Examples of the the word, pronounce , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pronounce ), is the 5939 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is one of a set of multiple possible spoken sounds (or phones) used to, pronounce ,a single phoneme. For example, ( as in pin) and (as in spin) are allophones
  2. However, outside of prayer and scriptural contexts, traditional Jews will not, pronounce ,the name Adana, but replace it, typically with the word Hashem, which
  3. As a consonant. Victoria—Salary–celery merger In Victoria, many speakers, pronounce ,the" an" and" e" vowels in a way that is distinct from speakers in other
  4. For bishops of the Communion to" discuss matters of practical interest, and, pronounce , what we deem expedient in resolutions which may serve as safe guides to future
  5. Commentary found in the book such as the story of the Parasite who could not, pronounce ,the word" shibboleth" correctly (Judge. 16). Themes and genre The essence of
  6. Arabic and Turkish-speaking communities. For example, Eastern Armenian speakers, pronounce ,() as an aspirated" t" as in" tiger ", ( ) like the" d" in" develop "
  7. Of already-consecrated Communion where this is permitted),absolve sins or, pronounce ,a blessing in the name of the Church, ( however, these last two are sometimes
  8. Expression and resulted in his difficulty in eating or speaking (he could not, pronounce ,some consonants such as the letter 'r' ). A sword scar wound on the left side
  9. Fear" and" sheer" without any jaw movement, while the westerners would, pronounce ,them like" FIA" and" Shia ", respectively. South Australia—"L" vocalization
  10. After a dispute between the two U. S. Senators from Arkansas. One wanted to, pronounce ,the name and the other wanted. In 2007,the state legislature officially
  11. In French),and Reed was called Red, a combination of letters easier to, pronounce ,than the double E sound. When Credit published a Fantastic Four appearance they
  12. Or лютий, meaning the month of ice or hard frost. Pronunciation Many people, pronounce ,the 'Ru' of" February" you rather than too, as if it were spelled "
  13. K. Corral renames Wyatt Earp" Edward Thorpe ", as Earp's name is difficult to, pronounce ,in French. Since Wyatt Earp is not familiar to French audiences as a historical
  14. Typically realized fully. For example, those in the eastern states will tend to, pronounce ," fear" and" sheer" without any jaw movement, while the westerners would
  15. Poem in Seven Books" ( 1712),Sir Richard Blackmore observed:" We may, pronounce ,each orb sustains a race / Of living things adapted to the place ". With the
  16. Switch languages. When non-native speakers speak Hindi-Urdu, they might, pronounce ,/व/ in 'व्रत' as,i.e. as what instead of the correct rat. This results in
  17. Receiving an Alford guilty plea from a defendant, the court may immediately, pronounce ,the defendant guilty and impose sentence as if the defendant had otherwise been
  18. Provinces of the Communion, but to" discuss matters of practical interest, and, pronounce , what we deem expedient in resolutions which may serve as safe guides to future
  19. Allophones of the phoneme /व/ (or /و/) in Hindi-Urdu. Native Hindi speakers, pronounce ,/व/ as in rat ('व्रत ', fast ) but in Taiwan ('पकवान ', food dish)
  20. Tongue position of the palatal clicks. Consequently, takes 50 ms longer to, pronounce ,then, the same amount of time required to pronounce . Manners of articulation (
  21. Boa argues an alternative explanation: that the difference is not in how Inuit, pronounce ,the word, but rather in how English-speaking scholars perceive the
  22. The metropolitan or with that of two or one of the neighboring bishops, shall, pronounce , the sentence of anathema against the violator and in writing denounce him to
  23. Organic mutation of something thought of as distinct, more complex, harder to, pronounce ,or more refined into something indistinct, less complex, easier to pronounce or
  24. Are reduced to a simple glottal stop. Some Modern Aramaic dialects do not, pronounce ,h in all words (the third-person masculine pronoun 'HU' becomes 'ow' ). #
  25. Sound the same but instead both sound like" celery ". These speakers will also, pronounce ,words such as" alps" as" helps ". Eastern states—Pool, school variation The
