Examples of the the word, ch , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ch ), is the 5943 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Comparing su ch anti-realism to its opposite, realism,see (Akasha 2002, ch , 4). Ian Hacking (1999,p. 84) also uses the same definition. One prominent
  2. Pronounced with a voiceless velar fricative sound like the Scottish or German, ch , English speakers generally attempt something close to the modern Spanish
  3. A two-year expiration date. #The (officially An Act Respecting Alien Enemies;, ch , 66,) authorized the president to apprehend and deport resident aliens if
  4. Created a" h-convention ", whi ch replaces ĉ, ĝ,ĥ, ĵ,ŝ, and ŭ with, ch , GH, hh, jh, sh,and u, respectively. If used in a database, a program in
  5. Society. Sources * Barros, João de. Decades the Asia, Década I. bk. III., esp., ch , 3; * Luciano Cordero, Diogo Can in Bottom the Societal de Geografia de
  6. Likewise," ch "," j "," g (+e) ", and " g (+i) " are all written ", ch ,". In addition, the orthography uses letters more strongly associated with
  7. Or 'Conquests of Charlemagne' from the Book of Gilmore edited by Douglas Hyde, ch , 10,p. 35: When Agiolandus heard the Saracen language from Charles he
  8. Of naturalization; and to repeal the act heretofore passed on that subject;, ch , 54,) repealed and replaced the Naturalization Act of 1795 to extend the
  9. A program in principle could not determine whether to render, for example, ch ,as c followed by h or as ĉ, and would fail to render, for example, the word "
  10. The Spaniards, employing the letter x (whi ch at that time represented a sh and, ch ,sound),spelled it Mexican. The Indians later referred to themselves as
  11. Of her name is approximated as" Awn San Sue Thee," although the ", ch ," in" Thee" is aspirated. Personal life Sung San Sub FYI was born in
  12. A separate letter, but accented vowels su ch as á and é are not. The ll and, ch ,were also considered single letters, but in 1994 the Real Academia Español
  13. Dot 3 from the letters U-Z and the five word symbols form nine digraphs (, ch , GH, sh,TH, wh, ed,er, ou, and ow) and the letter w. Letters and numbers
  14. Superimposing the first two Greek letters in Christ (Greek:" Χριστός" ), ch i, ch , and rho r, to produce ☧. Capital may refer to: * Capital city, the area of a
  15. V" and" b" are uniformly written with" b" in the ESCA system. Likewise, ", ch ,"," j "," g (+e) ", and " g (+i) " are all written" ch ". In addition
  16. Sought, thought,brought) * lough: with a rough breathing sound like the, ch ,in lock Finally, there is the place name Lough borough, where the first off has
  17. Between birth and runic letters, i with runic ᛁ, k with Younger Fut hark ᚴ and, ch ,with the Author ᚳ; p is furthermore reminiscent of Latin P (runic ᚹ w).
