Examples of the the word, definitive , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Although there are examples of other canonical lists in use after this time. A, definitive ,list did not come from an Ecumenical Council until the Council of Trent (
  2. PSI) in Bern, Switzerland later synthesized 6 atoms of 267Bh in the first, definitive ,study of the chemistry of bohrium (see below).; 254Es (16O,in)270-xBh As an
  3. Sparrow missiles were integrated onto the F3H Demon and F7U Cutlass, but the, definitive ,AIM-7 Sparrow was the primary weapon for the all-weather F-4 Phantom II
  4. The size of the byte has historically been hardware dependent and no, definitive ,standards exist that mandate the size. The de facto standard of eight bits is a
  5. Himself. After reviewing the history of the community, Justice Arnold gave a, definitive ,and detailed judgement against the plaintiffs and in favor of Hasan Ali Shah
  6. Atoxoplasma, Cystoisospora, Schellackia and Toxoplasma the original is now, definitive ,while in Akita, Babesiosoma, Babesia, Haemogregarina, Haemoproteus, Hepatozoon
  7. Its concept of" species" was purely a method of teaching counterpoint, not a, definitive ,or rigidly prescriptive set of rules for it. He arrived at his method of
  8. And philosophers during the second quarter of the 20th Century, there is no, definitive ,statement of the Copenhagen Interpretation. Thus, various ideas have been
  9. Siberia and Namibia. It is presented here as likely to become accepted as the, definitive ,age for the start of the Phanerozoic eon, and thus the start of the Paleozoic
  10. Structuring and communicating knowledge. Aristotle's posterior analytics is a, definitive ,exposition of the classical view. An“ axiom ”, in classical terminology
  11. The Pope's envoy, Antonio Seymore, successfully averted war and proposed a new, definitive ,boundary in which the three disputed islands would remain Chilean. Chile
  12. Positions to make it more likely they receive a favorable decision. No, definitive ,statement can be made concerning the credentials or experience levels of
  13. Steered later comments away from connecting Kelly to it. The author of the 2004, definitive , bio of Kelly – which included a close tracking of his vaudeville career—did not
  14. Club costed more than 40 million if the loan deal were successfully turned to, definitive ,deal. In ownership, the " KEEP Roma Holding S. p. A. " Also started a total
  15. Nor the river further east suit Caesar’s description. ” John D. Morgan in his, definitive ,“ Palae-pharsalus – the Battle and the Town ”, arguing for a site closer still
  16. Plutarch suggest they were confined within the cellar in Sepsis. Third,the, definitive ,edition of Aristotle's texts seems to have been made in Athens some fifty
  17. Soul and matter, death and life, meaning and vanity—seemingly arriving at no, definitive ,conclusions besides humility, ignorance,and grace. Rolling these into one he
  18. Born some years before AD 1,the historical evidence is too sketchy to allow a, definitive ,dating ". According to Matthew 2:1 King Herod the Great was alive when Jesus
  19. Dawn of the Tramp. Thanks to The Chaplin Keystone Project, efforts to produce, definitive ,versions of Chaplin's pre-1918 short films have come to a successful end:
  20. That part relating to metaphysics, owes much to Al-Farabi. The search for a, definitive ,Islamic philosophy separate from Occasionalism can be seen in what is left of
  21. Or Pelegrín for giving the instruments of the modern violin family their, definitive ,profile. A very small number of his instruments survive, dated between the
  22. Of the abdominal cavity and removal of the appendix. Typically performed as, definitive ,treatment for appendicitis, although sometimes the appendix is prophylactically
  23. Or vacuum (see refraction). The color table should not be interpreted as a, definitive ,list – the pure spectral colors form a continuous spectrum, and how it is
  24. Most notably the Synod of Hippo in AD 393. Also, c. 400,Jerome produced a, definitive ,Latin edition of the Bible (see Vulgate),the canon of which, at the
  25. Host has become the intermediate host while in others it has become the, definitive ,host. In the genera Aggregate, Atoxoplasma, Cystoisospora, Schellackia and
  26. Harbour significant amounts of Press; however, biopsy of brain tissue is the, definitive ,diagnostic test. Due to its invasiveness, biopsy will not be done if clinical
  27. Suggested to him by G. E. Moore) of the English translation of his first, definitive ,philosophical work, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, an allusion to Spinoza's
  28. In New Zealand by experts from signatories to the Antarctic Treaty. The, definitive ,results of the conference would be presented at the Antarctic Treaty states '
  29. Century the Spaniard, Antonio de Torres, gave the modern classical guitar its, definitive ,form, with a broadened body, increased waist curve, thinned belly, improved
  30. Not be read as an enigmatic warning, but as an encouraging vision of Christ's, definitive ,victory over evil. Seventh-day Adventist view Adventists maintain a historicist
  31. Groups is also important, resulting in α- and glycosidic bonds with numbering, definitive ,of the linking carbons' location in the ring. In addition, many saccharine
  32. His works are still cited by common law courts around the world. The next, definitive ,historical treatise on the common law is Commentaries on the Laws of England
  33. Order, the AWAY. Although the entire set is influential and remains one of the, definitive ,works on occultism, some of the more notable issues are" The Blue Equinox ","
  34. And a BMI over 30 is obese, the standards the NIH set. This became the, definitive ,guide for determining if someone is overweight. However, the current WHO and
  35. Welles’s contribution to the Citizen Kane script was not only substantial but, definitive , He notes that Mankiewicz' principal contribution was on the first two drafts
  36. Collections of bird fossils representing a range of different species provides, definitive ,evidence for the persistence of archaic birds to within 300,000 years of the
  37. Axioms. Thus, even this very general set of axioms cannot be regarded as the, definitive ,foundation for mathematics. Other sciences Axioms play a key role not only in
  38. As a complementary therapy for various conditions. They also believe that, definitive ,conclusions based on research findings are rare because the state of
  39. Species, had an average length of 8.5 meters (28 ft),with the largest, definitive ,Allosaurus specimen (AMH 680) estimated at 9.7 meters long (32 ft),and an
  40. Wounded,5,369 captured or missing),but Busy and Martin's more recent, definitive ,2005 work, Regimental Strengths and Losses, documents 23,231 (4,708 killed
  41. Boxing" is unclear and there are several competing theories, none of which is, definitive , The tradition has long included giving money and other gifts to those who were
  42. To become statements of faith. Many evangelical Protestants reject creeds as, definitive ,statements of faith, even while agreeing with some or all of the substance of
  43. By the later usurper Alexios V Donkeys Mourtzouphlos in April 1204,after the, definitive ,fall of Constantinople to the crusaders and the establishment of the Latin
  44. For the Chicago Tribune Tower, which brought the school much attention. The, definitive ,1926 Bauhaus building in Essay is also attributed to Gropius. Apart from
  45. Would be the next caliph. Later on, it became the basis of Than In Affan's, definitive ,text of the Qur'an which was published far and wide merely 18 years after the
  46. Styles, many stylistic elements have become so common that describe them as, definitive ,of anime in general. However, this does not mean that all modern anime share
  47. Isotopes within a material this uncertainty may still, in some cases, confound, definitive , identification of atomic species. Effects such as superposition of differing
  48. Cause two or more species to have sufficiently close time-of-flights to make, definitive ,identification impossible. History Field Ion Microscopy Field ion microscopy
  49. Distribution of Animals, was published in 1876 and would serve as the, definitive ,text on zoo geography for the next 80 years. In 1880,Wallace published the book
  50. To a survey stretching to Dunkirk that provided the basis of the meter. The, definitive ,meter bar, manufactured from platinum, was presented to the French legislative

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