Examples of the the word, optimistic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( optimistic ), is the 5948 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Man's Land. Recently, Batman scribe Grant Morrison has brought about a more, optimistic ,interpretation of Gotham City. " If Gotham was so bloody awful, no-one normal
  2. As the Great Depression. Presidency 1929–1933 Hoover began his presidency on an, optimistic ,note, saying during his inauguration speech: Hoover then held a press
  3. Radio production to National Public Radio. However, revenues fell far short of, optimistic ,predictions by church managers, who had ignored early warnings by members and
  4. On Torus, as the costs of earlier assaults had been very high. Rommel remained, optimistic ,that success was imminent. In his memoirs, he claimed that he immediately
  5. Optimist of slightly different convictions. Candide does not discuss Pope's, optimistic ,principle that" all is right ", but Leibniz's that states," this is the best
  6. Later, Roosevelt began to admit that his view of Stalin had been excessively, optimistic ,and that" Averell is right. " Election of 1944 Party leaders insisted that
  7. Cyberpunk portrayal of anarchy varies from the downright grim to the cheerfully, optimistic , and it need not imply anything specific about the writer's political views.
  8. The outbreak of the First World War was clearly a shock to Carnegie and his, optimistic ,view on world peace. Although his promotion of anti-imperialism and world peace
  9. Film set. In the mid-1960s,many computer scientists in the field of AI were, optimistic ,that machines with HAL's capabilities would exist within a few decades. For
  10. Passenger numbers would probably reach 16 million, considerably less, optimistic ,than London and Continental Railways's original 1996 forecast. The company
  11. And colleague Esther Lederberg) thought that Crick's views were overly, optimistic ,It was clear that some macromolecule such as protein was likely to be the
  12. Familiar with horses and their capabilities estimate that Watt was either a bit, optimistic ,or intended to under promise and over deliver; few horses can maintain that
  13. They had misjudged what was needed to bring peace in Iraq and had been overly, optimistic ,about the success with which social engineering of western values could be
  14. Of Thomas Aquinas. On the topic of original sin, Aquinas proposed a more, optimistic ,view of man than that of Augustine in that his conception leaves to the reason
  15. Loot the rubble while Candide, injured and begging for help, is lectured on the, optimistic ,view of the situation by Pan gloss. The next day, Pangloss discusses his
  16. The atmosphere Sherman had cultivated in Green Bay's locker room and fans were, optimistic ,about the team's future. In the off season, however,Wolf suddenly announced
  17. May mask a dramatic decrease in actual domestic production, resulting in overly, optimistic ,and inflated reported GDP. This is particularly a problem for economies which
  18. Optimists and pessimists with wildly differing results. Dr. Carl Sagan, using, optimistic , numbers,suggested as many as one million communicating civilizations in the
  19. Official notices enacting control measures are posted, but the language used is, optimistic ,and downplays the seriousness of the situation. A" special ward" is opened at
  20. Democratic governments hoped that successful general elections would be an, optimistic ,indicator of the Burmese governments' sincerity towards eventual democracy. The
  21. Leader Mike Mansfield becomes the first American official not to make an, optimistic ,public comment on the war's progress. *1970 – The United States Environmental
  22. Related topics include discussion on copyright, privacy,and censorship. A more, optimistic ,social approach to GIS adoption is to use it as a tool for public participation
  23. More towards downtempo, acoustic soft-rock songs, with more mature (yet still, optimistic ,) lyrics. She called it her" razor blades and Prozac" album. Although" Takes
  24. Previous electoral experience or high military rank. America was prosperous and, optimistic ,at the time, leading to a landslide victory for Hoover over Democrat Al Smith.
  25. View of the situation by Pan gloss. The next day, Pangloss discusses his, optimistic ,philosophy with a member of the Portuguese Inquisition, and he and Candide are
  26. Editions with larger print runs as the book became a prominent part of the, optimistic , nationalist, anticlerical " culture of progress" in Otto von Bismarck's new
  27. Unlike many of the others, had to earn their livings, were cheerful and, optimistic ,and had a real interest in the occult ". Gardner later said of them: One night
  28. The Buddhist view is one of pessimism, but Buddhism is neither pessimistic nor, optimistic , but realistic. Thus, in English-language Buddhist literature Gurkha is often
  29. Positive views over the increasing relations between the two nations and were, optimistic ,that the bilateral cooperation will expand in different fields. Majid stressed
  30. At the sun and always catching the fall. " Like Emerson, Alcott was always, optimistic , idealistic, and individualistic in thinking. Writer James Russell Lowell
  31. And melancholic hedgehog) and Solar (En. Sonny Duckworth) (a cheerful and, optimistic ,magpie). Re odor works as a bicycle repairman, though he spends most of his
  32. He is" very optimistic about the future of free-market capitalism. I’m not, optimistic ,about the future of state capitalism—or rather, I am optimistic , because I
  33. After twenty years under development, Stallman said that he was" not very, optimistic ,about the GNU Hurd. It makes some progress, but to be really superior it would
  34. The national resources without progress ". In the spring of 1863,Lincoln was, optimistic ,about a group of upcoming battle plans, to the point of thinking the end of the
  35. Chapter. About four fingers of king-hell Crank would do the trick, but I am not, optimistic , " In mathematics Famous mathematician Paul Erdős took amphetamine, and once
  36. Particularly Rational theology and Joseph Smith as Scientist, reflected the, optimistic ,faith in science and technology that was pervasive at the time in American life
  37. And about human survival under the existing socio-economic system, yet remained, optimistic ,about humanity's future. Defining wealth in terms of knowledge, as the "
  38. Suffer and the wicked prosper (7:15-18,9:1-12),here there is a much more, optimistic ,outlook; if one is faithful according to Omelet’s standards, one will be
  39. Within the Dying Earth subgenre of science fiction. They are ultimately more, optimistic ,and distinctive. Smith's most celebrated short story is his first-published,"
  40. Of genetics, when combined, revealed the secret of life. Crick had the very, optimistic ,view that life would very soon be created in a test tube. However, some people
  41. Prone to moments of insight (another source of humor) and is nicer and more, optimistic ,than Butt-head. He often suffers physically in the show, either by Butt-head or
  42. The other, violent expropriation. " He goes on to point out that he is" very, optimistic ,about the future of free-market capitalism. I’m not optimistic about the future
  43. He also created landscapes and scenes of people at work and play, using a new, optimistic ,style—broad, loose brushstrokes of vibrant color with frequent use of white
  44. True. For example, an ill person with no medical training, but with a generally, optimistic ,attitude, might believe that he will recover from his illness quickly.
  45. From 0.1 % to 1.6 %. Following Mao's death on 9 September 1976,Honda remained, optimistic ,about Sino-Albanian relations, but in August 1977,Huey Guofeng, the new leader
  46. Worst of the world and his pathetic hero's desperate effort to fit it into an, optimistic ,outlook. Almost all of Candide is a discussion of various forms of evil: its
  47. Africa Corps had been reinforced, and a few days after Auchinleck's wildly, optimistic ,appreciation, struck at the dispersed and weakened British forces, driving them
  48. Books. * Superman-creator Jerry Siegel was impressed, at an early age, with the, optimistic ,vision of the future presented in Skylark of Space. * Two members of the Green
  49. I’m not optimistic about the future of state capitalism—or rather, I am, optimistic , because I think it will eventually come to an end. State capitalism inevitably
  50. Western democracy in the 20th century. The" beliefs" of school districts are, optimistic ,that quite literally" all students will succeed ", which in the context of

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