
  4. The" subshell" orbitals, which also gives the order of the" blocks" in the, periodic ,table: :1s,2s,2p,3s,3p,4s,3d,4p,5s,4d,5p,6s,4f,5d,6p,7s,5f,6d
  5. Series, a group of 15 similar elements between actinium and lawrencium in the, periodic ,table. A soft, silvery-white radioactive metal, actinium reacts rapidly with
  6. So it shares a stronger bond with hydrogen. Moving down a column on the, periodic ,table atoms become less electronegative but also significantly larger, and the
  7. Respects those of phosphorus, which occupies the same group (column) of the, periodic ,table. Arsenic is less commonly observed in the pentavalent state, however. The
  8. With Australia in ISO 3166. Defense is the responsibility of Australia, with, periodic , visits by the Royal Australian Navy, Royal Australian Air Force and Australian
  9. Time when argon was discovered, since Mendeleev had placed the elements in his, periodic ,table in order of atomic weight, although the inertness of argon implies that
  10. By Einstein would explain the discrete motion of electrons in atoms, and the, periodic ,table of the elements. Einstein contributed to these developments by linking
  11. The periodic ity in the properties of the elements might be explained by the, periodic ,filling of the electron energy levels, resulting in the electronic structure of
  12. Was the fourth transuranium element to be discovered. At the time,the, periodic ,table had been restructured by Seaborg to its present layout, containing the
  13. Tend to form ironically bonded salts with most electronegative elements on the, periodic ,table, like cesium fluoride and sodium chloride. Physics Potassium and
  14. Charge and number of electrons in an atom was exactly equal to its place in the, periodic ,table (also known as element number, atomic number, and symbolized Z). This
  15. 1901,the legislature implemented the Alabama constitution's provision for, periodic ,redistricting based on population. This benefited the urban areas that had
  16. They could be described and classified by their properties (in bulk) in a, periodic ,table. The true beginning of atomic physics is marked by the discovery of
  17. Suppressed or forgotten Throughout history, forms of art have gone through, periodic ,abrupt changes called artistic revolutions. Movements have come to an end to be
  18. Corresponding s and d electrons in lighter elements in the same column of the, periodic ,table); this results in 6s valence electrons becoming lowered in energy.
  19. Alkali metals have the lowest first ionization energies in their periods of the, periodic ,table because of their low effective nuclear charge and high electropositivity.
  20. Given that ununpentium is only the first period 8 elements on the extended, periodic ,table, it may well be discovered in the near future. Currently, none of the
  21. Therefore covers the simple electronic configuration for all elements in the, periodic ,table up to radium. Ψ graphs are shown with - and + wave function phases shown
  22. The museum incorporates the largest exhibition hall in Turkey. The museum holds, periodic ,exhibitions of modern and contemporary art as well as hosting other
  23. Compounds. Name chem guide/> The chemical elements are often displayed in a, periodic ,table that is laid out to display recurring chemical properties, and elements
  24. 2s,2p,3s,3p,4s,3d,4p,5s,4d,5p,6s,4f,5d,6p,7s,5f,6d,7p The ", periodic ," nature of this filling of orbitals is more obvious if the order is given with
  25. Group (group 15) and has an electronegativity of 2.05. As expected by, periodic ,trends, it is more electronegative than tin or bismuth, and less
  26. This number was not known or suspected at the time. A simple numbering based on, periodic ,table position was never entirely satisfactory. Besides iodine and tellurium
  27. Solitary one electron per atom, is usually placed at the top of Group 1 of the, periodic ,table for convenience, but hydrogen is not counted as an alkali metal. Under
  28. Follows on naturally enough from antielectrons, antiprotons,etc. A complete, periodic ,table of antimatter was envisaged by Charles Janet in 1929. Notation One way to
  29. Three years later, recognized aluminum as an acceptable variant. Hence, their, periodic ,table includes both. IUPAC prefers the use of aluminum in its internal
  30. Not hold electrons in any element currently known. Electron placement and the, periodic ,table Several rules govern the placement of electrons in orbitals (electron
  31. The main purpose of the road system was a religious one, providing pathways for, periodic ,pilgrimages and facilitating regional gatherings for seasonal ceremonies.
  32. Reactions become increasingly vigorous when going down their column in the, periodic ,table towards the heaviest alkali metals, such as cesium. Their chemical
  33. The German word (atomic number). History Loosely speaking, the existence of a, periodic ,table creates an ordering for the elements. Such an ordering is not necessarily
  34. Francium (then known as eka-caesium, because it is below cesium in the, periodic ,table) was discovered in 1939 by Marguerite Peary of the Curie Institute in
  35. So much less is known about this element than its upper neighbors in the, periodic ,table. However, research has shown this element follows periodic trends, being
  36. Number 95. This transgenic element of the actinide series is located in the, periodic ,table below the lanthanide element europium, and thus by analogy was named
  37. Sequence given above. This behavior is responsible for the structure of the, periodic ,table. The table may be divided into several rows (called 'periods' )
  38. Nearly identical or reversed atomic weights, leaving their placement in the, periodic ,table by chemical properties to be in violation of known physical properties.
  39. From these effects has been claimed to be observed. See Extension of the, periodic ,table beyond the seventh period. There are no nodes in relativistic orbital
  40. Is, it will still be known as eka-francium, as it is below francium in the, periodic ,table. Production Lithium Since the end of World War II, lithium production has
  41. Meter appears to change in length compared to the" planetary meter" on a, periodic ,basis. The meter is defined to be a unit of proper length, but the SI
  42. Metal potassium. Henry Moseley later solved this problem by showing that the, periodic ,table is actually arranged in order of atomic number. (See History of the
  43. Proposal '. Notes The alkali metals are a series of chemical elements in the, periodic ,table. In the modern IUPAC nomenclature, the alkali metals are called the Group
  44. 1945 that Glenn T. Seaborg proposed the most significant change to Mendeleev's, periodic ,table, by introducing the actinides. Actinium reacts rapidly with oxygen and
  45. Due to its extreme radioactivity. If francium was not radioactive, based on, periodic ,trends it would most likely behave like cesium and would, it is presumed, be
  46. Electron energy levels, resulting in the electronic structure of the atom. The, periodic ,table may also be divided into several numbered rectangular 'blocks '. The
  47. That gold had a central charge of about 100 (but was element Z = 79 on the, periodic ,table),a month after Rutherford's paper appeared, Antonius van den Broke
  48. Ar. Argon has atomic number 18 and is the third element in group 18 of the, periodic ,table (noble gases). Argon is the third most common gas in the Earth's
  49. Energies (see below),explain the electron configuration of the atoms and the, periodic ,table. The stationary states (quantum states) of the hydrogen-like atoms are
  50. The repeating periodic ity of the blocks of 2,6,10,and 14 elements in the, periodic ,table arises naturally from the total number of electrons which occupy a

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