Examples of the the word, mormon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mormon ), is the 5935 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2 half-siblings and 3 step-siblings since his father remarried. Born to a, mormon , farming family. Shroud attended Valley High School in Porterville, Utah. At the
  2. Bard, geisha,Ramadan,Cinco de Mayo, easter, Santa Claus, werewolf,vampire, mormon , Quaker, dervish,pagoda, synagogue … * ethnic characterizations: cockney
  3. USA * Phrurotimpus Mormon (Chamberlin & Gets,1930) — USA ** Phrurotimpus, mormon , xanthus Chamberlin & Vie,1935 — USA * Phrurotimpus subtropics Vie & Barrows
  4. Mountain population) — Western Painted Turtle * Caliber constrictor, mormon , — Western Yellow-bellied Racer * Thamnophis Mauritius (Great Lakes population)
  5. Him a prominent cabinet post if he won. Huntsman Sr. would endorse Utah and, mormon , favorite Mitt Romney. 1988 Utah gubernatorial election In March 1988,Huntsman
  6. Spider genus of the Salticidae family (jumping spiders). The only species M., mormon , is commonly called Green jumping spider. Description At 12 mm (female),this
  7. Of basic beliefs found at http://www.lds.org LDS. Org and http://www. mormon .org, mormon , Org *Our Heavenly Father's Plan, Together Forever, What is Real, Prodigal Son
  8. And rock-gardens, that attract many species of butterflies such as the common, mormon , crimson rose, mottled emigrant, blue tiger, evening brown and lime butterfly.
  9. Alexander,1915: *T. Montifer Teaching,1977: *T. Morenae Strobe,1900: *T., mormon , Alexander,1948: *T. Morrisoni Alexander,1915: *T. Murati IOC,2004: *T.
  10. We extend apologies for our shameless fleecing of dead poets, native myths, mormon , hymns,Japanese haiku, Upton Sinclair, and especially Ted Hughes;" Hughes's
  11. BCC" with the following text: So this is an auspicious beginning: a liberal, mormon , blog that harshly rejects conservative viewpoints. Are we hypocrites for making
  12. And that" the likelihood is high that the genealogy becomes a major means of, mormon , proselytizing ". ADF president Catherine Picard declared that the LDS church
  13. Good ", and extolling the meaning as follows: It has been stated that this word, mormon , was derived from the Greek word Mormon. This is not the case. There was no Greek
  14. Of basic beliefs found at http://www.lds.org LDS. Org and http://www. mormon .org, mormon , Org *Our Heavenly Father's Plan, Together Forever, What is Real, Prodigal Son
  15. Brown and his two other wives and children left and settled in Colonia Diaz,a, mormon , settlement in Mexico. He ran a store here until he passed away on July 6,1894.
  16. The Training Table has achieved somewhat of a cult status, particularly in the, mormon , community and the urban hipster communities of Salt Lake City. History The
  17. Constrictor flaviventris (E. CO) **W. Yellow Bellied Racer - Caliber c., mormon , ( W. CO) **Prairie Ring neck Snake - Diadophis p. any (S. E. CO) **Regal
  18. Bronze Aussie jumper: Hotplates SSP., Chink Jumping spider: Mops us, mormon , Northern Green Jumping spider: Myrmarachne SPP., Antmimicking spider Family
  19. But to live with them. With this message in mind, Justin is sent off to be a, mormon , missionary in New York, and winds up sucking his thumb again, at the expense of
  20. Description of Sunday services from Church's visitors site (, mormon , Org) Friedrich Telemann (August 23, 1781 - January 22, 1861) was a German
  21. Not going away. In October 2001,the church officially launched a new web-site, mormon , Org, which was aimed at providing information about the church to assist in
  22. Phrurotimpus mate onus (Chamberlin & Gets,1930) — USA * Phrurotimpus, mormon , ( Chamberlin & Gets,1930) — USA ** Phrurotimpus Mormon Malthus Chamberlin
  23. 1991 — Queensland, Northern Territory Mopsus Kirsch,1878 * Mops us, mormon , Karsch,1878 — New Guinea, eastern Australia Muziris Simon,1901
  24. Priapus Dunn & Wood,1939 *western yellow-bellied racer, Coluber constrictor, mormon , ( Baird & Girard,1852) Gallery File: Caliber constrictor flaviventris.
  25. Of Narmada Piano and Piano Portraits (Excel Entertainment Group. ) Card all is a, mormon , a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and attended Salt

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