Examples of the the word, jar , in a Sentence Context

The word ( jar ), is the 5936 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of nested-loop code, and in parallelizing compiler techniques. A Laden, jar , or Leiden jar , is a device that" stores" static electricity between two
  2. Of James Tip tree Jr. in 1967. The name" Tip tree" came from a branded, jar ,of marmalade, and the" Jr." was her husband's idea. In an interview, she
  3. To insulated conductors of large dimensions to store a charge. The Laden, jar ,provided a much more compact alternative. Description A typical design consists
  4. The family. These babies would not be directly killed, but put in a clay pot or, jar ,and deserted outside the front door or on the roadway. In ancient Greek
  5. USA * Canopus in Argos, a series of space fiction by Doris Blessing * Canopic, jar , ancient Egyptian vessel for storing organs removed by mummification procedure
  6. PNG|A girl from the Zuni tribe of New Mexico with a painted pottery, jar , photographed in c. 1903. Image: Navajo sand painting. JPG|Edward S. Curtis
  7. His translation of Pandora by Hesiod in which he confused" pathos ", storage, jar , with" pyxes ", box. His more serious writings begin early with the
  8. In French). The base is a tall metal pot shaped rather like an oil, jar ,in which the meat and vegetables are cooked as a stew. On top of the base, a
  9. Much more compact alternative. Description A typical design consists of a glass, jar ,with conducting metal foil coating the inner and outer surfaces. The foil
  10. Brine/juice may be mixed with hot water to make a remedy for sore throats. A, jar ,of such preserved kumquats can last several years and still keep its taste. In
  11. Bones. * In the UK in 1995,Asterix coins were presented free in every Nutella, jar , * Asterix and Obelix appeared on the cover of Time Magazine for a special
  12. Etc.),sugaring (to prevent their re-growth) and sealing within an airtight, jar ,(to prevent decontamination). There are many traditional methods of
  13. In salt or sugar. A batch of the fruit is buried in dry salt inside a glass, jar , Over time, all the juice from the fruit is diffused into the salt. The fruit
  14. In the 1870s by John Lawson Johnston and sold in a distinctive, bulbous, jar , It is made in Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire,owned and distributed by
  15. The inner and outer surfaces. The foil coatings stop short of the mouth of the, jar , to prevent the charge from arcing between the foils. A rod electrode projects
  16. Glass is then called" Chopped ". Appellant is also available in a stoneware, jar ,locally known as" Member ". A group of people normally orders a" Member" (
  17. Of large programs, multiple class files may be packaged together in a., jar ,file (short for Java archive). The Java application launcher, java,offers a
  18. Cultured by soaking any decomposing vegetative matter like papaya skin into a, jar ,of aged water. The Industrial culture will be done from 2-3 days depending on
  19. Been found in modern Israel relating to King Hezekiah: *LMLK seals on storage, jar ,handles, excavated from strata formed by Sennacherib's destruction as well as
  20. Arcing between the foils. A rod electrode projects through the mouth of the, jar , electrically connected by some means (usually a chain) to the inner foil, too
  21. Of Numbers, and Epistle to the Hebrews the Ark also contained Aaron's rod,a, jar ,of manna and the first Torah scroll as written by Moses. However, Books of
  22. Means (usually a chain) to the inner foil, to allow it to be charged. The, jar ,is charged by an electrostatic generator, or other source of electric charge
  23. Time, all the juice from the fruit is diffused into the salt. The fruit in the, jar ,becomes shrunken, wrinkled,and dark brown, and the salt combines
  24. Pioneered by Volta, was the remotely operated pistol. He made use of a Laden, jar ,to send an electric current from Como to Milan (~50 km or ~30 miles),which
  25. Don't be afraid. This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: 'The, jar ,of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day
  26. Of the city. " Dipped" is a regional Hessian dialect word meaning" pot" or ", jar ," which would not be understood in most other German regions. Mentioned for the
  27. Touches him and tells him to wake and eat. When he wakes he finds bread and a, jar ,of water. He eats, drinks,and goes back to sleep. The angel comes a second
  28. Sample solution onto a strip of chromatography paper. The paper is placed in a, jar ,containing a shallow layer of solvent and sealed. As the solvent rises through
  29. 1.31.4,also appears inscribed on an Attic ceramic a name for Pandora on her, jar , *Europa (" broad face or eyes" ) at Leader of Boeotia. She was the nurse
  30. Was named for this city. It was the original form of the capacitor. The Laden, jar ,was used to conduct many early experiments in electricity, and its discovery
  31. And is about six inches (150 mm) tall and may originally have been a perfume, jar , A label containing a six line verse is pasted on the urn. This is the fourth
  32. Image: Ceramic Hopi jar - by-Nampeyo - date-ca. 1880 - from-DC1. JPG|A Hopi, jar ,by Nampa (c.1860-1942),made in Arizona,1880. Image: Zuni-girl-with- jar 2.