  26. Adopted from French than from English because Persian speakers more easily, pronounce ,French words. Persian has likewise influenced the vocabularies of other
  27. Is commonly pronounce d, with and being rare variants. * Many Canadians, pronounce ,asphalt as" ashfall ". This pronunciation is also common in Australian
  28. Policies, and the last is inaccurate. Since many, if not most, English speakers, pronounce ,Taoism as, it can legitimately be listed as an alternate. Dictionaries are
  29. Sixty-two or two thousand threes. Some American schools teach students to, pronounce ,decimal written fractions (for example, .5) as though they were longhand
  30. But not in General American English or British English. * Some Canadians, pronounce ,predecessor as, and mom. Regional variation Canada has very little dialect
  31. And for the anion. Others substitute one of these with, while still others, pronounce ,both, making them homonyms. Properties Basicity Compared to amines, amides are
  32. 83 manuscripts. Chaucer's generation of English-speakers was among the last to, pronounce ,e at the end of words (so for Chaucer the word was pronounce d, not as in
  33. Takes 50 ms longer to pronounce than, the same amount of time required to, pronounce , Manners of articulation (Data is primarily from Defogged; see references at
  34. Not sound quite natural to all audiences, and because Quebec French performers, pronounce ,Anglo-Saxon names with an American accent, while French performers do not.
  35. To pronounce or more refined into something indistinct, less complex, easier to, pronounce ,or (disparagingly) less refined. Origin of term The first known occurrence of
  36. Obvious when speakers switch languages. Non-native speakers of Hindi might, pronounce ,'व' in 'व्रत' as,i.e. as what instead of the more correct rat. This
  37. Such as dysarthria or Arabia and not primarily due to aphasia. * inability to, pronounce , not due to muscle paralysis or weakness * par aphasia (substituting letters
  38. From Standard German, learned it almost like a foreign language and tried to, pronounce ,it as closely to the spelling as possible. Prescriptive pronunciation guides
  39. This merger is incomplete and does not occur after; these speakers tend to, pronounce ,writer with and rider with. This is a form of Canadian raising but, unlike more
  40. To confusion; second, the old name is overly long or very difficult to spell or, pronounce ,(especially with names of former nobility and of citizens with non-German
  41. But writes:" No uninitiated English-speaking person could guess how to, pronounce ,it, and I have even thought, in a jocularly malicious state of mind, that
  42. Founded a new company, Tramel Technology (spelled differently, so people would, pronounce ,it correctly),and hired away a number of Commodore engineers to begin work on
  43. Quam prenuptial potent," He understood Greek better than he could, pronounce ,it. " According to a fifteenth century Irish source, he also spoke Arabic. In
  44. Write the word LE fort and would rhyme it with English for French doesn't, pronounce ,the final" t ". All are standard, however. In British English \'for-"ta\ and
  45. The proper name" Hoffmann" is pronounce d long while most other Germans would, pronounce ,it shorts; the same applies to the e in the geographical name" Mecklenburg "
  46. With this, because of the various goddess-names which they found hard to, pronounce ,", and so she rewrote it as a prose version, much of which differs from her
  47. Attendance at farces and histrionic exhibitions. *Canon 18: Clerics may neither, pronounce ,nor execute a sentence of death. Nor may they act as judges in extreme criminal
  48. It has consequently been suggested that the spelling reflects an easier to, pronounce ,word with one fewer syllable, or that the spelling on the flier was a mistake.
  49. Are" both unaware of and even shocked by" the allophone variations used to, pronounce ,single phonemes. Complementary and free-variant allophones Every time a speech
  50. To help readers who are neither Arabic speakers nor linguists to intuitively, pronounce ,Arabic names and phrases. These less" scientific" tend to avoid diacritics

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