  18. Became medieval, as in medieval Catalan and Portuguese. This becomes modern, ch , as a result of the voicing of sibilants (see below). In Spanish, the
  19. Acquitted. ) The poem is followed in the preface by a quotation from Numbers, ch , 11,v. 29:" Would to God that all the Lord's people were prophets. "
  20. Rule. A numeric sort may order ñ incorrectly following z and treat, ch ,as c + h, also incorrect when using pre-1994 alphabetization. Similar
  21. All Abstract, ( 1998). Models and Reality in Economics. Edward Elgar, p. 6, ch , 6–8. The field of information economics includes both mathematical-economical
  22. Breton was *double plosives transformed into aspirants: pp, cc,TT became f, ch ,(c'h),TH (z) before a vowel or liquid *single voiceless plosives and
  23. Sibilants (, written x, and,written TX),sounding like English sh and, ch , There are two palatal stops, voiced and unvoiced, as well as a palatal nasal
  24. An Act for the Punishment of Certain Crimes against the United States;, ch , 74,) made it a crime to publish" false, scandalous,and malicious writing "
  25. Style" font-size:14pt;" >क k (a),style" font-size:14pt;" >छ, ch ,(a),and फ pH (a) shorten their right hooks
  26. And not (again, still ). * Aymara uses a diacritical horn over p, q,t, k, ch , * Bengali uses different sorts of diacritics, called mantra of the elements in
  27. From five years to fourteen years. #The (officially An Act Concerning Aliens;, ch , 58,) authorized the president to deport any resident alien considered "
  28. By the letter ď: is represented by the letter h: is represented by the digraph, ch ,: is represented by the letter c: is represented by the letter č: is represented
  29. 14 This section consists of two" oracles" or" burdens ": *The first oracle (, ch , ) gives an outline of the course of God's providential dealings with his
  30. To its declension from the exact equilibrium. " (Smith,1776,book IV, ch , Iii, part ii) Frédéric Bastian on the fallacy of trade deficits The 19th
  31. H varies over all normal subgroups of finite index. For further details, see, ch , I.10 in Lang's" Algebra ". In constructive mathematics In constructive
  32. The most commonly used orthography, consists of the following letters:: a, b, ch , c'h, d,e, f,g, h,i, j,k, l,m, n,o, p,r,s’t,u, v,w, y,z The
  33. Changed collating order so that ll is between OK and LM in the dictionary and, ch ,is between cg and CI, and in 2010 the tenth congress of the Association of
  34. In any one alphabet, linguists have devised systems su ch as the s like ", ch ,"," sh "," TH ", and " ZH" are used to extend the alphabet, and some letters
  35. He who pursues a very specialized task will do it best. " (Book VIII, ch , ii, http://books.google.com/books? Id IA4ohkXjeF4C&pg PA244&lpg PA244&dq
  36. Either count DI- and digraphs as separate letters, as Spanish did with, ch ,and ll until recently, or uses diacritics like Slovak č. The largest true
  37. Timbre with the peninsula of Jutland, Denmark. According to the Res gestate (, ch , 26) of Augustus, the Timbre were still found in the area around the turn of
  38. Loanwords. So," 7up" can be transcribed as or. * – Che, used to represent (", ch ,"). It is used in Persian, Urdu,and Kurdish and sometimes used when
  39. Cf. Rev 2:9,3:9; and see Sir W. M. Ramsay, The Letters to the Seven Chur ch es, ch , xii. ). Manuscripts Like most biblical books, there are differences between
  40. Include ‹ pH › representing (whi ch is usually represented by ‹ f ›),and ‹, ch ,› representing (whi ch is usually represented by ‹ c › or ‹ k ›) – the use of
  41. Sports Network (MAIN),with some games also airing locally on WJZ-TV (, ch , 13). Longtime sportscaster Gary Thorne, who is also recognized for his work
  42. His people down to the time of the coming of the Messiah. *The second oracle (, ch , ) points out the glories that await Israel in" the latter-day ", the final
  43. And medieval Aragonite sources. With the SLA system," v" and" b" and ", ch ,"," j "," g (+e) ", and " g (+i) " are distinct forms and" NY" is used
  44. English, Greek and Latin. This is usually because words that had ‹ c › and ‹, ch ,› in the original Dut ch are spelled with ‹ k › and ‹ g ›, respectively,in
  45. Are written in Beninese languages, whereas the consonants written NG and sh or, ch ,in English are written ŋ and c. However, digraphs are used for nasal vowels and
  46. Of the future glory of Zion. A" suffering servant" is referred to (esp., ch , 53) - probably a metaphor for Israel, Christians have traditionally
  47. Character groups in Welsh are considered as one letter, for instance ll, ng and, ch , It is generally agreed, however,that this invented name, adopted in the
  48. Of Spanish treats ñ as a basic letter following n, and formerly treated, ch ,and ll as basic letters following c and l, respectively. Ch and ll are still
  49. Ahab disguised himself, but was mortally wounded by a randomly shot arrow (, ch , 22). The Hebrew Bible says that dogs licked his blood, according to the
  50. Within the Lutheran Chur ch . Benedictine vow and life The Rule of St Benedict (, ch , 58.17) requires candidates for reception into a Benedictine community to

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