  33. With the Erymanthian Boar, Eurystheus was frightened and hid again in his, jar ,and begged Heracles to get rid of the beast; Heracles obliged. The fifth labor
  34. Jackson, Mississippi ", in 2003. The Rolling Stones sat" in a bar tippling a, jar ,in Jackson" in their song 'Country Honk' on the 1969 album 'Let It Bleed '. "
  35. Of a tomb, has been ascribed to his comptroller Sheba. LMLK seals on storage, jar ,handles, excavated from strata formed by Sennacherib's destruction as well as
  36. Way of executing Java code. Compare Java. The JVM runtime executes. Class or., jar ,files, emulating the JVM instruction set by interpreting it, or using a
  37. Of wood and stone. The marinara is a striking post. The Nigeria game is a large, jar ,used for developing grip strength. These supplementary exercises are designed
  38. Classes (only one in our case) are placed in compressed archive example., jar , the embedding code would look different: Here it
  39. Applets are usually delivered in a form of compressed zip archive (having, jar ,extension). If all needed classes (only one in our case) are placed in
  40. Static electricity between two electrodes on the inside and outside a, jar , It was invented independently by German cleric Wald Georg von Blast on 11
  41. Code, and in parallelizing compiler techniques. A Laden jar , or Leiden, jar , is a device that" stores" static electricity between two electrodes on the
  42. Dale Wolfsmaske Haida. JPG|A Haida wolf mask,1880. Image: Ceramic Hopi, jar ,- by-Nampeyo - date-ca. 1880 - from-DC1. JPG|A Hopi jar by Nampa (
  43. Voice ", without elaborating on the term. Alleged relics disproven In 1867,a, jar ,was found in a Paris pharmacy with the inscription" Remains found under the
  44. Amber, arsenal,assassin, banana,candy, carat,cipher, coffee,cotton, hazard, jar , jasmine, lemon,loofah, magazine,mattress, sherbet,sofa, sugar,sumac
  45. The most traditional ceramic in Amatenango and Aguacatenango is a type of large, jar ,called a can taro used to transport water and other liquids. In addition to the
  46. On wooden sticks. Name "/NP"> Benin"/> Palm roots are sometimes soaked in a, jar ,with saltwater and sliced garlic to tenderize it, which is then used in various
  47. No. At the end of the session, each voter tossed one of these into a large clay, jar ,which was afterwards cracked open for the counting of the ballots. Ostracism
  48. He used a high voltage induction coil, a condenser (capacitor, Leyden, jar ,) and a spark gap - whose poles on either side are formed by spheres of 2 cm
  49. In all matter; for example, he believed that it was the glass in a Laden, jar ,that held the accumulated charge. He posited that rubbing insulating surfaces
  50. In the art world in general. Icons are often illuminated with a candle or, jar ,of oil with a wick. (Beeswax for candles and olive oil for oil lamps are

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