Examples of the the word, bleed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bleed ), is the 5950 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Individuals with moderate hemophilia. The most characteristic type of internal, bleed ,is a joint bleed where blood enters into the joint spaces. * Deep internal
  2. Smaller of the close confinement boxes caused his wound to reopen and begin to, bleed ,again. Indeed, John Kyriakos, a CIA officer who had seen the cables regarding
  3. And isolation methods. The use of isolating valves, also known as the block and, bleed ,manifold, is very common in isolating pumps, tanks,and control valves that may
  4. Amphetamine" by Alternative rock band Ever clear, the song" 20 Dollar nose, bleed ," by the Pop-rock band Fall Out Boy, and the song Headfirst For Halos by My
  5. Of the" danger we shall replace the French as a colonial force in the area and, bleed ,as the French did. " By 1963,there were 16,000 American military personnel in
  6. Activity. The staking of a swollen, decomposing body could cause the body to, bleed ,and force the accumulated gases to escape the body. This could produce a
  7. Fields, and as a result, the solar wind causes their atmospheres to gradually, bleed ,away into space. Coronal mass ejections and similar events blow a magnetic
  8. And it turns dark blue when exposed to the oxygen in the air, as seen when they, bleed , A healthy adult can lose almost 20 % of blood volume (1 L) before the first
  9. By week of placebo or sugar pills. A woman on the pill will have a withdrawal, bleed ,sometime during the placebo week, and is still protected from pregnancy during
  10. Despite receiving severe burns from hot air escaping from the damaged air, bleed ,duct, loadmaster Shrub extinguished a fire in the cargo compartment, and
  11. Speed at long ranges, and if the target can force the missile to turn it might, bleed ,off enough speed that it can no longer chase the target. Lower-capability
  12. Mention that they have eyes and brains like humans, and they are seen to, bleed ,when injured (although they can take a lot more damage than humans can). The
  13. For which she is famous. Charm bracelet is like a stream of watercolors that, bleed ,into a puddle of brown. " All music expressed similar sentiments and said,"
  14. The lead Estonian is hit in the face with the model jet, causing him to, bleed , * The same Estonian agent is crushed by a boulder hurled by Megaton. With
  15. In Lunar, Sierra Leone, by Mariana van Seller in 2007 discusses how girls who, bleed ,excessively are regarded as witches. Late complications may vary depending on
  16. Bearer. In some telling, wounds received by one wearing the scabbard did not, bleed ,at all. The scabbard is stolen by Morgan LE Fay and thrown into a lake, never
  17. Joints from damaging bleed s. These exercises are recommended after an internal, bleed ,occurs and on a daily basis to strengthen the muscles and joints to prevent new
  18. Which is necessary to maintain the blood clot. A hemophiliac does not, bleed ,more intensely than a person without it, but can bleed for a much longer time.
  19. Bank located in a main ballast tank. Some heavier submarines have two oxygen, bleed ,stations (forward and aft). The oxygen in the air is sometimes kept a few
  20. Degrees per day to angular momentum, so secondary systems are designed to ", bleed ,off" undesired rotational energies built up over time. Accordingly, many
  21. Further weakens the paper. Paper color or ink color may change, and ink may, bleed , Other consequences of aqueous treatment are a change of ink texture or
  22. The 'Greps ', the East Berlin border guards. The guards often let fugitives, bleed ,to death in the middle of this ground, as in the most notorious failed attempt
  23. When an engine is running versus cranking allows less time for pressure to, bleed ,past the piston rings into the crankcase. *a running engine is coating the
  24. Violence of other television series, where actors who look like human beings, bleed ,paint that looks like blood, is like comparing Monopoly with the property
  25. Such as knowing to use an adhesive bandage or applying direct pressure on a, bleed , are often acquired passively through life experiences. However, to provide
  26. Which also hits Berwick. The shrapnel tears open Leer's hip, causing him to, bleed ,to death quickly. His death causes Paul to ask himself," What use is it to him
  27. To prevent worsening of the condition, such as applying pressure to stop a, bleed ,becoming dangerous. *Promote recovery: first aid also involves trying to start
  28. To be insuperable for a succession of British commanders, allowing him to, bleed ,Allied forces from European fronts. Although he never had more than 3,000
  29. Clotting process. This means people with leukemia may easily become bruised, bleed ,excessively, or develop pinprick bleed s (petechial). White blood cells, which
  30. Her baby to play with, but when she picked one the tree started to tremble and, bleed , She tried to run away, but the blood of the tree had touched her skin and she
  31. Moderate hemophilia. The most characteristic type of internal bleed is a joint, bleed ,where blood enters into the joint spaces. * Deep internal bleed ing, e. g.
  32. Of the air intakes, including the distinctive addition of 12,500 holes to ", bleed ,off" the slow-moving boundary layer air from the surface of each intake ramp.
  33. Was important for long patrol missions. Both air intakes have movable ramps and, bleed ,doors that are operated by the air data computer to enable enough air to enter
  34. Tribute was not observed, the Taints had their hands cut off and were left to, bleed ,to death. Columbus then moved more than 100 kilometers eastwards, establishing
  35. A hemophiliac does not bleed more intensely than a person without it, but can, bleed ,for a much longer time. In severe hemophiliacs even a minor injury can result
  36. The violence presented in The A-Team is highly sanitized. People do not, bleed ,or bruise when hit (though they might develop a limp or require a sling),nor
  37. And untangle you from me: :Would it make you feel better to watch me while I, bleed ,: :All my windows still are broken, but I’m standing on feet: :You can take
  38. Erythropoietin),iron supplements, and blood transfusions. * Tendency to, bleed ,easily. Medications that kill rapidly dividing cells or blood cells are likely
  39. And Menelaus. It is told as a multiply-nested frame tale, and the narrators, bleed ,into each other as the battle undermines their identities. The alien character
  40. Spare 617 received heavy enemy ground fire that damaged two engines, ruptured a, bleed ,air duct in the cargo compartment, and set the ammunition on fire. Flight
  41. Of the Germans and that continued French commitment of troops to Verdun would ", bleed ,the French Army white" and then allow the German army to take France easily.
  42. It is used to refer to a structure or process that is hidden,e.g. an" occult, bleed ," may be one detected indirectly by the presence of otherwise unexplained
  43. The awardand returned it to Joubert after having phoned her to say," Awards, bleed ,the artist and make us compete against each other. They are the most horrible
  44. Because they naturally remove air from the lines, eliminating the need to, bleed ,the air from the lines manually. Drawbacks: Positive displacement rotary pumps
  45. Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in 1805. According to legend, he rammed his head to, bleed ,on this window, when he was startled by the noise of his soldiers ridiculing
  46. As the people involved, Agile does not solve this * Often used as a means to, bleed ,money from customers through lack of defining a deliverable * Requires meetings
  47. Frederick III died at Linz when the amputation of his left leg caused him to, bleed ,to death. His grave, built by Nicolaus Gerhard von Laden, in the Stephenson
  48. When Haney ('nose' ) and chi ('blood' ) combine to make Hawaii 'nose, bleed ,'),the sound of 血 changes from chi to I. So Hawaii is spelled はなぢ according
  49. Push' from a small rocket motor that is part of the projectile's base. *Base, bleed ,uses a small pyrotechnic charge at the base of the projectile to introduce
  50. Prevents the formation of strong connective tissue. Gums deteriorate and, bleed , with loss of teeth; skin discolors, and wounds do not heal. Prior to the

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